Democrats holding disaster relief funding hostage


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Review & Outlook: Leveraging a Hurricane -

Here's the story: In June, House Republicans passed the 2012 Homeland Security appropriations bill, which included an amendment adding $1 billion to the Disaster Relief Fund of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In a sensible move for taxpayers, the amendment offsets this new disaster funding by cutting spending on the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program. This may ring a bell with readers as the funding conduit for one of Washington's adventures in crony capitalism.

In 2009, the Department of Energy announced that it would loan more than half a billion dollars through this program to a California-based company, Fisker Automotive, to make luxury electric cars. About a month after the loan package was conditionally approved, CEO Henrik Fisker and Joseph Biden appeared in the Vice President's hometown of Wilmington, Delaware to announce that Fisker would now be making some of its cars at the city's old General Motors factory.

At the event, Mr. Biden described many "long talks" he'd had with Mr. Fisker. The Vice President's office later said that Mr. Biden didn't make any direct appeals to Energy before the loan was approved, but Delaware's chief of economic development told the Journal that Mr. Biden was the state's "secret weapon, except there is nothing secret about Joe Biden."

All of this is background to say that the GOP has found the federal program that is arguably the most deserving of a cut to free up funds for disaster victims. But Senate Democrats refuse to pass the House bill and Mr. Cantor has earned their ire this week by continuing to press for cuts in corporate welfare.

Perhaps unwilling to defend the indefensible, some have taken to claiming that the Republican bill cuts cherished liberal entitlements. In an email seeking donations for an anti-Cantor advertising campaign, the group Democracy for America exalted, "We're hitting Eric Cantor hard—exposing his call to hold Hurricane Irene disaster relief hostage to more cuts in vital programs, like Medicare and Social Security—with in-district ads all next week."

In the Senate, Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin seems unwilling to accept even the idea that the government might set priorities and choose to fund disaster aid instead of other claims on the federal fisc. "If [Mr. Cantor] believes that we can nip and tuck at the rest of the federal budget and somehow take care of disasters, he's totally out of touch with reality," said Mr. Durbin.

One reason the House bill has less funding for Democratic priorities is because, even before the hurricane, Republicans had decided that the President's budget didn't have enough money for the Disaster Relief Fund. So they funded it at $850 million above the President's request. Then as they realized that the damage in places like Joplin, Missouri would put additional strain on the fund, the GOP added the amendment that provided still more disaster assistance and cut funding for Mr. Biden's beloved electric cars.

The White House hasn't asked for more funding, though White House budget director Jacob Lew wrote to lawmakers Thursday suggesting it could be well north of $5 billion. But so far Mr. Cantor is being blamed for opposing disaster relief because he has been trying to spend more than the President, and to place that above other spending priorities.​
Nice attempt at spin. It doesn't change the fact that Cantor said no disaster relief until there were cuts elsewhere. He's the one using this tragedy for his own, selfish, gain.
I remember when Obama said he'd never desert Joplin after it was hit by a massive tornado?

Well, it looks like he's about to do just that.

Senators angry over FEMA cutbacks affecting Joplin

The Kansas City Star


FILE - In this May 22, 2011 file photo, residents of Joplin, Mo., walk west on 26th Street near Maiden Lane after a tornado hit the southwest Missouri city. Some federal money pledged to tornado-ravaged Joplin and other disaster sites is being diverted to help victims of Hurricane Irene. Bob Josephson of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said Monday, Aug. 29, 2011 that FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund is running low. He says individual aid to victims of the May 22 tornado that destroyed about one-third of Joplin will continue, but money for long-term public repair and rebuilding projects will be used for immediate disaster relief on the East Coast.
Mike Gullett, File
FILE - In this May 22, 2011 file photo, residents of Joplin, Mo., walk west on 26th Street near Maiden Lane after a tornado hit the southwest Missouri city. Some federal money pledged to tornado-ravaged Joplin and other disaster sites is being diverted to help victims of Hurricane Irene. Bob Josephson of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said Monday, Aug. 29, 2011 that FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund is running low. He says individual aid to victims of the May 22 tornado that destroyed about one-third of Joplin will continue, but money for long-term public repair and rebuilding projects will be used for immediate disaster relief on the East Coast.

