DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'

Let me get THIS straight. Thousands of Floridians are exposed to illegal immigrants carrying COVID? If you aholes are so worried about immigrants carrying COVID then maybe should should mask up which Ronnie is against & get the vaccine, right Ace?

Now you have in immigrants your new bright shiny object to gape at in this COVID fight courtesy of self serving slime like Trump & Desantis.
Or maybe the Biden Administration could stop flooding the country with illegals who are carrying Covid while they threaten to shut down our economies AGAIN? You're basically forcing me to get a vaccine shot that I don't trust and go back to wearing a mask 24/7 because you're putting infected people into the population beside me for political reasons. I don't want to revisit the failed Covid policies that we used last time on advice from "Science" because quite frankly I don't think they got it right but we're headed down that road again because of Biden and the far left's refusal to control the border!
DeSantis did nothing but run his mouth. Biden is the President and he will tell De Santis to get his shit straight or else. So it's best DeSantis gets his shit straight before Biden shows him who the real boss is.
desantis told xiden to shut his fucking pie hole.....and to do ITS seem to be confused, or you are just twisting to suit your low mentality....
what is xiden going to do? take shit out of ITS diaper and fling it?
so its best xiden does something positive for AMERICA...b4 he gets ITS ass handed to IT again
So, why hasn't Trump's big beautiful vanity wall, Mexico was supposed to pay for, stopped all these people?

Trump humpers blame everyone else but Trump and themselves.
because brain dead retards, including you, want to shut anything to do w/TRUMP, matter how beneficial to AMERICA....
btw, when you disagree w/ something, instead of giving it a thumbs down, you could at least attempt to explain why...when you don't, it makes you look like a mis-informed, retarded, brain dead, scum demonRAT....oh wait, you are one
scum demonRATS blame everybody but themselves for fucking AMERICA
I warned you DeSantis day was coming. Shame. To watch a political career flame out before it even gets started. Ronny can deflect all he wants. His ass is grass...and deep down, he knows it. The truth comes out no matter how hard to try to suppress or deflect. And I suspect the infection rate and number of people dying is much higher since I'm pretty sure DeSantis (along with several other red state governors) is fudging the state's COVID numbers. Trump is probably smiling. One more about to be swept out of the way. :)

Florida has a high infection rate because everybody and their little brown dog are coming to the state.

Last Sunday I drove I-75 South out of Georgia. The six lane road was congested as hell and it was mostly out of state license tags. They are the ones that are bringing the infection into the state and spreading it around.

DeSantis is the best Governor in the country. He has protected the state's economy from excessive shutdowns and the economy is doing well because of it. He is protecting individual Liberty and family values. He did things like going against CDC guidelines to get the vaccine to the greatest at risk Seniors instead of healthy 26 year old firefighters and teachers. It was nice to have a Governor with common sense.

My youngest granddaughter went through the Second Grade last year in a real classroom and a real teacher. She loved it and learned a lot. No health problems for the students. DeSantis kept the schools opened while Moon Bat Governors in the dumb ass Blue States were on the payroll of the filthy Teacher's Union that demanded to keep the schools closed.

DeSantis is loved here in Florida. The stupid Libtards hate him but then Libtards hate anybody that doesn't have an agenda to make America a Socialist shithole.
That's what DeSantis is implying. Or are you gonna deflect too?
Meanwhile, people in his state are getting infected and dropping like flies.

But you'll vote for him...if he makes it that far..:) that what your delusional head got out of that?....not surprising---you scum demonRATS insert your own stupid take on TRUTH, and then twist it to suit your fucked up heads
So, why hasn't Trump's big beautiful vanity wall, Mexico was supposed to pay for, stopped all these people?

Trump humpers blame everyone else but Trump and themselves.
Seriously? One of the very first things that Joe Biden did upon sitting behind that desk in the Oval Office was to stop construction of border security. Then he got rid of the Executive Orders that had kept the border under control during the Trump Administration and essentially invited whoever wanted to come in to just show up at the border...get "arrested" and then get released into the US! But you want to blame the border crisis we now have on "Trump humpers"? You've GOT to be kidding!
These people aren't being tested or medically processed in any way
That's not true now.

They've made arrangements with NGOs, Charities, that are taking in the bus of immigrants to test them, and isolate the positive for covid in separate hotels till covid free, of which the govt is funding for them. At Texas Catholic Charities taking in the immigrants, it is now running 16% are was 8% before the delta variant.
WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


The border isn't open. We still have 21,000 Border Patrol agents at work as well as US Customs and Immigration and the US Coast Guard.

Desantis is desperate. This little tantrum is just CYA.
There is massive evidence illegals are bringing the chinese flu into AMERICA, texas, florida, and all other border states..... the scum demonRATS are desperately looking for a fight to least 30% of illegals have not received the death jab...

"At Texas Catholic Charities taking in the immigrants, it is now running 16% are was 8% before the delta variant."
DeSantis via executive order is mandating that businesses can not make their own decisions on what to do with their own business decision to mandate vaccinations or masks in schools....huh? REALLY????


What a hypocrite....
There were more than a million illegals processed by CBP this year.
Where are they? They are all over the US, infected or not.

View attachment 522145
I'll give you credit. At least you tried. What you posted was a link showing that a few thousand minors are being transported and even IT says that these people are under the care of HHH. They are NOT being spit out into the community.

If this is supposed to show that illegals are cause of the covid spike it fails in a big way considering that there are tens of millions of Trumpers who refuse to vaccinate
Ever heard of busses, Dumbass?

desantis told xiden to shut his fucking pie hole.....and to do ITS seem to be confused, or you are just twisting to suit your low mentality....
what is xiden going to do? take shit out of ITS diaper and fling it?
so its best xiden does something positive for AMERICA...b4 he gets ITS ass handed to IT again
DeathSantis did Waaaa?
That's not true now.

They've made arrangements with NGOs, Charities, that are taking in the bus of immigrants to test them, and isolate the positive for covid in separate hotels till covid free, of which the govt is funding for them. At Texas Catholic Charities taking in the immigrants, it is now running 16% are was 8% before the delta variant.
Complete bullshit.
So, why hasn't Trump's big beautiful vanity wall, Mexico was supposed to pay for, stopped all these people?

Trump humpers blame everyone else but Trump and themselves.
Xiden stopped the wall construction to have open borders, and to let in covid infected migrants, duh.
Mexico could pay for the wall if congress imposed a new "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US.
Trump had the southern border solved, migrants waited in Mexico for their hearing, Xiden has it totally fucked-up.
Xiden stopped the wall construction to have open borders, and to let in covid infected migrants, duh.
Mexico could pay for the wall if congress imposed a new "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US.
Trump had the southern border solved, migrants waited in Mexico for their hearing, Xiden has it totally fucked-up.
He stopped the boondoggle scam that Trump was engaged in.

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