One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It’s the biggest coverup in human history. Mass homicide (murder?) on a scale never seen before. Normal people want to know the truth, the swamp wants it buried deep. But our betters immediately censor even the idea that the virus is manmade. Even the USMB moderators were initially doing it the swamp has trained people so well.

April 2020 Phillip Russell, former president of American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene told James Le Duc, former director of Galveston National Laboratory that signs “point to the lab as the source of the outbreak.” […]
It’s unfortunate but I think we will only see the true thoughts of many virologists and experts on the #OriginOfCovid in FOIA’ed emails. Many have probably moved to secure channels now.

More here:
"April 2020 Phillip Russell, former president of American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene told James Le Duc"

Ah yes, one man's opinion.
China is damn lucky that I'm not the POTUS...They would be roasting at about 12,000 degrees today....China has killed more Americans than all of the wars we have engaged in....
"April 2020 Phillip Russell, former president of American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene told James Le Duc"

Ah yes, one man's opinion.
And in the ghettos...phukin going on decade after decade...Teenagers having children with no dad. That is fact.
ironic thread title.

But I don't necessarily reject the possibility that the virus was accidentally released from, or even created in, the lab.
Why risk that the sequences will show deliberate human manipulation? It makes much more sense to design a perfect crime by keeping the natural reservoir in nature, esoteric knowledge and disseminating the natural virus, already a bad commie virus right out of the reservoir’s rump. That way, what’s known about that can be used in developing ways to disseminate it, seeding it anywhere they wish? Denmark, South Africa, Elephant Breath, Wyoming.

’Virtually all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA’s notorious psychological warfare manuals for shattering indigenous societies, obliterating traditional economics and social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and fear, and for imposing centralized autocratic governance.’
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci p. 405 How War Games Became Instruments for Imposing Obedience)
Telling the Tongguan miners to clean out the guano from the mine would already be a death sentence for them in 2012. So the reader of anything Zheng-li Shi does is compromised because they do not know if samples were taken before the miners went in. This is the place that produced SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, and it was also the day Fau Chi’s lips moved before the U.S. Senate.

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