Current COVID-19 Mortality Rate: 1.35%

By definition, to die from the disease, you have to be "deathly ill."
Not on day one of infection. Obviously. In fact, you can be asymptomatic for weeks before presenting with symptoms. We educated adults call this the "incubation period". And even then, the disease may not become a serious illness for another couple weeks.

You might just want to STFU for a while and read my posts, so you learn something.
The average incubation time is 5 days
Plenty of commentary here and from the media that people are not being tested merely to find out if they have it or not.
That doesn't mean nobody is. "Plenty", eh? I see you understand now that you made up a lie and are trying to walk it back under the radar.
They don’t want to take the time to test non infecteds to provide they are non infected
You are parsing and splitting hairs. My statement that they don’t want to test you unless you are reporting illness stands and is correct. Some of a few thousand New Yorkers may have been obviously well from the get go but that was a special type of testing anyway
They don’t want to spend time and test kits, etc providing test results to confirm that the non sick are non sick
They don't want to take the time to test??

Are you just ignorant about this?


And that's a real problem, for this season and next and next and next.....
We aren't learning how it is spread, without the testing... we can't confine those who are sick, without knowing who really are sick, without the testing, we can't send to work, who aren't sick, because we do not know who are not sick...without the testing....

It's a darn mess, not having the tests to test, and why governors were left with ONE OPTION, shut down...

Stay at home, shut down all but essential jobs.

I have been sent home from my job at the Ministry of Interior and told to Self-Isolate. This morning all of a sudden I have a dry cough, I am feeling dizzy, my forehead is warm and I am having random chills. So here I am now back at home Self-Isolating. Until about an hour ago I was feeling okay and then all of a sudden I was not feeling okay. It was that sudden.

I have been doing EVERYTHING, social distancing, washing hands, the whole thing and yet I am now in Self-Isolation. People need to take this seriously, I am not in the vulnerable age group, I am 30 years in age and healthy, but I am now having to Self-Isolate.

Stay safe.
Oh my! Sounds like you caught it!! Crap!

What's the protocol? Call your doctor!!! Ask what should you do? Stay away from your kids? Your hubby? Your parents? Wear an n95 mask around them?

Take your temperature every morning and night, if it starts rising higher call your doctor again!!!

I don't work outside of the home but the hubby does work with the public and a lot of other associates, his work closed doors about a week ago, told everyone to call on April second, see if they will be reopening and when... They are only paying employees 65% of their salary.... but it's better than nothing!

We, Matt and I both have something, for 3 weeks now, we are presuming it is the common cold, no fever.... it's weird, we have never had a mild cold for three weeks, before this....

but since we are okay otherwise, we are not worried, other than staying away from everyone else in case we are carriers.

I was wondering if anyone on our site would catch it.... sounds like you did Miss Lucy! :eek:

DO NOT take for granted that you are young, and will weather this well... younger people are getting really sick too...! So pay attention to your temperature! Take care of yourself, Lucy!!!!!
I have been sent home from my job at the Ministry of Interior and told to Self-Isolate. This morning all of a sudden I have a dry cough, I am feeling dizzy, my forehead is warm and I am having random chills. So here I am now back at home Self-Isolating. Until about an hour ago I was feeling okay and then all of a sudden I was not feeling okay. It was that sudden.

I have been doing EVERYTHING, social distancing, washing hands, the whole thing and yet I am now in Self-Isolation. People need to take this seriously, I am not in the vulnerable age group, I am 30 years in age and healthy, but I am now having to Self-Isolate.

Mr. Lucy has now returned home, as we all live in the same house he now also has to Self-Isolate, the kidlets are here with us and also Day Nanny and now Night Nanny who stays at night with us she is being told to stay at her own house and Self-Isolate because she had been in the same environment as me.

Stay safe.

Darn. Get better soon!
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


you don't actually know the number of total cases all you know is the number of positive test results.

Once we get those antibody tests going, that mortality rate is going below 1%.
Total deaths/Total cases = 1.35% mortality rate in the US.

This is from the CDC site TODAY:


Since we're pretty much refusing to test anyone unless they're so seriously ill that they need immediate medical care, those numbers are skewed. We should wait on all these numbers. We haven't done enough testing to have a clue.

Thank you
Yes, it does have a very low mortality rate.
The flu, which Trump and the Hive Mind stupidly compare to COVID-19, has a mortality rate of 0.1%.

1.35% is 13.5 times more fatal than the flu.

