Democrats simply can't run on ideas

First, you say there is no such things as racial or class welfare, grievances, then you say they got worse under the Dems.

A 14 year old would take you apart in a debate.

Ever notice that ignorant righties love to cry CLASS WARFARE when we try to fight back when the corporations/rich/GOP wage it on us?

Class warfare has always and will always exist. Government should be the referee, not on either side.
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...[/QUOTE

True to form, an Alinksyite Dem steps in, and accuses the GOP of Dem tactics.

Professor Ayres awards you an A+.

A far right alinsky jumps in and accuses the other of what the other does, when in fact, both do it.
I am not far-right, just not a guilty lib Sociableist.

I believe in "to each according to his needs, not his wants, and from each according to his ability, even if that is paid in labor".

I'd jerk this country so far to the real Left you'd shoot yourself to save the government the trouble.

Time the part of this country stuck in the days of the Freedman's Bureau got jerked into the 21st Century.
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...[/QUOTE

True to form, an Alinksyite Dem steps in, and accuses the GOP of Dem tactics.

Professor Ayres awards you an A+.

A far right alinsky jumps in and accuses the other of what the other does, when in fact, both do it.
I am not far-right, just not a guilty lib Sociableist.

I believe in "to each according to his needs, not his wants, and from each according to his ability, even if that is paid in labor".

I'd jerk this country so far to the real Left you'd shoot yourself to save the government the trouble.

Time the part of this country stuck in the days of the Freedman's Bureau got jerked into the 21st Century.

The GOP or party for the rich has convinced people that government is the problem but the real problem is that the rich have taken over our government. Both sides.

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.

The GOP have no answer for the millions of people/voters who are wondering what their plan is to bring their wages up. I know what the GOP reply would be, but I think the GOP is just loving it that no one is asking them this question.

What is the GOP's plan to help the masses? The workers. Labor. They don't have a plan for us/them. They want our wages down because that is the only way they know to bring jobs back home from China, Mexico or India. They would never take away tax breaks that we gave them before they shipped jobs overseas. I would have taken the tax breaks away the minute they started moving jobs overseas.

Then these companies who went bankrupt to renig on pensions and moved jobs overseas, are now coming home and instead of paying $20 hr plus benefits, they play $10 hr. And the GOP cry that wages are down. They did it on purpose and want you to blame Obama for their bad policies, that they secretly love, but then turn around and blame Obama for.

Republican strategists are very clever and middle class republican voters are so stupid.

How does that excuse the nastiness of the democrats?
After whipping up all this race fury what will democrats do with it once the election is over?

What they always do. Ignore the minority population until the next election, at which time they pick up the ol' pompoms and start dancing in a circle again.
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.

The GOP have no answer for the millions of people/voters who are wondering what their plan is to bring their wages up. I know what the GOP reply would be, but I think the GOP is just loving it that no one is asking them this question.

What is the GOP's plan to help the masses? The workers. Labor. They don't have a plan for us/them. They want our wages down because that is the only way they know to bring jobs back home from China, Mexico or India. They would never take away tax breaks that we gave them before they shipped jobs overseas. I would have taken the tax breaks away the minute they started moving jobs overseas.

Then these companies who went bankrupt to renig on pensions and moved jobs overseas, are now coming home and instead of paying $20 hr plus benefits, they play $10 hr. And the GOP cry that wages are down. They did it on purpose and want you to blame Obama for their bad policies, that they secretly love, but then turn around and blame Obama for.

Republican strategists are very clever and middle class republican voters are so stupid.

How does that excuse the nastiness of the democrats?

I truly and honestly only see that coming from your side but then again if the Democrats are finally fighting back, good for them.

How do I excuse it? When Republicans are loud liars and Democrats like John Kerry just sit back and take it, the loud liars win.

Republicans want to play dirty and ask the Democrats to play fair.
Well, we better come up with something, gramps, because the Dems had no trouble beating us like a drum since 2006 with "Nothing". If that is true, then that means we are worse than "Nothing."

We have a good chance if, and we should, take the Senate. But if we stand on our laurels and fail to act, the Dems will beat us again with "Nothing."

We haven't had much trouble beating Democrats around here since 2009. The bullshit coming out of DC backed up by wishy-washy struggling in the Moderate ranks have given Conservatives a far more appealing platform.

I am certain it isn't the case across most of the country ... But if Conservatives around here can keep control of the dialog out of liberal or moderate hands ... Then clear focus and solid ideas will continue to keep our gains up and probably assist in stripping Senator Reid of his current title..
We had one good run (Congress in 2010), period, since 2006. However, I agree with you that we need "solid ideas", other than tax cuts for the rich. If we can come up with a clear program of governance, America will be better off.
After whipping up all this race fury what will democrats do with it once the election is over?

What they always do. Ignore the minority population until the next election, at which time they pick up the ol' pompoms and start dancing in a circle again.

I don't believe that is true. I think the Democrats will try to end tax breaks to companies that have moved jobs overseas. The question is, will the GOP filbuster them like they always do? Will we have enough votes to make anything happen? Seems all it takes is 1 GOP obstructionist to stop anything we want to try.

And if unions/labor help get Schauer elected, he will have to reward them. If he doesn't like Jennifer Granholm ignored unions then it will cost the Democrats in 2018 same way it did in 2010. And unions bring up everyones wages. Even non union companies pay better for fear their employees may unionize. A rising tide lifts all boats, not just union boats.
Well, we better come up with something, gramps, because the Dems had no trouble beating us like a drum since 2006 with "Nothing". If that is true, then that means we are worse than "Nothing."

We have a good chance if, and we should, take the Senate. But if we stand on our laurels and fail to act, the Dems will beat us again with "Nothing."
Nobody believes you, Jake. We all know you're not a Republican. Drop the charade.
Nobody cares what the far right like S. J. has to say. The reactionaries know that the mainstream GOP is two days away from purging the far righters for good from the party. Thank heavens.
You should see ALL the ads up here, they are all lies and they are coming from the Republicans, it's downright disgusting....and 10 ads from Repubs for every 1 ad from Democrats... It's just awful...the lies and more lies and deeper lies...hard to stomach...

And the phone calls, sheesh, I wish they would stop....

Can NOT WAIT till this election is over..... can't be soon enough.
All I hear on tv & in their adds is:

Race bullshit
Minimum wage bullshit (I mean seriously, how many voters work for minimum wage? .02%?)
All of their adds are negative & appealing to the stupidest among us.
Their spouses run around STEALING the yard signs of their opponents.
They buy the votes of the most downtrodden.
They cheat like a 6 year old at checkers.

I would be embarrassed to publicly admit I was a democrat.

Ignorance is bliss.

You don't know how fucking stupid you sound.

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