Democrats simply can't run on ideas

That's not so, as you well know. We won't overturn ACA at all, we can't defund it, but we can offer improvements in it that BHO will have to accept. There other issues, such as immigration, on which there is much ground for both sides to work with.

We'll be happy to fix what is wrong with Obamacare or the ACA. We should have done single payer in the first place but unfortunately the GOP wouldn't go along unless we let the Healthcare Giants write the law.

And so that is why it mandates that everyone buy their products. The ACA was great for the Healthcare giant monopolies.

The GOP didn't go along. Name one that vote for it.

They could have obstructed but they let it get passed and then thought they would use it to against the Democrats to win the 2010 and 2014 elections. It may have helped them a little in 2010 midterms but certainly didn't help them in 2014. Obama won a huge victory in 2014 and Hillary will win in 2016. Deal with it.

Tell me how they could have obstructed it or I call you nutso.

Hasn't Mitch McConnell broken the filabuster record? I wonder why he didn't filabuster the ACA.
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.
What ideas do the Republicans have? They seem to be entirely reactionary - whatever Obama is for, we're opposed to it. That and tax cuts for the very wealthy. If Obama came out as being for breathing, I would expect Republicans to be turning blue within minutes,

Tax cuts for the very wealthy would be difficult since wealth is not taxed.

Buffett says he s still paying lower tax rate than his secretary - Mar. 4 2013
You should see ALL the ads up here, they are all lies and they are coming from the Republicans, it's downright disgusting....and 10 ads from Repubs for every 1 ad from Democrats... It's just awful...the lies and more lies and deeper lies...hard to stomach...

And the phone calls, sheesh, I wish they would stop....

Can NOT WAIT till this election is over..... can't be soon enough.

I got a feeling it's only going to get worse for you in the near future.
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.
What ideas do the Republicans have? They seem to be entirely reactionary - whatever Obama is for, we're opposed to it. That and tax cuts for the very wealthy. If Obama came out as being for breathing, I would expect Republicans to be turning blue within minutes,

Tax cuts for the very wealthy would be difficult since wealth is not taxed.

Buffett says he s still paying lower tax rate than his secretary - Mar. 4 2013

actually he pays 10,000 times more than his secretary assuming he makes 200 million a year. It does not seem fair does it?
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.

So would I.
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.

So would I.

If Democrats ran on an ideas they would be: we're morally superior, we support more and more welfare, we support more and more soviet regulation of the economy so vote for us!!
What ideas are republicans running on? We aren't Obama?

Well, we seem to be a little more sensible than the opposition ................

At least we haven't declared a fake race war on blacks / poor ..............................................
At least we haven't declared a fake war on women and a need of equal pay .............................
At least we haven't stooped to maligning and belittling our political opponents because they are women / handicapped ........................

While the tone of last week’s U.S. Senate ads remain, on balance, overwhelmingly negative, a few of the most spite-filled states found themselves filled with slightly less bane. Notable among them: North Carolina, the most negative U.S. Senate race in the nation for mid-October.

The week before last, the Tar Heel State played host to more than 10,800 U.S. Senate–focused ads—and all but two-dozen of them contained at least some negative content, attacking either Hagan or Tillis. But last week, about 530 of North Carolina’s more than 11,000 U.S. Senate–focused TV ads—roughly 5 percent—curbed the negativity for messages that strictly promoted one of the candidates.

So, how ugly is North Carolina’s political discourse these days?

Ugly enough that an exasperated child at Vance Elementary School in Raleigh, North Carolina, wrote a letter to Hagan and Tillis asking them, in the name of respect and civility, to chill the heck out.

“All I hear in your ads are you saying mean things about each other,” student Carson Park wrote. “Will you act like this after the election? Seeing the ads on TV makes me sad and I don’t want to vote.”[/Excerpt]
Senate races will produce more than 1 millions ads Most of them have been negative.
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...[/QUOTE

True to form, an Alinksyite Dem steps in, and accuses the GOP of Dem tactics.

Professor Ayres awards you an A+.

A far right alinsky jumps in and accuses the other of what the other does, when in fact, both do it.
I am not far-right, just not a guilty lib Sociableist.

I believe in "to each according to his needs, not his wants, and from each according to his ability, even if that is paid in labor".

I'd jerk this country so far to the real Left you'd shoot yourself to save the government the trouble.

Time the part of this country stuck in the days of the Freedman's Bureau got jerked into the 21st Century.

The GOP or party for the rich has convinced people that government is the problem but the real problem is that the rich have taken over our government. Both sides.

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class

repeating the rich GOP lie doesn't make it so....

Democrats Party of the Rich, Not Republicans
Posted on October 21, 2014 by Dave Jolly23 Comments
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For decades, we’ve all been told that the Republican Party is the party of the rich and that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class and poor. Even today we hear Democrats claiming that Republicans are giving tax breaks to the rich so they can get richer while the Democrats continue to work for middle and lower class Americans.

If you believe this then you have fallen victim to another liberal lie!

Earlier this year, The Gateway Pundit took a look at top donors to both political parties since 1989 and here is what they discovered:

A)Since 1989 Top DNC Donors have spent a total of $1,152,389,462.00(With a B)
B) Since 1989 Top RNC Donors have spent a total or $736,075,110.00 (With an M)
C) Committed Democrat donors have outspent committed Republican donors by nearly $486 million since 1989
D) Overall, the top ten DNC donors outspent the top ten RNC donors by nearly 2 to 1 since 1989
E) The largest committed DNC donor group has outspent the largest committed RNC donor group by 67% since 1989
F) Committed Republican donors tend to cross-donate to Democrats 32% MORE OFTEN THAN committed Democrats cross-donate to Republicans

From that analysis, who do you see as the party of the rich?