So the next time you hear a Trumptard talk about the umpteen thousand people who die each year from the flu, multiply their number by 13.5, and that will explain why we should have reacted much more quickly and with greater force to this "hoax".


The flu infected 38 to 54 million people in the US this year.
The flu killed 23 to 59 thousand people in the US this year.

So the flu then is far more deadly then COVID-19.
China only has 21 thousand COVID-19 deaths this year, and has about 5 times the population of the US. Devide 21 thousand by 5 and you get a reasonable estimate for the US. Which is only about 4 thousand.
The flu has a vaccine, the flu has antivirals to combat once sick.

We have neither for COVID19.

We also have no freaking idea how many have contracted this virus, nor how many are being infected right now or next week with it....

Vivid19 has only been around for 3 to 4 months, not a full year, as the Flu numbers are for a year.

And, COVID19 is not a flu... we still are not certain how it spreads so rapidly...other than guessing that all the a symptomatic carriers are spreading it without knowledge... this virus is a sneaky little avatars....

The flu, you can hear and see who has it, and keep a distance....

There truly are too many unknowns, for any of us to claim we KNOW....anything yet.

Setting aside differences, let me ask you a question.

If you look at World-o-meters you see every state has a few cases. With the exception of the states that are really taking a beating....don't you think it odd that a place like Iowa has only a few hundred cases ?

I would guess (and yes, I said guess) that we'll find that most of these states like Arizona that have huge population centers will eventually discover there a bunch more cases we never knew about.

Just sayin'
I think the states with fewer cases reported, like mine was, is simply lack of testing.....

But again, without testing, we'll never know....

All the pandemonium, comes from the lack of testing, testing, testing.....
South Korea had their first case on the same day and they have "flattened the curve". We have not...and they did it with MASSIVE testing and isolation.
Once we get those antibody tests going, that mortality rate is going below 1%.
And when will that be and how will it lower mortality?

Because then you have the ability to test not only the people who were sick enough to go to the doctor, but the population in general. Similar to what was done in say, South Korea. All you paper-bag-breathing panic brigade is going to look really bad then, because guaranteed, the morality rate will barely scrape 1%
Stop. This thing is spreading like crazy and people are dying.

Shove your bullshit statistics.

It's real and it brutal

Oh really, stop. It is SOMETIMES brutal. It is OFTEN not. Sometimes people get it and are asymptomatic. Likely my daughter had it in early Feb. The urgent care clinic told her to come back in three days if she wasn't better, but she got better on her own, so she never went back. Stop panting and crying all over the boards
Oh really, stop. It is SOMETIMES brutal. It is OFTEN not. Sometimes people get it and are asymptomatic. Likely my daughter had it in early Feb. The urgent care clinic told her to come back in three days if she wasn't better, but she got better on her own, so she never went back. Stop panting and crying all over the boards
SHE likely had an actual cold.

You base your idiotic opinions on THAT?

The facts say you are an idiot. Almost 1000 people have died from this. In NYC 600 people died from it in a WEEK. Yesterday a young healthy nurse in NYC who treated Covid patients died.

The doctor in China (a healthy guy in his mid 30s) who alerted the world to this horror DIED from it.

Colds...don't do that
It almost looks like Trumpers PRIDE themselves on always being wrong. In this case dangerously so.
Plenty of commentary here and from the media that people are not being tested merely to find out if they have it or not.
That doesn't mean nobody is. "Plenty", eh? I see you understand now that you made up a lie and are trying to walk it back under the radar.
They don’t want to take the time to test non infecteds to provide they are non infected
You are parsing and splitting hairs. My statement that they don’t want to test you unless you are reporting illness stands and is correct. Some of a few thousand New Yorkers may have been obviously well from the get go but that was a special type of testing anyway
They don’t want to spend time and test kits, etc providing test results to confirm that the non sick are non sick
They don't want to take the time to test??

Are you just ignorant about this?


And that's a real problem, for this season and next and next and next.....
We aren't learning how it is spread, without the testing... we can't confine those who are sick, without knowing who really are sick, without the testing, we can't send to work, who aren't sick, because we do not know who are not sick...without the testing....

It's a darn mess, not having the tests to test, and why governors were left with ONE OPTION, shut down...

Stay at home, shut down all but essential jobs.

