Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

Got any actual numbers to show Biden has surpassed Trump on new spending?
When Trump took office the national debt was just over 10 trillion dollars. Before covert started Trump had already added 7.8 trillion to the deficit. His tax cuts meant less income coming into the federal government and then covid hit. The end result was when he left office the national debt was 28 trillion dollars. Donald Trump built a national debt so big ( even before covid ) that it will weigh down the economy for years to come. He doubled it before covid by adding 7.8 trillion to the deficit. Then the loss of tax income from the tax cuts and covid hit everything with a double whammy. And that's how when you left office he left the nation worse off than it ever was before with the national debt of 28 trillion dollars.
When Trump took office the national debt was just over 10 trillion dollars. Before covert started Trump had already added 7.8 trillion to the deficit. His tax cuts meant less income coming into the federal government and then covid hit. The end result was when he left office the national debt was 28 trillion dollars. Donald Trump built a national debt so big ( even before covid ) that it will weigh down the economy for years to come. He doubled it before covid by adding 7.8 trillion to the deficit. Then the loss of tax income from the tax cuts and covid hit everything with a double whammy. And that's how when you left office he left the nation worse off than it ever was before with the national debt of 28 trillion dollars.
When Trump took office the national debt was just over 10 trillion dollars

GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus..
The GOP Congress spent like CRAZY and completely wasted and squandered that balanced budget. (then they crashed the economy 7 years later)

In 2016, Obama's last year, the US annual deficit was at $587 B a year.
In 2020 the US deficit was projected to be $1.1 T, precovid (it came in at $3T)

Trump and the GOP doubled the yearly budget deficit in just 3 years, AND they never had 3% GDP annually.

Now these trash republican try and claim to be the fiscally responsible ones even though the GOP has destroyed the countries finances. The GOP refuses to do the right thing and fund our government to keep the economy booming under Biden. The GOP has raised the debt ceiling countless times for themselves, but never for anybody else. the GOP is playing games with our economy. The economy is booming and the GOP are jealous because they such at the economy.

This is just another example of the joke and failure of the GOP. The GOP has destroyed our finances, and they won't work with the dems to help our country. The GOP doesn't care about our country at all, they care about the GOP. Party over country. Why else would the GOP spend so recklessly for so long???

Everything posted here is 100% fact, I know you hate it, I know you people are squirming and crying right now, but the truth can be a tough pill for Trumpers to swallow. You hate the truth. You hate my facts. Facts are kryptonite to a Trumper.

There is a difference between claiming fiscal responsibility and pointing out how Biden and Democrats have fucked up the economy intentionally through horrific, failed policies and agendas.

Too bad you are too stupid to understand that.
When Trump took office the national debt was just over 10 trillion dollars. Before covert started Trump had already added 7.8 trillion to the deficit. His tax cuts meant less income coming into the federal government and then covid hit. The end result was when he left office the national debt was 28 trillion dollars. Donald Trump built a national debt so big ( even before covid ) that it will weigh down the economy for years to come. He doubled it before covid by adding 7.8 trillion to the deficit. Then the loss of tax income from the tax cuts and covid hit everything with a double whammy. And that's how when you left office he left the nation worse off than it ever was before with the national debt of 28 trillion dollars.
His tax cuts meant less income coming into the federal government

which year did revenues go down? Bring a link.
When Trump took office the national debt was just over 10 trillion dollars. Before covert started Trump had already added 7.8 trillion to the deficit. His tax cuts meant less income coming into the federal government and then covid hit. The end result was when he left office the national debt was 28 trillion dollars. Donald Trump built a national debt so big ( even before covid ) that it will weigh down the economy for years to come. He doubled it before covid by adding 7.8 trillion to the deficit. Then the loss of tax income from the tax cuts and covid hit everything with a double whammy. And that's how when you left office he left the nation worse off than it ever was before with the national debt of 28 trillion dollars.

