Did Hunter Biden Get Off Easily?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
As everyone inside the RW media echo chamber doom loop knows, Hunter Biden and "The Biden Crime Syndicate" is "The Greatest Most Corrupt Threat to America Since America!" Thus, because the RW media echo chamber doom loop needs constant enemies to tell its viewers that America Is Under Constant Attack by Democrats, this narrative is on RW media all the time.

Hunter Hunter Hunter.jpg

Of course, the RW media echo chamber doom loop never seems to mention the billions of dollars Jared Kushner took from the Saudis. This doesn't bother MAGA because cult. Even though MAGA is a giant grift machine, only Democrats are corrupt!

$2 million to Hunter Biden.JPG

Lately, MAGA has been whining that Hunter received a "sweetheart deal" even though the prosecutor was a Trump appointee whom Trump lavished praise upon when he was appointed. But hey, victimhood grievance is big in MAGA media because ka-ching!

So did he receive a sweetheart deal? Let's ask other prosecutors.

The Wall Street Journal reviewed more than a hundred federal court dockets and interviewed almost a dozen former federal prosecutors to see whether the deal struck with Hunter Biden was different than it would have been for anyone else.​

First, on the gun charges

In looking at a sample of more than 100 federal cases involving the same charge, few had facts directly analogous to Hunter Biden’s case.​
“When people are prosecuted for possessing a gun while using drugs it is usually because authorities believed they posed a danger,” said Rod Rosenstein, former deputy attorney general under Trump who also focused on violent crime cases when he was U.S. attorney in Maryland. ...​
Occasionally, the charge is made on its own, as it was in the Biden case, and some lengthy prison sentences have been handed down. But typically other factors were involved in either the investigation or the arrest, including concerns by law enforcement about threats of violence or previous criminal history. ...​
Though Hunter Biden hasn’t been described as a threat to others nor did he have any prior criminal history, prosecutors have a significant amount of discretion to pursue charges as they see fit.​


Some former prosecutors said the high-profile nature of the Biden case combined with his well-documented crack addiction, which he chronicled in detail in his memoir “Beautiful Things” necessitated pursuing a case against him. Others said the remedy—the ability to avoid prosecution for compliant behavior—sends the wrong message as the Justice Department is seeking to combat gun crime which typically rises in the summer months.​

So maybe. But it's debatable.

What about on tax charges?

Former tax prosecutors said the Hunter Biden case likely presented the Justice Department with several challenges that cut in favor of negotiating a plea deal rather than taking the case to trial.​
Most tax cases involve felony charges, such as tax evasion or fraud. Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty to misdemeanor offenses. But it is not unusual for the Justice Department to pursue misdemeanor charges in cases where the defendant has just failed to file or pay taxes over multiple years and owed significant sums.​
To bring more serious felony charges against Hunter Biden, as some critics say the Justice Department should have considered, federal prosecutors would have required compelling evidence that showed the younger Biden took deliberate steps to evade taxes or fraudulently lower his tax bill beyond failing to pay. His defense lawyers also could have pointed to his well-documented addiction to argue that a drug-induced fog kept him from paying his taxes, complicating the department’s ability to prove that he acted with intent to violate the law. And some suggested that even a misdemeanor was serious—for Hunter Biden or anyone else.​
“Any suggestion that a conviction for federal tax crimes is a slap on the wrist demonstrates an uninformed view of our federal criminal justice system, the U.S. sentencing guidelines, and the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction,” including reputational and professional damages, said Caroline Ciraolo, a former acting head of the Justice Department’s tax division.​

So it appears that Hunter got a fair deal on tax evasion but there's an open question on gun charges in today's increase in gun violence.

But MAGA won't hear that because it's too profitable for their media bubble echo chamber that Da Derp State got away with it again. Because that's not what drives clicks and viewership! Outrage, hatred and grievance is what makes bank!
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How the HECK is evading his taxes for all the $$$$$$$$$$$ he made considered a misdemeanor? They need to change the laws. But too late, he got away with it thanks to Daddy and the DOJ....
How the HECK is evading his taxes for all the $$$$$$$$$$$ he made considered a misdemeanor? They need to change the laws. But too late, he got away with it thanks to Daddy and the DOJ....
Trump's butt buddy Roger Stone evaded taxes, too. He owed $2 million to the IRS.