I have been sent home from my job at the Ministry of Interior and told to Self-Isolate. This morning all of a sudden I have a dry cough, I am feeling dizzy, my forehead is warm and I am having random chills. So here I am now back at home Self-Isolating. Until about an hour ago I was feeling okay and then all of a sudden I was not feeling okay. It was that sudden.

I have been doing EVERYTHING, social distancing, washing hands, the whole thing and yet I am now in Self-Isolation. People need to take this seriously, I am not in the vulnerable age group, I am 30 years in age and healthy, but I am now having to Self-Isolate.

Stay safe.
Oh my! Sounds like you caught it!! Crap!

What's the protocol? Call your doctor!!! Ask what should you do? Stay away from your kids? Your hubby? Your parents? Wear an n95 mask around them?

Take your temperature every morning and night, if it starts rising higher call your doctor again!!!

I don't work outside of the home but the hubby does work with the public and a lot of other associates, his work closed doors about a week ago, told everyone to call on April second, see if they will be reopening and when... They are only paying employees 65% of their salary.... but it's better than nothing!

We, Matt and I both have something, for 3 weeks now, we are presuming it is the common cold, no fever.... it's weird, we have never had a mild cold for three weeks, before this....

but since we are okay otherwise, we are not worried, other than staying away from everyone else in case we are carriers.

I was wondering if anyone on our site would catch it.... sounds like you did Miss Lucy! :eek:

DO NOT take for granted that you are young, and will weather this well... younger people are getting really sick too...! So pay attention to your temperature! Take care of yourself, Lucy!!!!!

Right now apart from symptoms I mention, I am functioning. I am told that if I begin to have breathing problems, then I am to phone immediately to be taken to the hospital. I am told that to be safe I must now put a mask on in the house, this of course will be a bizarro happening, I hope it does not freak the kidlets out :omg: :eusa_doh:

Mr. Lucy is not displaying ANY symptoms, the kidlets are okay, Day Nanny is okay, I just phone Night Nanny and she says she is okay but she will Self-Isolate.

Good thing Mr. Lucy went and stocked up on food and things on Tuesday morning, so we are okay on that situation also.

You should just do the usual social distancing, washing hands etc and hope for the best. I hope for the best for you and Matt.

This is VERY unfortunate, I was working with my team on the Task Force in cordination with The Ministry of Health, now I am told that it MIGHT be that my immediate section of our team could now have to Self-Isolate because they have been working with me.

As I am determined to keep working on some level, Karl Nehammer who is my boss boss as he's our Minister of Interior, I am told he is phoning me this afternoon to have a talk and to see if I want to work from home which I do and then they can set up ALL my Ministry files and computer stuff they can set that all up onto a laptop which will be delivered via someone in a hazmat suit and then from tomorrow I can work from home.

This is VERY important to me, while I can still stand I WANT to continue my work, we have been doing so well Containing, Mass Testing, Alerting, Isolating, working on things with the Red Cross and Scientific Groups, securing the nations food supply and medicine supply, closing borders, shutting down flights, securing one million new masks and hazmat suits and protecting gear for our HEROIC doctors and nurses and Health Care workers who are doing an AMAZING JOB....I want to continue working from home to stay part of our team. I REFUSE to allow this situation of me now having to Self-Isolate to get in the way of me continuing with my duty to help to protect our nation and our peoples.

I HOPE I have not got the full-on thing, I HOPE in a week I can be feeling better. I will not though be the only person at this forum who is going to be told to Self-Isolate.

I know younger peoples are getting sick, in this nation the largest groups who have it are 45-55 the second largest group is 25-35 and the third largest group is 60 and over. The POSITIVE thing though is that the majority, this is like 98% of ALL who have this are considered Mild Cases, we have our totals as of when I was sent home were:

Total Cases 6.001 New Cases 412 Total Deaths 42 New Deaths 11 Total Recovered 112 Active Cases 5.847 Serious/Critical 28

You are not actually paying that much attention to the Total Cases, you are paying attention to the Active Cases because they are the important figure in all of this, how we work is that the Active Cases and the Serious/Critical Cases are monitored together because THIS combined is the most important set of figures, THIS is illustrating how well we are all doing in Finding/Containing/Isolating/Treating those who are infected.

So this:

Active Cases 5.847 of those Active Cases and THIS is the IMPORTANT part 5.819 are in a Mild Condition and that is 100% of those 5.819 are in a Mild Condition.