The tax cuts, IIRC, didn't lower the governments income, because of all the tax deductions that were eliminated. I ended up paying $600 more the year they took effect. (I even had my tax lady run some different numbers, and $600 was the best she could get, without fudging too much)
Too bad you don't have a computer or anything...
Hey look Simp, I found a computer.

Tell me which year revenues were lower than the year before.


FY 2021$3.86 (estimated)
FY 2020$3.71 trillion (estimated)
FY 2019$3.46 trillion (actual)
FY 2018$3.33 trillion
FY 2017$3.32 trillion
FY 2016$3.27 trillion
I hate it when he invaded the Ukraine and started the bird flu...
How about targeting and shutting down the very industry on which our nation's economy is based without having an alternate source of energy because it is simply their agenda, one being imposed by fucking idiots / enemies through failed policy ... unless the goal is to destroy the US?!

It will go down as one of the dumbest f*ing moves in history.
How about targeting and shutting down the very industry on which our nation's economy is based without having an alternate source of energy because it is simply their agenda, one being imposed by fucking idiots / enemies through failed policy ... unless the goal is to destroy the US?!

It will go down as one of the dumbest f*ing moves in history.
Only complete dummies think Biden did a good thing shutting down our energy sector.
How about targeting and shutting down the very industry on which our nation's economy is based without having an alternate source of energy because it is simply their agenda, one being imposed by fucking idiots / enemies through failed policy ... unless the goal is to destroy the US?!

It will go down as one of the dumbest f*ing moves in history.

Cutting oil production increases prices, right? Every time. Right? It causes the markets to up the futures prices. And all sort of things happen, when oil companies like OPEC cut their fuel production. Right?

In April of 2020, 7 months before the election, Trump struck a deal with OPEC to lower oil production. They agreed. That's when the oil bust started. By may, here in the USA, oil field layoffs had started, and US oil companies started lowering their production. Essentially, because OPEC started their bust cycle, US oil companies did also.

By the time the elections rolled around, oil companies had used up their excess oil and were relying on fresh oil to supply the country.

But see, here's the kicker. US oil companies still imported and produced enough to supply the nation. Not once did any of us see a gas station that was out of gas, because the refineries couldn't supply gas.

Biden has been the best president US oil companies could've asked for. Record profits, without having to produce 1/2 as much oil as they did the previous year.
They bitch about Biden. But it's all show. They love him. Especially after Biden has promised them guaranteed $70 per barrel.
Only complete dummies think Biden did a good thing shutting down our energy sector.

He didn't shut down anything that was being used. That's just the propaganda. The president doesn't have the power to slow or increase production.
We don't have a king. And oil isn't nationalized.
How about targeting and shutting down the very industry on which our nation's economy is based without having an alternate source of energy because it is simply their agenda, one being imposed by fucking idiots / enemies through failed policy ... unless the goal is to destroy the US?!

It will go down as one of the dumbest f*ing moves in history.
Too bad it's not true. We are producing more oil now than ever under trump. Too bad you drones won't buy electric or hybrid vehicles because you're brainwashed with baloney. The GOP is always a catastrophe, all to make money for Murdoch Internet crazies and trump.
Cutting oil production increases prices, right? Every time. Right? It causes the markets to up the futures prices. And all sort of things happen, when oil companies like OPEC cut their fuel production. Right?

In April of 2020, 7 months before the election, Trump struck a deal with OPEC to lower oil production. They agreed. That's when the oil bust started. By may, here in the USA, oil field layoffs had started, and US oil companies started lowering their production. Essentially, because OPEC started their bust cycle, US oil companies did also.

By the time the elections rolled around, oil companies had used up their excess oil and were relying on fresh oil to supply the country.

But see, here's the kicker. US oil companies still imported and produced enough to supply the nation. Not once did any of us see a gas station that was out of gas, because the refineries couldn't supply gas.

Biden has been the best president US oil companies could've asked for. Record profits, without having to produce 1/2 as much oil as they did the previous year.
They bitch about Biden. But it's all show. They love him. Especially after Biden has promised them guaranteed $70 per barrel.

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