Democrats Cut Off Aid to South Vietnam in 1975 as Punishment for Ford Pardoning Nixon


May 23, 2014
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.

In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
Trump may end up being the only President in US history that didn't insist on a quid pro quo. This is freakin' BS.
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
And you are saying that, if true, you are fine with it. Right? That's a yes/no question. Please begin your response with "yes" or "no".
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
I am telling you. Pol pot is a leftist hero. The killing fields is exactly what they want here.

For them the great crime of America's involvement in Vietnam was us having the gall to stop the spread of communism. To hell with our allies etc. Don't ever get caught up with their claims of peace and love.

They are nothing but intolerant, intolerable, tyrants who want the absolute eradication of the free market and everyone that defends the free market.

Trump supposedly withheld aid from Ukraine. Democrats did cut off aid to South Vietnam.
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
And you are saying that, if true, you are fine with it. Right? That's a yes/no question. Please begin your response with "yes" or "no".
it was cowardly to cut off aid to South Vietnam.
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition We were not allies with South Vietnam in 1975, we had drawn down to a skeleton DoD staff..."helpers" assisting South Vietnam--the truth was...everyone knew what was going to happen...the treaty gave the US a fig leaf to get "Peace with honor"

We agreed to give that country can blame Kissinger for all that..if you like.

Dems had nothing to do with any of that shit-----
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
How can we tell when a Trump Tweenkie is lying?
When he posts anything

The Myth That Congress Cut Off Funding for South Vietnam | History News Network

$700 Million

A quick, easy check of an old newspaper database shows Laird's cutoff claim to be false. In the fiscal year running from July 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975, the congressional appropriation for military aid to South Vietnam was $700 million.

Nixon had requested $1.45 billion. Congress cut his aid request, but never cut off aid.

Nixon's successor, President Gerald R. Ford, requested an additional $300 million for Saigon. Democrats saw it as an exercise in political blame-shifting. "The administration knows that the $300 million won't really do anything to prevent ultimate collapse in Vietnam," said Senator and future Vice President Walter F. Mondale, D-Mn., "and it is just trying to shift responsibility of its policy to Congress and the Democrats." Congress didn't approve the supplemental appropriation.

The Times reported that with National Security Adviser and Secretary of State Henry "Kissinger's personal prestige tied to peace in Vietnam, his aides have said that he will try to pin the blame for failure there on Congress." He tried to do just that at a March 26, 1975 news conference in which he framed the question facing Congress as "whether it will deliberately destroy an ally by withholding aid from it in its moment of extremity." Three years earlier, in October 1972, the month in which Kissinger publicly proclaimed that "peace is at hand," he privately told the President that their own settlement terms would destroy South Vietnam.

Congressional aid cuts didn't determine the war's final outcome. Saigon's fate was sealed long before, when Nixon forced it accept his settlement terms in January 1973.

As for Laird's "cut off" of funds for Saigon, it just never happened. Even Nixon acknowledged the 1975 military appropriation for Saigon of $700 million (on page 193 of No More Vietnams).

Nixon privately realized that Vietnamization and negotiation would not work as he said they would.

"South Vietnam probably can never even survive anyway," he said in private, but never in public.
To conceal Vietnamization's failure, Nixon timed the withdrawal of U.S. forces to the 1972 election. This way, California Governor Ronald Reagan could welcome delegates to the Republican National Convention in 1972 with the perfect words to launch the President's reelection campaign: "The last American combat team is on its way home from Vietnam."

To get the North Vietnamese to accept a settlement that, on paper, guaranteed the South's right to free elections, Nixon assured them, through the Soviet Union and China, that if they waited a "decent interval" of a year or two before taking over South Vietnam, he would not intervene. The Communists accepted Nixon's settlement terms because they knew that they didn't have to abide by them and the would get a clear shot at overthrowing the South Vietnamese government if they waited approximately 18 months after Nixon withdrew the last U.S. ground forces. Nixon wanted this "decent interval" to make it look like Saigon's fall wasn't his fault.
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
And you are saying that, if true, you are fine with it. Right? That's a yes/no question. Please begin your response with "yes" or "no".
it was cowardly to cut off aid to South Vietnam.

Trying to shift the blame from Nixon's abandonment of South Vietnam to the Democrats is- well very Trumpian of you.

As for Laird's "cut off" of funds for Saigon, it just never happened. Even Nixon acknowledged the 1975 military appropriation for Saigon of $700 million (on page 193 of No More Vietnams).
Trump supposedly withheld aid from Ukraine. Democrats did cut off aid to South Vietnam.

Trump actually did withhold Congressionally approved aid from Ukraine- for Trump's own personal political benefit.

Democrats reduced the aid going to South Vietnam

In the fiscal year running from July 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975, the congressional appropriation for military aid to South Vietnam was $700 million.
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition
I am telling you. Pol pot is a leftist hero. The killing fields is exactly what they want here.

Well you Trumpian Fascist lie a lot. Like your fascist hero Mussolini.

Pol Pot was no one's hero.
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition We were not allies with South Vietnam in 1975, we had drawn down to a skeleton DoD staff..."helpers" assisting South Vietnam--the truth was...everyone knew what was going to happen...the treaty gave the US a fig leaf to get "Peace with honor"

We agreed to give that country can blame Kissinger for all that..if you like.

Dems had nothing to do with any of that shit-----
In classic demented left wing style. It was the organized massive protests financed by committed marxists that applied massive pressure through our leftist media and our beloved commie plastic banana republic jane fondas that made Vietnam into a political quagmire. Through propaganda and marxist tv shows like MASH our public was brainwashed into believing we were the "bad guys."

Soldiers being called baby killers. Spit on by the likes of this idiot.

Then after the war ended, they blame the Republicans, they blame America, they blame capitalism. Meanwhile pol pot who studied and became a socialist god came in and committed genocide and eliminated any resistance to the commie take over.


Do not be brainwashed by the left wing propaganda
In 1975 the super majority Democrat Party controlled Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam when the country was fighting for its life. Total betrayal of an ally fight in the field. All to punish Ford for his justifiable pardon of Nixon. Talk about a cowardly behavior. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. Democrats doomed South Vietnam.
CQ Almanac Online Edition We were not allies with South Vietnam in 1975, we had drawn down to a skeleton DoD staff..."helpers" assisting South Vietnam--the truth was...everyone knew what was going to happen...the treaty gave the US a fig leaf to get "Peace with honor"

We agreed to give that country can blame Kissinger for all that..if you like.

Dems had nothing to do with any of that shit-----
In classic demented left wing style. It was the organized massive protests financed by committed marxists that applied massive pressure through our leftist media and our beloved commie plastic banana republic jane fondas that made Vietnam into a political quagmire. Through propaganda and marxist tv shows like MASH our public was brainwashed into believing we were the "bad guys."

Soldiers being called baby killers. Spit on by the likes of this idiot.

Then after the war ended, they blame the Republicans, they blame America, they blame capitalism. Meanwhile pol pot who studied and became a socialist god came in and committed genocide and eliminated any resistance to the commie take over.


Do not be brainwashed by the left wing propaganda

Pol Pot was Cambodia..not Vietnam.

Vietnam is a Tourist haven now--it was their country...and their destiny---our soldiers were not the bad guys..but our Govt. sure was.

BTW..Pacifism is not Marxist. Christian, actually..or so I hear. MASH showed the horror of war..and a physician's disgust with the waste.

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