Did Senator Tuberville Betray White Nationalists & America??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Senator Tommy Tuberville has unexpectedly backtracked on his defense of white nationalists after claiming that not all Americans who identify that way are racist. The sudden about-face came after a Monday interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, when he suggested that white nationalists should simply be regarded as “Americans.” He also refused to back down from his past stance that white nationalists should be allowed to serve in the US military.

On Tuesday, however, Tuberville suddenly changed his tune after some of his Republican colleagues—including Alabama senator Katie Britt and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell—rebuffed his remarks. “White nationalists are racists,” - But Tuberville wasn’t entirely repentant, insisting that Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer should apologize for calling Tuberville’s support of white nationalists “very dangerous.”

As for his support of white nationalist service members—Tuberville remained adamant Monday while speaking to CNN. “Well, that’s just a name that has been given [to them],” Tuberville said, conflating white nationalists with all white soldiers. When Collins rejected that premise—“It’s not people who are white. It’s white nationalists,” she said—

he said. “Now, if racism is one of those beliefs, I’m totally against it. I’m totally against racism.” Of course, white nationalists—or those who support the creation of a white ethnostate—are by definition racist, which makes Tuberville’s condemnation of “racist” white nationalists nonsensical."

Did Senator Tuberville betray white nationalists and the cause for white nationalism by bowing down to the liberal media and not strongly standing up for his fellow white nationalist patriots? You can't fight against the anti-white liberal elites with weakness, you must be strong in your defense of Neo-Confederate pride and white nationalist support. He instead caved into the narrative and allowed the libtards to get him to say that being a racist white nationalist is somehow a bad thing...how is that the case? This country was established on those same nationalist principles and as I remember it; the country was a lot better off back then...so why should we be ashamed to want to return our country back to that time??

Conservatives need to stop being afraid and stand up for the principles enshrined in the Constitution as it was originally founded. White nationalists wrote that Constitution, not darkies, not women, not fags, so why should we today pretend that the opinions of darkies and fags matter more than white nationalism?? This is how we ended up where we are now, by showing weakness to America's true enemies...liberals, Jews and fags....For example, the fact we didn't push back harder against fags instead of allowing their lifestyle to be legalized; is why our children are being attacked by trannies today....so why not push back against this demonization of white nationalists? If a Conservative doesn't stand up proudly for white nationalism, he or she is either a traitor; or is too afraid of the left to publicly stand up for it.
He's a football coach. Ever seen an articulate football coach?
For a football coach, he sure seems to be smacking the Pentagon around. He's one of my senators and I approve wholeheartedly of his stance.
There aren’t any “white nationalists”. That’s the whole point. The MSM just like to call regular Americans who aren’t into their Satanic ideology “white nationalists”.

WTF is a white Nationalist?

Sound made up like Alt Right or wearing a dress make you a female

"Senator Tommy Tuberville has unexpectedly backtracked on his defense of white nationalists after claiming that not all Americans who identify that way are racist. The sudden about-face came after a Monday interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, when he suggested that white nationalists should simply be regarded as “Americans.” He also refused to back down from his past stance that white nationalists should be allowed to serve in the US military.

On Tuesday, however, Tuberville suddenly changed his tune after some of his Republican colleagues—including Alabama senator Katie Britt and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell—rebuffed his remarks. “White nationalists are racists,” - But Tuberville wasn’t entirely repentant, insisting that Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer should apologize for calling Tuberville’s support of white nationalists “very dangerous.”

As for his support of white nationalist service members—Tuberville remained adamant Monday while speaking to CNN. “Well, that’s just a name that has been given [to them],” Tuberville said, conflating white nationalists with all white soldiers. When Collins rejected that premise—“It’s not people who are white. It’s white nationalists,” she said—

he said. “Now, if racism is one of those beliefs, I’m totally against it. I’m totally against racism.” Of course, white nationalists—or those who support the creation of a white ethnostate—are by definition racist, which makes Tuberville’s condemnation of “racist” white nationalists nonsensical."

Did Senator Tuberville betray white nationalists and the cause for white nationalism by bowing down to the liberal media and not strongly standing up for his fellow white nationalist patriots? You can't fight against the anti-white liberal elites with weakness, you must be strong in your defense of Neo-Confederate pride and white nationalist support. He instead caved into the narrative and allowed the libtards to get him to say that being a racist white nationalist is somehow a bad thing...how is that the case? This country was established on those same nationalist principles and as I remember it; the country was a lot better off back then...so why should we be ashamed to want to return our country back to that time??

Conservatives need to stop being afraid and stand up for the principles enshrined in the Constitution as it was originally founded. White nationalists wrote that Constitution, not darkies, not women, not fags, so why should we today pretend that the opinions of darkies and fags matter more than white nationalism?? This is how we ended up where we are now, by showing weakness to America's true enemies...liberals, Jews and fags....For example, the fact we didn't push back harder against fags instead of allowing their lifestyle to be legalized; is why our children are being attacked by trannies today....so why not push back against this demonization of white nationalists? If a Conservative doesn't stand up proudly for white nationalism, he or she is either a traitor; or is too afraid of the left to publicly stand up for it.
Coach Tuberville should really be kept away from the cameras.
You are welcome.

