Biden vs Trump 2024 from Now till November 5, 2024

Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017
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There have been many sayings in the Media and on the boards. Is Biden too old for a second turn? Has Biden damaged the country? Is Trump capable of understanding the issues? Does he understand what he says in his rallies and interviews on television?

We are about 14 months until the election. Clearly, for me, Trump will be the candidate for the Republicans, Biden for the Democrats.

I will be posting what one side or the other, and the Media say on both until November 5, 2024.

I want to follow what happens from now until Election Day from both sides.

So, Here we go !!

In his latest gaffe-laden speech, the disgraced ex-president served up a self-own for the ages, warning that "cognitively impaired" President Joe Biden could lead the country into "World War TWO" if he wins re-election. "Just think of it. We would be in World War TWO very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man, and far more devastating than any war," Trump said out loud with his own mouth into a microphone in front of people and rolling cameras. Directly after rewriting perhaps the largest chapter in world history from the last 100 years, Trump then appeared to suggest he was polling far better than Barack Obama — who is definitely not running for a third term, because, well you know, he legally cannot do so — in his quest to retake the White House next year. A very stable and in no way cognitively impaired genius!
The Republican Party of Florida voted Friday to abandon a rule adopted earlier this year requiring all 2024 presidential hopefuls to pledge support to the eventual nominee if they want to appear on March 19 primary ballots in the state, multipleoutletsreported.

The move is viewed as a win for one Florida man, former President Donald Trump, who has loudly refused to sign any such pledge, and a loss for his chief rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has already signed one.

Loyalty pledges have become an issue as Republican Party infighting is setting up a daunting prospect of unifying Republican voters behind one candidate in 2024.

At the national level, Republican leaders have pushed for the pledge. Candidates were told they had to sign if they wanted to appear in the first Republican primary debate held in Milwaukee last month. (Trump refused to sign, but he also refused to debate, thereby skirting the issue.)

The Florida GOP quietly implemented a loyalty pledge in May, CNN reported, in a move that was seen to boost DeSantis.

Behind the scenes, however, Trump allies have reportedly been lobbyingthe party’s chapter in Florida — Trump’s home state — to ditch the pledge.

At Friday’s meeting, Trump supporters in the Florida GOP predicted anarchy if the pledge were not dropped. One man said, “The Republican Party of Florida would cease to exist,” according to Politico.

Another said: “People will be pissed if we keep Trump off the ballot.”

Another fuckin' horrible choice.

This "system" of ours needs to be fixed, because clearly our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck OUT of POLITICS.

This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum.
Another fuckin' horrible choice.

This "system" of ours needs to be fixed, because clearly our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck OUT of POLITICS.

This is what it looks like when the lunatics are running the asylum.
Clearly your Real Best and Brightest have not shown themselves to be so for 2024. So, let us leave them for the next election.

In his latest gaffe-laden speech, the disgraced ex-president served up a self-own for the ages, warning that "cognitively impaired" President Joe Biden could lead the country into "World War TWO" if he wins re-election. "Just think of it. We would be in World War TWO very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man, and far more devastating than any war," Trump said out loud with his own mouth into a microphone in front of people and rolling cameras. Directly after rewriting perhaps the largest chapter in world history from the last 100 years, Trump then appeared to suggest he was polling far better than Barack Obama — who is definitely not running for a third term, because, well you know, he legally cannot do so — in his quest to retake the White House next year. A very stable and in no way cognitively impaired genius!

He's going off prompter and improvising unclearly....Like that's never happened to anyone. :icon_rolleyes:

Meanwhile, Pedo Pete couldn't pass a simple AAOX3 test at any given point in time.

There have been many sayings in the Media and on the boards. Is Biden too old for a second turn? Has Biden damaged the country? Is Trump capable of understanding the issues? Does he understand what he says in his rallies and interviews on television?

We are about 14 months until the election. Clearly, for me, Trump will be the candidate for the Republicans, Biden for the Democrats.

I will be posting what one side or the other, and the Media say on both until November 5, 2024.

I want to follow what happens from now until Election Day from both sides.

So, Here we go !!
Well, it's about time you admitted that the indictments against Trump aren't going anywhere and were only done for political purposes. How about we kick this all off with the latest polls where the last three show Trump winning in a head to head matchup with Biden, not even factoring in third parties, which would hurt Biden.

Well, it's about time you admitted that the indictments against Trump aren't going anywhere and were only done for political purposes. How about we kick this all off with the latest polls where the last three show Trump winning in a head to head matchup with Biden, not even factoring in third parties, which would hurt Biden.