Guess what happened to him. Go ahead, guess.

He was not charged with any crimes and just had to pay the money he owed.

You were okay with that, so why are you whining about Hunter being charged with a misdemeanor?

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
How the HECK is evading his taxes for all the $$$$$$$$$$$ he made considered a misdemeanor? They need to change the laws. But too late, he got away with it thanks to Daddy and the DOJ....
He didn’t get away with anything. They went by the book, as far as the sentencing guidelines go. This is just an effort to stoke the outrage machine in anticipation of whatever sentence Trump gets.
Trump's butt buddy Roger Stone evaded taxes, too. He owed $2 million to the IRS.

Guess what happened to him. Go ahead, guess.

He was not charged with any crimes and just had to pay the money he owed.

You were okay with that, so why are you whining about Hunter being charged with a misdemeanor?

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Of course not.

Because law & order only matters to anyone outside The Orange Cult!
As everyone inside the RW media echo chamber doom loop knows, Hunter Biden and "The Biden Crime Syndicate" is "The Greatest Most Corrupt Threat to America Since America!" Thus, because the RW media echo chamber doom loop needs constant enemies to tell its viewers that America Is Under Constant Attack by Democrats, this narrative is on RW media all the time.

View attachment 798638

Of course, the RW media echo chamber doom loop never seems to mention the billions of dollars Jared Kushner took from the Saudis. This doesn't bother MAGA because cult. Even though MAGA is a giant grift machine, only Democrats are corrupt!

View attachment 798639

Lately, MAGA has been whining that Hunter received a "sweetheart deal" even though the prosecutor was a Trump appointee whom Trump lavished praise upon when he was appointed. But hey, victimhood grievance is big in MAGA media because ka-ching!

So did he receive a sweetheart deal? Let's ask other prosecutors.

The Wall Street Journal reviewed more than a hundred federal court dockets and interviewed almost a dozen former federal prosecutors to see whether the deal struck with Hunter Biden was different than it would have been for anyone else.​

First, on the gun charges

In looking at a sample of more than 100 federal cases involving the same charge, few had facts directly analogous to Hunter Biden’s case.​
“When people are prosecuted for possessing a gun while using drugs it is usually because authorities believed they posed a danger,” said Rod Rosenstein, former deputy attorney general under Trump who also focused on violent crime cases when he was U.S. attorney in Maryland. ...​
Occasionally, the charge is made on its own, as it was in the Biden case, and some lengthy prison sentences have been handed down. But typically other factors were involved in either the investigation or the arrest, including concerns by law enforcement about threats of violence or previous criminal history. ...​
Though Hunter Biden hasn’t been described as a threat to others nor did he have any prior criminal history, prosecutors have a significant amount of discretion to pursue charges as they see fit.​


Some former prosecutors said the high-profile nature of the Biden case combined with his well-documented crack addiction, which he chronicled in detail in his memoir “Beautiful Things” necessitated pursuing a case against him. Others said the remedy—the ability to avoid prosecution for compliant behavior—sends the wrong message as the Justice Department is seeking to combat gun crime which typically rises in the summer months.​

So maybe. But it's debatable.

What about on tax charges?

Former tax prosecutors said the Hunter Biden case likely presented the Justice Department with several challenges that cut in favor of negotiating a plea deal rather than taking the case to trial.​
Most tax cases involve felony charges, such as tax evasion or fraud. Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty to misdemeanor offenses. But it is not unusual for the Justice Department to pursue misdemeanor charges in cases where the defendant has just failed to file or pay taxes over multiple years and owed significant sums.​
To bring more serious felony charges against Hunter Biden, as some critics say the Justice Department should have considered, federal prosecutors would have required compelling evidence that showed the younger Biden took deliberate steps to evade taxes or fraudulently lower his tax bill beyond failing to pay. His defense lawyers also could have pointed to his well-documented addiction to argue that a drug-induced fog kept him from paying his taxes, complicating the department’s ability to prove that he acted with intent to violate the law. And some suggested that even a misdemeanor was serious—for Hunter Biden or anyone else.​
“Any suggestion that a conviction for federal tax crimes is a slap on the wrist demonstrates an uninformed view of our federal criminal justice system, the U.S. sentencing guidelines, and the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction,” including reputational and professional damages, said Caroline Ciraolo, a former acting head of the Justice Department’s tax division.​

So it appears that Hunter got a fair deal on tax evasion but there's an open question on gun charges in today's increase in gun violence.

