DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'


Keep in mind that the surge of illegals at the border is continuing during the heat of the summer when it typically wanes. It will get worse when the weather cools.
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Keep in mind that the surge of illegals at the border is continuing during the heat of the summer when it typically wanes. It will get worse when the weather cools.
That’s not even close to showing that illegals are being shipped around the country on tens of thousands

Huge fail

Keep in mind that the surge of illegals at the border is continuing during the heat of the summer when it typically wanes. It will get worse when the weather cools.
As your second article states, all illegals when bussed and dropped off there at the Catholic Charity in McAllen are tested for covid. The positive covid illegals are not allowed in to the charity and are placed in a separate hotel in Quarantine, so not to spread the virus.
WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


He babbling to his fuzzy headed base while sacrificing them on the altar of his political ambitions.

Are you going to be the next victim?
I hear nurses are giving out free lollipops for guys like you afraid of the needle. You poor thing.

I’m no more afraid of the needle than I am covid. You’re the pussy that needs lollipops, safe spaces and therapy animals.
Hahaha I guess you chose to keep lying to yourself and not grow up.
Maybe some day.
I don't know what to say to you...other than I think you and others are too easily lead by your leaders... They know exactly what strings to pull to keep you outraged at life itself, all the time, and voting for them.

Time to get busy living and loving the world, your country, and your fellow man again...instead of dying minute by minute with all the things you are told to be outraged over.
That’s not even close to showing that illegals are being shipped around the country on tens of thousands

Huge fail
Dude, Greyhound Bus Lines asked the Federal Government for money because they needed to add so many buses to take illegals from the border cities to their final destinations. Keep on wearing your blinders!
Amazing...hundreds of thousands of illegals are being sent on buses to cities all over the US without being tested for Covid but you blame Trump supporters for somehow introducing a new Covid variant because they didn't get vaccinated? The truth is...Joe Biden's border policies are going to kill thousands of Americans because they don't give a crap about who their open border agenda lets into the country.
As all your links have said, all illegals are tested for covid when the buses reach their destination.

One of your links even said it was running an 8% covid positivity rate but this past week with Delta, it is now running a 16%covid positivity among the illegals.

The NGOs taking in the immigrants bussed in, Catholic Charities for the most part, tests all the illegal immigrants upon arrival and isolates/quarantine those who test positive in a separate location.

Then offers everyone a vaccine.

I think the govt messed up in the beginning without an organized system to test, or isolate but they've pretty much worked through their problems and now have a system of covid testing is working....

Thank goodness their mistakes were early on, when the more infectious delta variant wasn't prevalent yet, in the Americas.....
Dude, Greyhound Bus Lines asked the Federal Government for money because they needed to add so many buses to take illegals from the border cities to their final destinations. Keep on wearing your blinders!
THAT is the best you got?

Guess what?

Border patrol is moving them to other parts of the border and then BACK TO MEXICO

Getting on busses means nothing.

Show me destinations
THAT is the best you got?

Guess what?

Border patrol is moving them to other parts of the border and then BACK TO MEXICO

Getting on busses means nothing.

Show me destinations
They've got so many illegals held by Border Patrol that they've got them sleeping under bridges, Dude! They're headed to warm climates like Florida when they get on those buses. You can't admit how bad it is though...can you?
As all your links have said, all illegals are tested for covid when the buses reach their destination.

One of your links even said it was running an 8% covid positivity rate but this past week with Delta, it is now running a 16%covid positivity among the illegals.

The NGOs taking in the immigrants bussed in, Catholic Charities for the most part, tests all the illegal immigrants upon arrival and isolates/quarantine those who test positive in a separate location.

Then offers everyone a vaccine.

I think the govt messed up in the beginning without an organized system to test, or isolate but they've pretty much worked through their problems and now have a system of covid testing is working....

Thank goodness their mistakes were early on, when the more infectious delta variant wasn't prevalent yet, in the Americas.....
They're tested in some locations when the buses reach their destination but they weren't testing at all for the first four months of the Biden Administration. Now the testing is done by private groups...not the Biden Administration and not at all destinations.
Jesus christ you're stupid. Your claim was that blacks are a bigger problem in terms of the VACCINE than Trumpers....NOT that they have suffered more.

LOL!! I post a link proving my point, and progs keep up the "big lie" that its only Trumpers that are getting Delta because they are "vaccine hesitant".
My link proved otherwise.
So prove me wrong or stop whining.
Xiden's putting covid infected migrants all over the US is what's spreading Delta.
Your favorite strategy for EVERYTHING is to yak about illegals and the border. That doesn't mean it makes any sense
Why doesn't it make sense anymore? Your post is nonsense, post a lie, and don't prove it, because you can't.
I posted the truth, and have tons of links to prove that Xiden is moving infected migrants all over the US.
That’s not even close to showing that illegals are being shipped around the country on tens of thousands

Huge fail
There were more than a million illegals processed by CBP this year.
Where are they? They are all over the US, infected or not.


And I suspect the infection rate and number of people dying is much higher since I'm pretty sure DeSantis (along with several other red state governors) is fudging the state's COVID numbers.
Any evidence of that? The numbers I've seen paint a typical picture of a virus whose variants are more transmissible and less deadly to the host. IOW, the virus is doing exactly what viruses DO. Delta is spreading much quicker but the case fatality rate is roughly that of seasonal influenza. Every death is a tragedy for someone and the more cases there are, the more overall deaths that will occur.

People who try to convince themselves or others that this virus is going to kill vast numbers of Americans IF we don't see 80+ % vaccination are just ignorant or liars. These vaccines have created an unprecedented spike in deaths and other adverse events as reported (voluntarily) to the Federal Government VAERS agency. These vaccines have killed more people since 2020 than all the vaccines in the prior 30 years that VAERS has been collecting data.

DeSantis is rightly calling the president out for his policies on our southern border. We're seeing nearly 200K migrants per MONTH so far in 2021. These people aren't being tested or medically processed in any way. There are numerous reports of entire families who are sick and not being segregated from the rest of the migrants and at the same time, they are being transported to various locations throughout America without any advance notification of local officials. The DC uniparty is openly facilitating an invasion of this country and they're doing it for electoral advantages. And for cheap labor at the expense of Americans who are native or who emigrated legally. There is no way to stop this and this country is going to be collapsed as a result.

Secession or Civil War 2.0 is on the horizon.

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