Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

How much undue, Un-Constitutional, illegal financial / economic / criminal / etc... burden do you think Biden and Democrats have imposed in tjis nation, on states, on US citizens, US victims of illegal crimes / trafficking / murder, on tve victims' families through their Un-Constitutional, illegal failed Open Door policies?

Thousands of Americans are dead due to Chinese targeting if Americans with ungodly amounts of fentynal through Cartel trafficking aided abd abetted, facilitated by Biden and Democrats.

They show no concern for the damage, destruction, and devastation of this country and the lives of its citizens they are responsible for yet freak out when 50 illegals show up in Martha's Vineyard.
:thankusmile: Indeed ,he wins first prize for most comedic post of the century,he needs to apply for a job as a comedian,he would excel at that.:rofl:i Seriously think he has to be a sockpuppet of smellybozos agreed? Or maybe banker.

You demonstrate you are too stupid to realize you are the one being laughed at, not me, simp.

Now THAT'S funny.

And then dumped another 3 1/2 trillion into the economy in one year

Ya wanna talk about inflation?
GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus..
The GOP Congress spent like CRAZY and completely wasted and squandered that balanced budget. (then they crashed the economy 7 years later)

In 2016, Obama's last year, the US annual deficit was at $587 B a year.
In 2020 the US deficit was projected to be $1.1 T, precovid (it came in at $3T)

Trump and the GOP doubled the yearly budget deficit in just 3 years, AND they never had 3% GDP annually.

Now these trash republican try and claim to be the fiscally responsible ones even though the GOP has destroyed the countries finances. The GOP refuses to do the right thing and fund our government to keep the economy booming under Biden. The GOP has raised the debt ceiling countless times for themselves, but never for anybody else. the GOP is playing games with our economy. The economy is booming and the GOP are jealous because they such at the economy.

This is just another example of the joke and failure of the GOP. The GOP has destroyed our finances, and they won't work with the dems to help our country. The GOP doesn't care about our country at all, they care about the GOP. Party over country. Why else would the GOP spend so recklessly for so long???

Everything posted here is 100% fact, I know you hate it, I know you people are squirming and crying right now, but the truth can be a tough pill for Trumpers to swallow. You hate the truth. You hate my facts. Facts are kryptonite to a Trumper.

Look at your last paragraph. Why would anyone take you seriously? You act childish and immature and resort to name calling.

Even if you made a compelling argument all you did was prove you aren't here to have a conversation or discuss anything. Your only goal to try and piss off people. I mean you don't upset me because there are billions of people online and you're just a random internet stranger trying to get under people's skin and that to me automatically makes you the not someone to be taken seriously.
The claim was that debt was just over $10 trillion when he took office, Dumbasd.
That was a claim made in error. The FACT though is that Trump added just short of THREE TRILLION dollars to the debt BEFORE covid hit and 7.5 Trillion over all

Dick face
/----/ Once again for the public-school educated libtards, Only Congress can spend money - not the president.

"NEW" Spending bills are created by congress. The president has to sign them into law. Changes to spending laws, also have to be signed into a NEW law by the president.
Things like the Social Security COLA, where the increases are already written into law, do not require a presidential signature.

The propaganda you're repeating is a farce because it doesn't tell the whole story.
Democrats are 90% of the problem, nimrod.

That's what die hard republicans claim. But it's simply not true. The problem is equally democrats and republicans.

Fact: Since the big spending started (with Reagan) we've had 6 more years of republican presidencies, than democrats. NEW spending from republicans is way more than from democrat presidents.

Key words: New spending

Republicans are great at pushing for tax cuts. Tax cuts are great. The more the merrier. Except when republicans give us tax cuts, they usually double their spending. <<<Retarded.
No, we want you to stop prevaricating. There are many reasons and the Democrat fake pandemic response and shutting down America is one of the biggest reasons for jobs loss. Then Biden totally fucked US by rescinding Trump's energy policies. The American people have suffered a double punch to our economy, high interest rates, high inflation, high food prices, high gas prices and overall misery.

Economic downturns don't just fall from the sky. Things have to happen before the economy get's bad. The economy was getting bad when Trump was leaving office. Before Biden had a chance to screw things up even worse.
I'm stating facts, bro. Trump did get OPEC to cut oil production. US oil companies followed suit, as they always do. When Opec lowers production, so do US oil companies.

Biden's energy policies have nothing to do with existing production. ONLY on federal lands with no drilling permit. Oil companies had drilling permits they sat on for over a year, because they were in their bust cycle. In fact, they had more drilling permits Biden's first year, than they had in Trumps first year.

I know a lot of people in the oil and pipeline business. The lay offs started long before the election. Think about that. "The lay offs started long before the election." <<<That's important. It's a sign of what's going on in the oil fields. If the lay offs started after Biden took office, that would be on Biden. But that's not the way it went down.

BTW, Trump couldn't control US oil companies any more than Biden can. They're not kings. So you're just going to have to realize that US oil companies aren't as patriotic as you'd like them to be. They're in it for the money. And being able to reduce their overhead and make record profits from lowering production (bust cycle) is what they're going to do, regardless of who's president.
Maybe it should be nationalized. They're number one on my list. I see 53% of inflation is caused by bloated corporate profits.

If we had better government, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea. But our government, both Republicans and democrats, are very corruptible.

One thing worth nothing, in support of nationalizing US oil, is that the government has paid US oil companies hundreds of billions (maybe even trillions if you go back just a decade) to keep oil flowing. This was done so that we wouldn't be beholden to OPEC. Since OPEC has been one of the big reasons for many of our own economic downturns (huge reduction in oil production and the futures market driving the price up).
We gave the US oil companies money, hand over fist, to combat OPEC's bust cycles. And what do they give back in return? They go into their bust cycles at the same time OPEC does.

1. Because it produces record profits for them. Cutting production creates higher prices. It also lowers their overhead. (Laying off drillers, pipeliners and even geologist)
2. Because they can. And there's not a thing in the world our government can do about it.
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Your bullshit attempt to defend Bidrn's admitted intentional attempt to destroy the oil industry, force Americans off of fossil fuels which is destroying the economy abd bation, causing Americans to suffer, is a pathetic smoke, mirrors, and BS failure.

Destroy the oil industry? Are you blind? US oil companies made record profits in just this year alone. WAY more profits than they got during Trump.
And now, Biden has guaranteed US oil companies $70 per barrel. FFS, how in the world is that destroying the oil companies?

My guess is you've fallen for the charade. The big lie. "Biden is trying to destroy big oil" is the biggest lie that's been told since Biden took office.
The economy was getting bad when Trump was leaving office. Before Biden had a chance to screw things up even worse.

Are you kidding?


If we had better government, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea. But our government, both Republicans and democrats, are very corruptible.

One thing worth nothing, in support of nationalizing US oil, is that the government has paid US oil companies hundreds of billions (maybe even trillions if you go back just a decade) to keep oil flowing. This was done so that we wouldn't be beholden to OPEC. Since OPEC has been one of the big reasons for many of our own economic downturns (huge reduction in oil production and the futures market driving the price up).
We gave the US oil companies money, hand over fist, to combat OPEC's bust cycles. And what do they give back in return? They go into their bust cycles at the same time OPEC does.

1. Because it produces record profits for them. Cutting production creates higher prices. It also lowers their overhead. (Laying off drillers, pipeliners and even geologist)
2. Because they can. And there's not a thing in the world our government can do about it.

One thing worth nothing, in support of nationalizing US oil, is that the government has paid US oil companies hundreds of billions (maybe even trillions if you go back just a decade) to keep oil flowing.


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