Serious/Critical 28, this figure is taken from the Active Cases of 5.847 and those 28 who are Serious/Critical are in Special Isolation Units, they are the ones who are highly likely going to die. We monitor the Serious/Critical level at least 100 times a day every day looking for new changes. I know it might sound cold but IF we can keep that Serious/Critical figure in double digits each day we consider this a good situation, it's why this far our Total Deaths figure is very low. We consider that we are ahead of the curve and we hope to keep it this way.

Next week we will be able to test hundreds of thousands of peoples a day, we have been testing about 15.000-20.000 a day so far for three weeks. We do expect that when we begin testing hundreds of thousands of peoples a day then our New Cases total each day is probably going to rise significantly, BUT the IMPORTANT thing is HOW MANY will be Mild Conditions and HOW MANY will be Serious/Critical? We HOPE and pray to Our Lord that the Serious/Critical figures STAY in the double digits and do not go off the chart.

You also take care and Matt tell him to take care!
Oh really, stop. It is SOMETIMES brutal. It is OFTEN not. Sometimes people get it and are asymptomatic. Likely my daughter had it in early Feb. The urgent care clinic told her to come back in three days if she wasn't better, but she got better on her own, so she never went back. Stop panting and crying all over the boards
SHE likely had an actual cold.

You base your idiotic opinions on THAT?

The facts say you are an idiot. Almost 1000 people have died from this. In NYC 600 people died from it in a WEEK. Yesterday a young healthy nurse in NYC who treated Covid patients died.

The doctor in China (a healthy guy in his mid 30s) who alerted the world to this horror DIED from it.

Colds...don't do that
Still the vast majority of people who die are elderly or have some underlying conditions.

You don't focus on the statistical outliers
They don’t want to take the time to test non infecteds to provide they are non infected
True, until we get more tests. But your claim that people without symptoms are not being tested was false, and you literally made it up on the spot. I called it out. Now you're gwumpy and won't admit you made up some dumb shit. So, just like every night you're here.
I called my doctor's office to get tested and they told me they couldn't test me because I didn't have all the symptoms, so you're full of shit, as normal
I called my doctor's office to get tested and they told me they couldn't test me because I didn't have all the symptoms, so you're full of shit, as normal
Because of the lack of tests they CAN'T (but should) test everyone showing flu like symptoms. You have to be tested negative for everything else(if you're showing symptoms) before they will test for Covid.

Jesus...this is insane
This thread provides quite the indication of various posters results on the math section of the S.A.Ts (if they even took it).

There seems to be a strong correlation between a low S.A.T. score and hive mind leftism.
Plenty of commentary here and from the media that people are not being tested merely to find out if they have it or not.
That doesn't mean nobody is. "Plenty", eh? I see you understand now that you made up a lie and are trying to walk it back under the radar.
They don’t want to take the time to test non infecteds to provide they are non infected
You are parsing and splitting hairs. My statement that they don’t want to test you unless you are reporting illness stands and is correct. Some of a few thousand New Yorkers may have been obviously well from the get go but that was a special type of testing anyway
They don’t want to spend time and test kits, etc providing test results to confirm that the non sick are non sick
They don't want to take the time to test??

Are you just ignorant about this?


And that's a real problem, for this season and next and next and next.....
We aren't learning how it is spread, without the testing... we can't confine those who are sick, without knowing who really are sick, without the testing, we can't send to work, who aren't sick, because we do not know who are not sick...without the testing....

It's a darn mess, not having the tests to test, and why governors were left with ONE OPTION, shut down...

Stay at home, shut down all but essential jobs.

My prediction is right now that America is going up to number one in the world in COVID-19 Total Cases AND New Cases and this is going to be within the next 24 hours, you have already just gone above Italy in Total Cases and New Cases, you are now only 6.217 behind China, yesterday you were 19.000 behind China and still in third place.

As of right now at 18.00PM which is what 1PM in New York and 10AM in California and so still many many hours left in America's day.


China - Total Cases 81.286 New Cases 67
USA - Total Cases 75.069 New Cases 6.859
Italy - Total Cases 74.386 New Cases 0

My other prediction is that if Italy can keep New Cases between 0-500 a day they will have flattened the curve, the next prediction is that if Italy has two more days of between 0-500 New Cases a day then Spain will go into third place.

Spain as of right now is at this:

Total Cases 56.197 New Cases 6.682

This time tomorrow I think the Top Three will be:


If as I have commented Italy can get a two day run of between 0-500 in New Cases and Spain continues behind the curve, then by Monday I think the Top Three will be:


Remember, stay safe.
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