Polls mean nothing.

November 5th, 2024 is what counts.
After counting all the votes, mail in ballots and absentees. Let us never forget our Military abroad. Never.
In New Hampshire, Democrat Hal Rafter won a closely divided seat on Tuesday night.

Democratic candidates easily won special state legislative elections in both Pennsylvania and New Hampshire on Tuesday night, continuing the party’s streak of strong performances in special contests, providing a good omen for 2024 and giving Democrats a better chance of holding two swing state legislative chambers.

In Pennsylvania, former congressional aide Lindsay Powell won in a safe blue seat in Pittsburgh, meaning the party will maintain its 102-101 edge in the state’s House of Representatives. Republicans control the state senate in the Keystone State, while the governor is Democrat Josh Shapiro.

In New Hampshire, whose 400-member state house is the largest in the nation, Democrat Hal Rafter won a previously Republican-held seat northeast of Manchester, narrowing the Republican edge in the state house to just 198 Republicans to 197 Democrats. Democrats are heavily favored in a special election scheduled for November, meaning the party could soon split control of the chamber and break the GOP trifecta controlling state government.

Neither victory, by itself, can indicate much about the political environment. Only about 10,000 voters cast ballots in Pennsylvania, and just 2,800 did in New Hampshire. But both continue a trend of Democrats overperforming both President Joe Biden’s 2020 results and the results of the 2022 midterms in special elections so far this year. The trend beganafter the Dobbs decision striking down abortion rights, and has only accelerated since the midterms.

For instance, former President Donald Trump narrowly won the New Hampshire district in 2020. But Rafter beat the GOP nominee, Jim Guzofski, by a 56% to 44% margin.

And in Pennsylvania, Biden won the seat by 22 percentage points — already a blowout. But Powell defeated Republican Erin Autenreith by 30 percentage points.

“Following a historic midterm in which the DLCC picked up four new legislative majorities, we’ve seen our momentum continue in 2023 with special election wins and overperformance across the country,” said Heather Williams, the interim president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, a national group backing state legislative candidates.

“As voters reject the GOP’s extreme agenda on abortion, voting rights, and so much more, these victories are shifting the balance of power in key states and putting Democrats in a stronger position to move this country forward.”

According to the latest calculations from FiveThirtyEight, Democrats have improved upon the base partisanship of districts by a whopping 11 percentage points over the course of 30 state legislative special elections this year. The districts where Democrats have overperformed include a wide variety of political territory, from a majority-Black seat in Louisiana to Republican-leaning seats in rural Maine and Wisconsin.

While Biden’s approval rating remains low, and most polls have the race between him and Trump in close to a dead heat, special election results stand out as a bright spot for Democrats heading into 2024.

How bright of a spot remains to be determined: The correlation between special election results and general election results is not perfect, and the continued movement of college-educated voters — who are more likely to turn out in irregularly scheduled elections — into the Democratic camp is clearly helping Democrats run up their advantages.

Politics is politics, but the sight of senior Republicans posing as the true friends of the union workers is so outlandish as to be almost comical. From Trump on down, the G.O.P. has spent decades siding with employers and seeking to frustrate union efforts to organize workplaces and raise wages. Even as it has sought to rebrand itself as a workers’ party, the G.O.P.’s actions have made a mockery of this claim.

Start with Trump. After taking power in 2017, he restored the Republican majority on the five-person National Labor Relations Board, the agency that was established during the New Deal to support workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively. Trump appointed a former House Republican staffer, Marvin Kaplan, as chair of the N.L.R.B. Under G.O.P. leadership, the agency quickly moved to reverse several pro-labor rulings that it had issued during the Obama Administration, including one that made it easier for workers at fast-food franchises to organize. This pro-employer slant continued throughout Trump’s term. In December, 2019, the agency issued two rulings that introduced new restrictions on unionization votes and made it easier for firms to classify workers as independent contractors, thus depriving them of union wage scales and benefits.

Contrast this record with the actions of the N.L.R.B. under Biden, who appointed two former union lawyers to its board and another former union lawyer, Jennifer Abruzzo, as its general counsel. In the past couple of years, the agency has abrogated many of its Trump-era rulings, including the ones related to voting procedures and independent contractors. Last month, the N.L.R.B. ruled that if a company engages in intimidatory behavior during a unionization election, such as firing union organizers, the agency will order the company to recognize the union and bargain collectively. In another ruling, the N.L.R.B. set out new rules for unionization votes, which require votes to be held promptly and restrict efforts by employers to delay them, which are very common occurrences.

(full article online)


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