Dismal Biden November Jobs Report less than half what was predicted.

Because Trump recommended the country shut down. He was [unfortunately] the president. He gets the blame.
Link to Trump recommending the country shut down.

Watch the lying sack tap dance..........
The country was shut down, Dumbass.

Veggie Joe is constantly missing the jobs numbers, Bigly.

My counter argument is the economy sucks and its not going to get better until Biden is gone....so no whitewashing by you fools on the left will change that fact....energy costs and government hand outs are my evidence...
Wow, am I good or what? Your argument is that it "sucks?" :auiqs.jpg: Like I said, your argument doesn't exist. A more worthless answer you won't find folks.
Because Trump recommended the country shut down. He was [unfortunately] the president. He gets the blame.
Trump said two weeks to slow the spread than the blue states ran with it...and the media hyped it...and it did no good at all...we still watched China kill 700,000 Americans....

You can't erase recent history Ms Faun....
Yeah, some bad news and some good news. We missed the number of jobs expected. We exceeded the expected drop in unemployment.
They don't get that. They are too sour, bitter, weak, and full of hatred to understand that. They don't deal with the truth well.
Link to Trump recommending the country shut down.

Watch the lying sack tap dance..........

Yeah, watch me dance on your intellectual grave...

"My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

Once again, your ability to lock horns with the argument presented to you does not exist. You are weak, a failure, and a loser. You have nothing to offer us.
Comedy gold tard...you and your excuses for Biden is a crack up....no argument needed....argue with a fool and onlookers won't be able to tell the difference....

Yeah, watch me dance on your intellectual grave...

"My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020


Now show us where he said he wanted to shut down the country, liar.
Meh, all these "reports" do is fuel the narrative for one "side" or the other on any given week. It's really tiresome when you know the Uniparty always works at cross proposes against you.
Trump said two weeks to slow the spread than the blue states ran with it...and the media hyped it...and it did no good at all...we still watched China kill 700,000 Americans....

You can't erase recent history Ms Faun....
Then two weeks later he recommended the country remain locked down.
So you are calling Faun a liar too.
I don't see anywhere where Faun said Trump cared about covid. If Trump shut the government down or didn't, he never gave a shit about that either. You folks really don't get it do you? Trump is all about himself, and whatever policy he chose, he'd paint it as rosy. No matter what the results were. And you clowns can't see past your noses, what he was doing.

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