But MAGA won't hear that because it's too profitable for their media bubble echo chamber that Da Derp State got away with it again. Because that's not what drives clicks and viewership! Outrage, hatred and grievance is what makes bank!
“$2 billion” never went into Jared’s personal bank account. It’s an investment firm he is a part of. The Saudis invested in the firm. What are you implying Jared can give them? Trump wasn’t in office. So explain how Trump is going to give them some kind of favorability in policy?

Hunter is a crack smoking lunatic who spends all his time with underaged children and prostitutes. His only “business” is collecting money for foreigners for doing nothing, all to launder it to “Pedo Pete”.
“$2 billion” never went into Jared’s personal bank account. It’s an investment firm he is a part of. The Saudis invested in the firm. What are you implying Jared can give them? Trump wasn’t in office. So explain how Trump is going to give them some kind of favorability in policy?

Hunter is a crack smoking lunatic who spends all his time with underaged children and prostitutes. His only “business” is collecting money for foreigners for doing nothing, all to launder it to “Pedo Pete”.

They were reportedly worried about Kushner's inexperience in fund management, "unsatisfactory" operations and "public relations risks," among other concerns, but the crown prince made the deal with Kushner's firm anyway.

They were reportedly worried about Kushner's inexperience in fund management, "unsatisfactory" operations and "public relations risks," among other concerns, but the crown prince made the deal with Kushner's firm anyway.
Then they’ll lose money if he doesn’t invest well.

Sounds like they are expecting their investments to have returns. Which directly disproves your notion that this is some kind of bribe payment to Trump, like the Biden deal.
Then they’ll lose money if he doesn’t invest well.

Sounds like they are expecting their investments to have returns. Which directly disproves your notion that this is some kind of bribe payment to Trump, like the Biden deal.
The payment to Hunter was for his business dealings, dipshit.

That's the thing about you tards.

The longer a hoax is dragged out, the truer it becomes in the minds of you special retards.

Eventually, the lack of any proof whatsoever becomes immaterial.

Through the miracle of magical thinking, it becomes a fact!
“$2 billion” never went into Jared’s personal bank account. It’s an investment firm he is a part of. The Saudis invested in the firm. What are you implying Jared can give them? Trump wasn’t in office. So explain how Trump is going to give them some kind of favorability in policy?

Hunter is a crack smoking lunatic who spends all his time with underaged children and prostitutes. His only “business” is collecting money for foreigners for doing nothing, all to launder it to “Pedo Pete”.
You think he didn’t get a cut? 10% would be a mere $200M. Poor Jared!
Tell you what someone here run up a $200,000 back taxes tab to the IRS and let us know if you get the same deal Hunter did. Yes I know there are rich powerful well connected people who's politics lean right that get sweetheart deals as well which just highlights the two tier justice system we have that Hunter in this instance benefited from.
The payment to Hunter was for his business dealings, dipshit.

That's the thing about you tards.

The longer a hoax is dragged out, the truer it becomes in the minds of you special retards.

Eventually, the lack of any proof whatsoever becomes immaterial.

Through the miracle of magical thinking, it becomes a fact!
So what does his “business dealings” have to do with Pedo Pete sitting next to him?

So what does his “business dealings” have to do with Pedo Pete sitting next to him?

Hunter CLAIMED his dad was sitting next to him. He was at his lowest point in his crack use.

In actuality, Joe Biden was at his new summer home in Rehoboth Beach.

Hey, Joe Biden is sitting next to me right now and he says you are a retard.
As everyone inside the RW media echo chamber doom loop knows, Hunter Biden and "The Biden Crime Syndicate" is "The Greatest Most Corrupt Threat to America Since America!" Thus, because the RW media echo chamber doom loop needs constant enemies to tell its viewers that America Is Under Constant Attack by Democrats, this narrative is on RW media all the time.

