Desperately seeking a crime.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I stumbled across this news story as I ran through Twitter this morning. I read it. And the focus of the story was how women officers had been exploited by superiors.

Now. I am not pleased with that aspect of the story. But. I am more interested in the efforts the Sheriffs Department went through to bust a few Hookers and John’s.

The Sheriffs Department would set up Stings. They would rent a Hotel Room with cops posing as hookers for the John’s, and Cops posing as John’s for the hookers. They paid for booze and all the food.

They also paid for hooker clothing for the female deputies and sex toys.

All of this to find a few hookers and John’s. Seriously?

Thousands of man hours. God alone knows how much money. All so they can get a few misdemeanor busts? Really?

We aren’t going to focus on Murder and Mayhem. Rape and Robbery. Drug Cartels and any of the other doom and gloom scenarios we are told are certain to come about if we don’t support cops. Nope. We are going to focus on Hookers and guys buying a romp.

Next up we will have a Jaywalking Taskforce.
I stumbled across this news story as I ran through Twitter this morning. I read it. And the focus of the story was how women officers had been exploited by superiors.

Now. I am not pleased with that aspect of the story. But. I am more interested in the efforts the Sheriffs Department went through to bust a few Hookers and John’s.

The Sheriffs Department would set up Stings. They would rent a Hotel Room with cops posing as hookers for the John’s, and Cops posing as John’s for the hookers. They paid for booze and all the food.

They also paid for hooker clothing for the female deputies and sex toys.

All of this to find a few hookers and John’s. Seriously?

Thousands of man hours. God alone knows how much money. All so they can get a few misdemeanor busts? Really?

We aren’t going to focus on Murder and Mayhem. Rape and Robbery. Drug Cartels and any of the other doom and gloom scenarios we are told are certain to come about if we don’t support cops. Nope. We are going to focus on Hookers and guys buying a romp.

Next up we will have a Jaywalking Taskforce.
They got nothing better to do in Michigan and California now that pot is legal.

Like pot they need to make this legal. At least allow massage parlors to give hand jobs. And I'm not kidding.
I stumbled across this news story as I ran through Twitter this morning. I read it. And the focus of the story was how women officers had been exploited by superiors.

Now. I am not pleased with that aspect of the story. But. I am more interested in the efforts the Sheriffs Department went through to bust a few Hookers and John’s.

The Sheriffs Department would set up Stings. They would rent a Hotel Room with cops posing as hookers for the John’s, and Cops posing as John’s for the hookers. They paid for booze and all the food.

They also paid for hooker clothing for the female deputies and sex toys.

All of this to find a few hookers and John’s. Seriously?

Thousands of man hours. God alone knows how much money. All so they can get a few misdemeanor busts? Really?

We aren’t going to focus on Murder and Mayhem. Rape and Robbery. Drug Cartels and any of the other doom and gloom scenarios we are told are certain to come about if we don’t support cops. Nope. We are going to focus on Hookers and guys buying a romp.

Next up we will have a Jaywalking Taskforce.

You have nothing on Canada.

Canadian police have undercovers who befriend youth and recruit them into criminal activity. It's more aptly referred to as grooming, as a pedo would engage in. In this case it's for the career of a low performing D bag.

Here is the kicker, the police will literally commit a crime and bring the youth along with them, and charge the youth with a crime, while the police officer, unbeknownst to anyone but the lawyers (who are sworn to secrecy in a courtroom), pretend that the non-existent police officer was just one of the perps. "Hey, we don't want to blow his cover".

These cases have been shown time and time again. Once in awhile we will have media investigate entrapment and agent provocateurs, for the most part though, media is left in the dark. Politicians pretend it isn't their role, as in effect, the police for lack of a better term police themselves. The way politicians phrase it is that "police are independent".

I could have posted multiple threads this week and still may have to, on recent absurd RCMP scandals that are fresh and new. Systemic abuse in the force? A cop admitting to murdering his wife? Yep, all in a weeks work up here and it's a fraction of the stories.

Here is where all of this leads, though you may not know it, especially if these tactics are done against your youth; you will lose your reputation and your talent. The TPS, OPP and RCMP have decimated Canadas reputation. It's not going to recover any time soon as we require a purging of the nepotism in our forces.

The Creepy Canadian Covert Police in Canada are NOT the people the U.S should trust nor emulate.
It's CNN, I want to see what a legitimate news source says.

I’m not sure when Der Fatherland will do a story about it. So these two other sources may have to do for a while.
I stumbled across this news story as I ran through Twitter this morning. I read it. And the focus of the story was how women officers had been exploited by superiors.

Now. I am not pleased with that aspect of the story. But. I am more interested in the efforts the Sheriffs Department went through to bust a few Hookers and John’s.

The Sheriffs Department would set up Stings. They would rent a Hotel Room with cops posing as hookers for the John’s, and Cops posing as John’s for the hookers. They paid for booze and all the food.

They also paid for hooker clothing for the female deputies and sex toys.

All of this to find a few hookers and John’s. Seriously?

Thousands of man hours. God alone knows how much money. All so they can get a few misdemeanor busts? Really?

We aren’t going to focus on Murder and Mayhem. Rape and Robbery. Drug Cartels and any of the other doom and gloom scenarios we are told are certain to come about if we don’t support cops. Nope. We are going to focus on Hookers and guys buying a romp.

Next up we will have a Jaywalking Taskforce.
They got nothing better to do in Michigan and California now that pot is legal.

Like pot they need to make this legal. At least allow massage parlors to give hand jobs. And I'm not kidding.

Ok. But this was Texas.
I stumbled across this news story as I ran through Twitter this morning. I read it. And the focus of the story was how women officers had been exploited by superiors.

Now. I am not pleased with that aspect of the story. But. I am more interested in the efforts the Sheriffs Department went through to bust a few Hookers and John’s.

The Sheriffs Department would set up Stings. They would rent a Hotel Room with cops posing as hookers for the John’s, and Cops posing as John’s for the hookers. They paid for booze and all the food.

They also paid for hooker clothing for the female deputies and sex toys.

All of this to find a few hookers and John’s. Seriously?

Thousands of man hours. God alone knows how much money. All so they can get a few misdemeanor busts? Really?

We aren’t going to focus on Murder and Mayhem. Rape and Robbery. Drug Cartels and any of the other doom and gloom scenarios we are told are certain to come about if we don’t support cops. Nope. We are going to focus on Hookers and guys buying a romp.

Next up we will have a Jaywalking Taskforce.
This Thread Sucks.gif
Now. I am not pleased with that aspect of the story. But. I am more interested in the efforts the Sheriffs Department went through to bust a few Hookers and John’s. All of this to find a few hookers and John’s. Seriously?

The problem I see here is the naivety that most men are lechers: putting them in a room with booze and half-naked pretty girls in skimpy, flimsy, short outfits is not a great idea.

The other problem of course is women accepting a job dressing up in sexual outfits as prostitutes at a party with men and liqueur then actually being shocked that they were treated like hookers!

Wasn't that the job?

The flaw in the plan is that the taskforce should have hired REAL hookers, then just let them hook. Let the cops worry about the rest.

But why the taskforce in the first place? So a few guys could get their rocks off fondling half-naked women? Not at all. It was about sustaining budgets keeping a department alive, because what you don't use, you lose.

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