Democrats turning on Biden


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Barely 4 in 10 Democrats strongly approve of Biden today, down from about 7 in 10 who did so in June.

Even the sycophants who supported BLM, defunding the police, open borders, green new deal, CRT and other crazy notions are turning on the potted plant (Afghanistan didn't help). This will only get worse btw as inflation is projected to be at 6.6% at year end per the Kiplinger Report I received.

The cost of shipping goods from China to the U.S. by air was up 20% in the week ending Nov. 6, and is up 60% in the past three months.

Anyone here an outlier and believe that Biden is doing a good job? Please explain why.
All those capitalist you guys taklked up and sucker their asses for being so wealthy and smart with all th right moves in life do control distribution of consumer products...They have beed screwing the consumers since Feburary 2020 and you said nothing until 2021 when Trump was finally thrown out of office.
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Here's a poll you can believe
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Two days ago, pollsters and statisticians gave Hillary Clinton odds of between 75 and 99 percent of winning the U.S. presidential election. How did so many get it so wrong?

Here's a poll you can believe
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Two days ago, pollsters and statisticians gave Hillary Clinton odds of between 75 and 99 percent of winning the U.S. presidential election. How did so many get it so wrong?

hahahahahaahahahaha, as I've stated over and over, 1000 people do not represent millions.
Here's a poll you can believe
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Two days ago, pollsters and statisticians gave Hillary Clinton odds of between 75 and 99 percent of winning the U.S. presidential election. How did so many get it so wrong?

Except we saw a small snippet of this in VA and NJ did we not? VA went full red and NJ almost did.
The US Gov't can certainly control regulations and oil prices. Your potted plant has totally screwed that up.
Really? What is the govt. doing to stop the exportation of oil and gasoline along with natural gas? What is the govt. doing from making oilfeilds uncap those wells? What is the govt. doing to stop the refineries from making fuels?
Not surprised at all.

The party in power will always be held responsible for the state of the economy.
To my fellow Republicans: Don't do your happy dance yet. You know the minorities and women will still vote for liberal Democrats on election day. These voters may not be bright, but they are loyal.
To my fellow Republicans: Don't do your happy dance yet. You know the minorities and women will still vote for liberal Democrats on election day. These voters may not be bright, but they are loyal.
The Repubs got us into this shitty economy when they were in power last year.
Barely 4 in 10 Democrats strongly approve of Biden today, down from about 7 in 10 who did so in June.

This is a good sign. Now if we could only get you Repubs to quit being so blindly loyal to your party there might be some hope for the country,

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