View attachment 798638

Of course, the RW media echo chamber doom loop never seems to mention the billions of dollars Jared Kushner took from the Saudis. This doesn't bother MAGA because cult. Even though MAGA is a giant grift machine, only Democrats are corrupt!

View attachment 798639

Lately, MAGA has been whining that Hunter received a "sweetheart deal" even though the prosecutor was a Trump appointee whom Trump lavished praise upon when he was appointed. But hey, victimhood grievance is big in MAGA media because ka-ching!

So did he receive a sweetheart deal? Let's ask other prosecutors.

The Wall Street Journal reviewed more than a hundred federal court dockets and interviewed almost a dozen former federal prosecutors to see whether the deal struck with Hunter Biden was different than it would have been for anyone else.​

First, on the gun charges

In looking at a sample of more than 100 federal cases involving the same charge, few had facts directly analogous to Hunter Biden’s case.​
“When people are prosecuted for possessing a gun while using drugs it is usually because authorities believed they posed a danger,” said Rod Rosenstein, former deputy attorney general under Trump who also focused on violent crime cases when he was U.S. attorney in Maryland. ...​
Occasionally, the charge is made on its own, as it was in the Biden case, and some lengthy prison sentences have been handed down. But typically other factors were involved in either the investigation or the arrest, including concerns by law enforcement about threats of violence or previous criminal history. ...​
Though Hunter Biden hasn’t been described as a threat to others nor did he have any prior criminal history, prosecutors have a significant amount of discretion to pursue charges as they see fit.​


Some former prosecutors said the high-profile nature of the Biden case combined with his well-documented crack addiction, which he chronicled in detail in his memoir “Beautiful Things” necessitated pursuing a case against him. Others said the remedy—the ability to avoid prosecution for compliant behavior—sends the wrong message as the Justice Department is seeking to combat gun crime which typically rises in the summer months.​

So maybe. But it's debatable.

What about on tax charges?

Former tax prosecutors said the Hunter Biden case likely presented the Justice Department with several challenges that cut in favor of negotiating a plea deal rather than taking the case to trial.​
Most tax cases involve felony charges, such as tax evasion or fraud. Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty to misdemeanor offenses. But it is not unusual for the Justice Department to pursue misdemeanor charges in cases where the defendant has just failed to file or pay taxes over multiple years and owed significant sums.​
To bring more serious felony charges against Hunter Biden, as some critics say the Justice Department should have considered, federal prosecutors would have required compelling evidence that showed the younger Biden took deliberate steps to evade taxes or fraudulently lower his tax bill beyond failing to pay. His defense lawyers also could have pointed to his well-documented addiction to argue that a drug-induced fog kept him from paying his taxes, complicating the department’s ability to prove that he acted with intent to violate the law. And some suggested that even a misdemeanor was serious—for Hunter Biden or anyone else.​
“Any suggestion that a conviction for federal tax crimes is a slap on the wrist demonstrates an uninformed view of our federal criminal justice system, the U.S. sentencing guidelines, and the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction,” including reputational and professional damages, said Caroline Ciraolo, a former acting head of the Justice Department’s tax division.​

So it appears that Hunter got a fair deal on tax evasion but there's an open question on gun charges in today's increase in gun violence.

But MAGA won't hear that because it's too profitable for their media bubble echo chamber that Da Derp State got away with it again. Because that's not what drives clicks and viewership! Outrage, hatred and grievance is what makes bank!
Here’s where there’s a massive hole in the anti trump argument. The gas prices, the price of homes, The price of a home loan is astronomically higher now compared to Donald Trump. Regardless of what we think about Biden or Trump those are the brutal details.

You can say “it is the global economy “we can say whatever we want those are the facts. It takes leader ship to get us out of this crisis. The current leader ship has failed so far at that. Year after year of nothing the only question is will we continue on this path for more years for more decades or will it be reversed. That’s the only question man will this current trend economically be reversed within say 20 years?

Freedom of speech has advanced, but the economy is still bad

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