One of the first jobs facing Congress when it returns to work will be finding billions of dollars to pay for damage caused by a summer of natural disasters stretching from Joplin to the Jersey Shore.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is suspending payments for some projects in tornado-ravaged Joplin because of immediate disaster needs along the East Coast after Hurricane Irene. Some spending for other storm-related and flood-related damage in other parts of the country also has been delayed.

A FEMA spokesman said Monday that the agency’s disaster fund has dipped well below $1 billion.

As a result, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said Monday the agency will not consider any new applications for what it calls permanent repair work in pre-Irene disasters.

Read more: Senators angry over FEMA cutbacks affecting Joplin -
And where do they get all this Money? But i digress. The Socialsts/Progressives are clearly wrong on this one. It is devious coercion on their part. They should be ashamed of themselves. But somehow i doubt they are. Time for them to go. Is it 2012 yet?
Nice attempt at spin. It doesn't change the fact that Cantor said no disaster relief until there were cuts elsewhere. He's the one using this tragedy for his own, selfish, gain.
Yes. How DARE he block Democrats from rewarding their special interest groups and insist on a modicum of financial responsibility!

You've been lied to. And you lack the intelligence to see it.
Dont get me started, i get offered two whole MRE's if i can drive a 20 mile round trip after Irene hit.

Anyone counting on the Fed govt doing anything with the trillions they stole is beyond help.
Dems are all about their corporate welfare, so long as it's companies that promote their agenda.
Nice attempt at spin. It doesn't change the fact that Cantor said no disaster relief until there were cuts elsewhere. He's the one using this tragedy for his own, selfish, gain.
Yes. How DARE he block Democrats from rewarding their special interest groups and insist on a modicum of financial responsibility!

You've been lied to. And you lack the intelligence to see it.

Special interest groups? We're talking about our fellow citizens who lost their businesses, their homes and even some lost their loved ones! As a nation, we should support them and help them get back on their feet.

Your disgust for your fellow citizens is appalling.
Nice attempt at spin. It doesn't change the fact that Cantor said no disaster relief until there were cuts elsewhere. He's the one using this tragedy for his own, selfish, gain.
Yes. How DARE he block Democrats from rewarding their special interest groups and insist on a modicum of financial responsibility!

You've been lied to. And you lack the intelligence to see it.

Special interest groups? We're talking about our fellow citizens who lost their businesses, their homes and even some lost their loved ones! As a nation, we should support them and help them get back on their feet.

Your disgust for your fellow citizens is appalling.
I'm talking about the luxury electric car manufacturer, you idiot. You know, the ones Dems refuse to cut funding for in order to help "our fellow citizens who lost their businesses, their homes and even some lost their loved ones".
So, reality disagrees with the left and the left-dominated press.

Imagine that. :cool:

good find, mark me not surprised, this is almost as good as Maxine Waters screeching the banks aren't doing enough after her husbands interests in his failing bank portfolio was propped up by TARP......
So, reality disagrees with the left and the left-dominated press.

Imagine that. :cool:

good find, mark me not surprised, this is almost as good as Maxine Waters screeching the banks aren't doing enough after her husbands interests in his failing bank portfolio was propped up by TARP......
If you want to know what the left is doing, see what they accuse the right of.
Nice attempt at spin. It doesn't change the fact that Cantor said no disaster relief until there were cuts elsewhere. He's the one using this tragedy for his own, selfish, gain.
Yes. How DARE he block Democrats from rewarding their special interest groups and insist on a modicum of financial responsibility!

You've been lied to. And you lack the intelligence to see it.

Special interest groups? We're talking about our fellow citizens who lost their businesses, their homes and even some lost their loved ones! As a nation, we should support them and help them get back on their feet.

Your disgust for your fellow citizens is appalling.
If they aren't rich fat cats....they ARE a special interest group.
So, reality disagrees with the left and the left-dominated press.

Imagine that. :cool:

good find, mark me not surprised, this is almost as good as Maxine Waters screeching the banks aren't doing enough after her husbands interests in his failing bank portfolio was propped up by TARP......
If you want to know what the left is doing, see what they accuse the right of.

The Goddess of Irony is well pleased with your offering.

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