...The laws on the books regarding animal cruelty need to be enforced. In most communities, animal protection is relegated to the same back-burner that adult protective services and children's services are. They get short shrift.
In central Ohio, a number of dog and cock-fighting rings have been broken up...All run by a bunch of red-necks with two first names...All frequented by a bunch of rednecks with two first names. No minorities or immigrants were collared.
Cruelty to animals is not limited to the immigrant community...Just another attempt on your part, as well as the articles author, to dehumanize immigrants and minorities.
Herr Goebels would be proud...I'll keep you in my prayers.
Are you trying to de humanize Whites by making up storys about them and calling them racial names such as "rednecks"?
You always have no problem making racial attacks against Whites, is it because you see them as stronger and don't pity them as you have shown blacks and hispanics?
3rd world or not the only rights animals have, and i'm basically talking pets here, is to be treated in a sane and rational manner by their master. Other than that we are the highest on the food chain and sooner or later they will be eaten lol. I have no problem with chicken farms, turkey farms all that crap and don't get me started on protecting the spotted owl and salmon. My wife is from Northwest, seen all that liberal crap firsthand.
Also how the hell this has anything to do with race is beyond me. At least in America most of your animal rights wackos are white socialists or anarchists. They have a show on public cable in Portland, OR area, funny as hell.
Bringing race into it is stupid. All kinds of people do thing like that, not just "rednecks".
I know people will say it's hypocritical to not care about how people kill and eat cattle but would be outraged if it was a dog. Maybe that is hypocritical, but I don't know anyone who has a pet cow. I also don't know anyone who has that type of bond with a cow, but I've seen many who have a bond with their dog. Something should also be done about sick people like this because many murderers started off by killing dogs and cats.
Conservationists say the project is the largest of its kind to ever take place. Goats arrived on the volcanic islands centuries ago. They were dropped of by fishing and whaling fleets as a means to ensure that fresh meat would be available to them for future trips. They bred widely and there ended up being possibly as many as a hundred thousand goats on Isabella, an Island which is the size of Rhode Island.
Mr. CAMPBELL: When they go into a feral state, they absolutely trash the place.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Meaning they can reduce a forest to a lawn in a few years, leaving vulnerable animals like the Galapagos tortoise struggling to survive. On the island of Pinta, goats decimated the vegetation, killing off most of the tortoise species there. Only one remained, Lonesome George, who's been moved.
The Isabella Project has developed three main lines of attack against the goats. Those specially trained dogs which round them up, hunters who wage aerial assaults, shooting the goats from helicopters, and finally what the conservationists confess is an underhanded weapon--a so-called Judas goat, which has a tracking device placed on it.
Mr. CAMPBELL: Goats typically are gregarious. They like being in herds, and so they'll go in search of each other. So we utilize their biology, that trait, actually against them.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Campbell has perfected that technique, using a kind of Mata Hari goat, a sterilized female with a hormone implant in her ear that puts her in a constant state of estrus, or heat.
Mr. CAMPBELL: So you've got this sterile, extremely horny goat that is extremely attractive to male goats and draws them in and is as close as we know at the moment to a perfect Judas goat.
Were intercourse with poor dumb animals were illegal and the laws enforced then would we have any Democrats after a few years? After all, are not all Democrats naught but poor dumb animals?