Democrats and the black vote

Blacks have been voting Democrat for my entire life (41 yrs) I do not see how they are better off but you do you. I guess 41 years is too small of a sample size.
Since I'm not black, it's really not my call to make, but I suspect most black folks would rather go by their own observations over yours. Of course, the right constantly makes it clear that you think they are too stupid to make that call for themselves.
20% want their vote back.

Let's Go Brandon!
Dude. You picked the wrong article misunderstood and got carried away again, just because you don't like Joe. RW and BD are correct about the drop in black unemployment during the Biden Presidency.
Here is a data page with a curser to drag across the years and months, data point to data point, month to month. Check Feb 2021 to Dec 2021. Sorry dude. You didn't do your homework before posting.
Dude. You picked the wrong article misunderstood and got carried away again, just because you don't like Joe. RW and BD are correct about the drop in black unemployment during the Biden Presidency.
Here is a data page with a curser to drag across the years and months, data point to data point, month to month. Check Feb 2021 to Dec 2021. Sorry dude. You didn't do your homework before posting.
It happens quite often. A crazy gets a glimpse of something he thinks will support one of his conspiracy theories, and posts it without reading it. When his screw up is pointed out, he refuses to even read his own link, but continues to argue bullshit his link doesn't show.
It happens quite often. A crazy gets a glimpse of something he thinks will support one of his conspiracy theories, and posts it without reading it. When his screw up is pointed out, he refuses to even read his own link, but continues to argue bullshit his link doesn't show.
His link was not impressive, and meant to get people excited, so I took a look for month to month with graphic. Fred Economic Data has done a pretty good job posting raw data since they began, 30 years ago.
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Since I'm not black, it's really not my call to make, but I suspect most black folks would rather go by their own observations over yours. Of course, the right constantly makes it clear that you think they are too stupid to make that call for themselves.
Which is fine. My people have been equally fooled with their one party vote so I cant say much.
Not really

Republicans use a blame the victim strategy against blacks
You spelled “Democrats” incorrectly. The Democratic Party has fooled PoC and Jews for 40+ years. Happened to my parents too. The world isn’t out to get us. We don’t owe that party our vote.
You're such a liar, but then again. Liberalism is a lie. Minorities are going to be begging Trump to run again. After the racist Biden is done with them.


Interesting. Biden said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black. But under Biden black unemployment is 7.1% vs. 6.0% under Trump pre COVID19 shutdowns. Hmmmm….

Where is BLM? Where is the NAACP? Where are the Democrats now that they don’t need the black vote.
Members of the Party of White Men are constantly whining about the diversity of the other Party that is far more representative of the American populace, and instructing them all how they should vote.

Rather than presuming to tell others what is in their interests, something they are eminently qualified to determine for themselves, it might be more sensible for them to direct their efforts to retraining the better-educated white suburbanites who are disgusted with the RINOs of Trumpery and the Cry Baby Loser's impotence in honestly confronting his loss.

Or, considering the expression of the popular will in recent presidential elections, their voter suppression route may make more sense for them:
Screen Shot 2022-01-08 at 9.41.11 AM.png
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Yes it was low right before the lockdowns and your point?

The point is that the claim was made that black UE increased under Trump, and you called that a lie. But as I have proven, you are the liar. Black UE was higher when Trump left office than when he entered it.

Those are the cold, hard facts
There really are no available jobs for Blacks….Mexicans are working all the jobs Blacks used to man.
For now, Blacks are being ‘pity hired’ by woke companies looking to prove their level of wokeness….this bullshit isn’t sustainable…can’t wait for the implosion.
The good news is; Blacks really don’t want to lace up workboots, they don’t really want to improve…..Improvement / success = Devalued race card and the IM2 ’s among us can’t have that.
The point is that the claim was made that black UE increased under Trump, and you called that a lie. But as I have proven, you are the liar. Black UE was higher when Trump left office than when he entered it.

Those are the cold, hard facts
Your TDS-ing Leftist typing fingers are dominating your logical Righty mind again bud….ALL sane folks paying attention know that Mexicrats, with China, unleashed a global scamdemic on America in 2020 and blue shithole governors shut the nation and the economy down….Only super fucked in the head TDS’ers factor the economics during that time.

Interesting. Biden said if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black. But under Biden black unemployment is 7.1% vs. 6.0% under Trump pre COVID19 shutdowns. Hmmmm….

Where is BLM? Where is the NAACP? Where are the Democrats now that they don’t need the black vote.

I always find it amazing that a man who purports to make his living giving economic advice to business people has so little understanding as to how the economy functions. One would think that you would need to know what drives these indicators in order to advise clients, and yet you have no opinions as to why this is happening.

Black unemployment has been higher than white unemployment for generations. When there is an economic collapse, black employment is the last sector of the unemployment number to decline. They were also the first demographic hit by the lockdowns.

But once again, the white businessman has no clue as to why unemployment is higher amongst minority communities. What a dolt you truly are! No wonder you're here repeating right wing lies, rather than offering an opinion or information from your own education or experience. Why is that?
The point is that the claim was made that black UE increased under Trump, and you called that a lie. But as I have proven, you are the liar. Black UE was higher when Trump left office than when he entered it.

Those are the cold, hard facts
Just before the pandemic it was at a record low. If we did as Trump wanted. We wouldn't of had lockdowns and this would be over this by now.

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