If that isn’t enough proof, then take a look at the members of Congress and the districts they represent. Would you believe that 8 of the 10 richest congressional districts, based upon average annual income per capita, are represented by Democrats and only 2 by Republicans?

Number one on the list of wealthiest districts is New York’s 12th congressional district represented by Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney. Number two on the list is California District 33, which includes most of Los Angeles, is represented by Democrat Rep Henry Waxman. Rep Nancy Pelosi comes in at number 8 on the list as she represents the San Francisco area.

The only two congressional districts to make the top 10 list are number seven, New Jersey District 7 represented by Republican Rep Leonard Lance. Number ten on the list is Virginia District 10 which is represented by Republican Rep Frank Wolf.

When you combine all 435 congressional districts, those represented by Democrats have an average annual income of over $1,000 higher than the districts represented by Republicans.

The statistics clearly reveal that Democrats are the political party of the rich, not Republicans. Don’t forget that it was the Democratic Party that fought for slavery and segregation. They really never have been friendly to blacks and the current policies of Barack Obama only reinforce that anti-black mentality of the party.

So why do most blacks and poorer Americans still vote for Democrats? Because they have been brainwashed into believing the Party’s lies and don’t take the time to find out for themselves what the real truth is. Consequently they continue to vote for the political party that works to enslave them.

Read more at Democrats Party of the Rich Not Republicans - The Last Resistance
Neither can Republicans. Claiming to support a 'free market' of their own definition* or 'lower taxes', won't make me vote for them - any more than claiming to support the poor and downtrodden will make me vote Democrat.

*Politicians are happy to support a 'free market'. Yet they never tell me what they mean by a 'free market', is it the one where corporations monopolize the market and milk the people dry? Or the one that encourages innovation and free enterprise?
Their idea's suck
1. I hate men and want to remove them from the family!
2. Give all women free birth control. Tell the male to fuck off.
3. Whites are evil!
4. Stir the black community into a fury of anger to get votes

What a sick fucking party!
That's not so, as you well know. We won't overturn ACA at all, we can't defund it, but we can offer improvements in it that BHO will have to accept. There other issues, such as immigration, on which there is much ground for both sides to work with.

We'll be happy to fix what is wrong with Obamacare or the ACA. We should have done single payer in the first place but unfortunately the GOP wouldn't go along unless we let the Healthcare Giants write the law.

And so that is why it mandates that everyone buy their products. The ACA was great for the Healthcare giant monopolies.

The GOP didn't go along. Name one that vote for it.

They could have obstructed but they let it get passed and then thought they would use it to against the Democrats to win the 2010 and 2014 elections. It may have helped them a little in 2010 midterms but certainly didn't help them in 2014. Obama won a huge victory in 2014 and Hillary will win in 2016. Deal with it.

Tell me how they could have obstructed it or I call you nutso.

Hasn't Mitch McConnell broken the filabuster record? I wonder why he didn't filabuster the ACA.

The dims had 60 Senators at the time, doofus.
They strive to bring out the worst in people and Obama sets the tone with his divisive rhetoric. They are the nastiest people on the planet with the possible exception of the terrorists they support.

Either you are a big fat liar or you are stupid. Because we know know it was the GOP who started using religion as a wedge issue.

And it was the GOP that moved to the far right and then said ok start negotiating with us starting here. Be honest. Even Reagan today would be considered a left wing liberal freak in the GOP. He wouldn't even get nominated.
Wow, I haven't been told off like that since I was 7.
4. Stir the black community into a fury of anger to get votes
The African American vote is having a decline in significance, as immigrants (especially Latin Americans) are beginning to overtake them demographically as a percentage of the population in a lot of areas of the US.
That's not so, as you well know. We won't overturn ACA at all, we can't defund it, but we can offer improvements in it that BHO will have to accept. There other issues, such as immigration, on which there is much ground for both sides to work with.

We'll be happy to fix what is wrong with Obamacare or the ACA. We should have done single payer in the first place but unfortunately the GOP wouldn't go along unless we let the Healthcare Giants write the law.

And so that is why it mandates that everyone buy their products. The ACA was great for the Healthcare giant monopolies.

The GOP didn't go along. Name one that vote for it.

They could have obstructed but they let it get passed and then thought they would use it to against the Democrats to win the 2010 and 2014 elections. It may have helped them a little in 2010 midterms but certainly didn't help them in 2014. Obama won a huge victory in 2014 and Hillary will win in 2016. Deal with it.

Tell me how they could have obstructed it or I call you nutso.

Hasn't Mitch McConnell broken the filabuster record? I wonder why he didn't filabuster the ACA.

On December, 2009 the Senate passed the ACA while they had a 60 vote supe rmajority in the Senate. On March 29.2010 the House passed that Senate bill without a single Republican vote. On March 23, Obama signed it into law. McConnell could filibuster but the Democrats had 60 votes to over ride it.

So, you are nutso!
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.
What ideas do the Republicans have? They seem to be entirely reactionary - whatever Obama is for, we're opposed to it. That and tax cuts for the very wealthy. If Obama came out as being for breathing, I would expect Republicans to be turning blue within minutes,

Tax cuts for the very wealthy would be difficult since wealth is not taxed.

Buffett says he s still paying lower tax rate than his secretary - Mar. 4 2013

That is because most of his income is from capital gains and the tax code has that set at a rate of 15%. Anyone that owns stocks or sells their house for a capital gain knows that.

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