Cruz RNC Speech

So how many Republican Presidential candidates have broken their pledge to endorse and support the Republican nominee?

Jeb! Bush, Lindsey "Rat-fucker' Graham, Carly Fiorina, and now Ted Cruz....more?

These fucking hypocrits attacked Trump for not giving his pledge, but for Trump giving a pledge actually binds him and he felt he could not give such a pledge without knowing how things would shape up. The politicians gave their pledges figuring that if someone they did not like won it, they would just go back on their word anyway, which is what rat-fucking lying ass politicians do.
I can't believe the group of dunces that we have to choose from (from both sides). It's totally unbelievable. Is this the best and the brightest that we have? If so, we are screwed. Lol. I can't stand any one of them!
Who do you want? Nancy Pelosi.
Cruz was invited by the RNC and he deliberately insulted the party. It's reported that he was called a "disgrace" to his face by several republican dignitaries on his way out. Maybe he expected support but there was chaos in the audience in his last few minutes of his speech booing him and chanting "endorse Trump". I look for him to switch parties because he ain't going to get support from republicans ever again.
Why do I come here any more and torture myself? Lol.

All Cruz had to do is say that him and Trump had a tough fight in the Primaries but that is all water under the bridge now and he supports Trump over Crooked Hillary.

That is what Reagan did in '76 and it was a class act.
All Cruz had to do is say that him and Trump had a tough fight in the Primaries but that is all water under the bridge now and he supports Trump over Crooked Hillary.

That is what Reagan did in '76 and it was a class act.
Kennedy refused to endorse Carter and look at the difference for both of them four years later.

I think Cruz just killed his future int he GOP unless he makes up for it quick.
Funny, turns out the riot police were needed INSIDE the convention !
All Cruz had to do is say that him and Trump had a tough fight in the Primaries but that is all water under the bridge now and he supports Trump over Crooked Hillary.

That is what Reagan did in '76 and it was a class act.
Kennedy refused to endorse Carter and look at the difference for both of them four years later.

I think Cruz just killed his future int he GOP unless he makes up for it quick.

If Trump loses Cruz could say "I told you so" but the problem with that is that everybody would accuse him of contributing to the defeat.
Get over it. Donald Dump is great enough that he doesn't need Ted's endorsement, right? He YUUUGE! Believe me! It's going to happen, it's going to be great! Believe me...

I can't stand Cruz, but good for him. Fuck Dump, fuck Hilliary.

Dump and Hilliary are on a boat, in the Atlantic ocean, the boat starts to sink, who gets saved?

The American people...

These are the best of the best? Jesus Christ are we screwed.

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