Right-wingers are so ashamed of their own ideology when it gets called out -- that they have to gaslight and pretend to have never heard of the term "white nationalist" -- when they call themselves that -- and right-wingers parrot the same rhetoric white nationalists parrot...

Both of them claim they are being replaced by Jewish globalists....both of them praise Eastern European fascist-styled dictators like Orban and Putin...because of their dreams of having their own white ethno-state.......that is straight out of white nationalist paranoia and fearmongering playbook....
The Pittsburgh MAGA mass murderer murdered Jews because there is a Jewish organization that helps to settle immigrants who the mass murderer called "invaders". I wonder where he heard that kind of talk?

"Senator Tommy Tuberville has unexpectedly backtracked on his defense of white nationalists after claiming that not all Americans who identify that way are racist. The sudden about-face came after a Monday interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, when he suggested that white nationalists should simply be regarded as “Americans.” He also refused to back down from his past stance that white nationalists should be allowed to serve in the US military.

On Tuesday, however, Tuberville suddenly changed his tune after some of his Republican colleagues—including Alabama senator Katie Britt and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell—rebuffed his remarks. “White nationalists are racists,” - But Tuberville wasn’t entirely repentant, insisting that Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer should apologize for calling Tuberville’s support of white nationalists “very dangerous.”

As for his support of white nationalist service members—Tuberville remained adamant Monday while speaking to CNN. “Well, that’s just a name that has been given [to them],” Tuberville said, conflating white nationalists with all white soldiers. When Collins rejected that premise—“It’s not people who are white. It’s white nationalists,” she said—

he said. “Now, if racism is one of those beliefs, I’m totally against it. I’m totally against racism.” Of course, white nationalists—or those who support the creation of a white ethnostate—are by definition racist, which makes Tuberville’s condemnation of “racist” white nationalists nonsensical."

Did Senator Tuberville betray white nationalists and the cause for white nationalism by bowing down to the liberal media and not strongly standing up for his fellow white nationalist patriots? You can't fight against the anti-white liberal elites with weakness, you must be strong in your defense of Neo-Confederate pride and white nationalist support. He instead caved into the narrative and allowed the libtards to get him to say that being a racist white nationalist is somehow a bad thing...how is that the case? This country was established on those same nationalist principles and as I remember it; the country was a lot better off back then...so why should we be ashamed to want to return our country back to that time??

Conservatives need to stop being afraid and stand up for the principles enshrined in the Constitution as it was originally founded. White nationalists wrote that Constitution, not darkies, not women, not fags, so why should we today pretend that the opinions of darkies and fags matter more than white nationalism?? This is how we ended up where we are now, by showing weakness to America's true enemies...liberals, Jews and fags....For example, the fact we didn't push back harder against fags instead of allowing their lifestyle to be legalized; is why our children are being attacked by trannies today....so why not push back against this demonization of white nationalists? If a Conservative doesn't stand up proudly for white nationalism, he or she is either a traitor; or is too afraid of the left to publicly stand up for it.
The whole schtick of CRT, and why we oppose it, is that those who are born white are innately or inherently racist. They aren't. Those pushing it are racist.

This country was created by nationalists yes, and those nationalists were of European descent and therefore were white. Yes slavery was brought to America by people of European descent during a time in which slavery was common pretty much everywhere and it was an evil thing. But it was also mostly people of European descent who would end slavery and finally segregation so that black people would have all the blessings of liberty. No black people in this country have ever been slaves and the vast majority never knew or have not been adversely affected by segregation.

All Patriots are nationalists because they share a common vision of a strong, free, prosperous, secure America for all. And they know a strong, free, prosperous, secure America for all is the best thing for America and all the people of the world. Patriots come in all colors: black, brown, Asian, Native American, white and various shades of all. Being a Patriot nationalist in America does not equate with racism no matter what color a person is. The few fringe groups on the right who use violence and civil unrest to get their way may call themselves nationalists but they are not Patriots and all Patriots pretty much reject most of their mentality and methods.

An American nationalist does believe America is the greatest country that has ever existed, was founded on a unique in the world concept of the government serving the people instead of ruling of them, a unique in the world concept of a people with unalienable rights and the liberty to govern themselves.

The only major group consistently promoting racism in this country now is the Democrat Party who share little of the Patriot vision and many or most of whom are not at all nationalist to the severe detriment of America.
Both of them claim they are being replaced by Jewish globalists....both of them praise Eastern European fascist-styled dictators like Orban and Putin...because of their dreams of having their own white ethno-state.......that is straight out of white nationalist paranoia and fearmongering playbook....
The Repubs even took their annual convention to Hungary, which is run by the white nationalist, and conservative hero, Viktor Orbán.
All the sports leagues have derivative names from NATIONALIST. They need to change their names. National is not a good name in a league logo.

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