Another Try At Legalizing Marijuana


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
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It failed in 2000 66% against to 33% for. In my opinion, it lost for two reasons.

1. The minor reason (I say minor, as I don't think this part of it had that much of an effect, but apparently enough that they are changing it this time):

Was because they tried legalizing up to 3 oz. This time they are going for only 1.

2. The major reason:

Last time there was another proposition on the ballot (that passed) and that was the defense of marriage act. It passed 66% to 33%.

The Mormon Church is very powerful (believe it or not) in Las Vegas and during the last election the Mormons voted enmasse in support of the defesne of marriage act. I believe those same Mormans voted against the legalization of MJ.

I am hoping this time they spend election day in the temple! :p:
OK. who here's been to amsterdam. I want to go, but I'm afraid I'll never leave.
Legalize it! Pothead Conservatives Unite! Be sure to use animal products for fertilizer and haul it in an SUV to piss of the libs.
Originally posted by RightyRightOn
Legalize it! Pothead Conservatives Unite! Be sure to use animal products for fertilizer and haul it in an SUV to piss of the libs.

Dude, I am united!

The only thing I hate about the Nevada initiative is that it is being sponsored by Soros.
Not a pothead per se, but I do support the legalization of MJ and all associated products.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Not a pothead per se, but I do support the legalization of MJ and all associated products.

per se?
Sorry... I've never smoked pot. Don't know that I would if it were legal. But I do support legalization.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Sorry... I've never smoked pot. Don't know that I would if it were legal. But I do support legalization.

It's pretty fun. i got bronchitis and had to quit for a while. But i will return to the green goddess.
Isn't medicinal use ok in California and ...I dunno canada too? I just hear snippets of that debate once in a while... personally why would i wanna pay tax on it?
Originally posted by Scourge
Isn't medicinal use ok in California and ...I dunno canada too? I just hear snippets of that debate once in a while... personally why would i wanna pay tax on it?

How about not going to jail. That'd be nice.
I don't think they need to put people in jail for having it. I've never heard of someone killing someone because they were high, but drunk drivers kill people all the time. Also, look at all the people who die from smoking related illnesses. Those are both legal and should remain legal because we saw what happened in prohibition.

Now cocaine, heroin and stuff like that I'm not so sure about. Some people have explained why they think those drugs should be legal too, but I'm not convinced about that yet and I may never be.
Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
I don't think they need to put people in jail for having it. I've never heard of someone killing someone because they were high, but drunk drivers kill people all the time. Also, look at all the people who die from smoking related illnesses. Those are both legal and should remain legal because we saw what happened in prohibition.

Now cocaine, heroin and stuff like that I'm not so sure about. Some people have explained why they think those drugs should be legal too, but I'm not convinced about that yet and I may never be.

All valid points. I don't support the legalization of cocaine, heroin or any of that crap though. Pot is harmless other than the damage to lungs it can do just like cigs (pot is somewhat worse if you don't smoke it right!).

When people get drunk they lose their judgement. Pot does not impair judgement, but it does make you hungry, sleepy and laugh a lot. But not usually in that order! :p:

Pot makes the ordinary appear extra-ordinary. That is why people get paranoid, etc.
The government is really missing the boat on this one.....I would GLADLY pay a FAIR TAX on legal green from the local Phamacist....Far as I am concerned the Govenment can grow AND sell....who cares long as its legal and GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by jon_forward
The government is really missing the boat on this one.....I would GLADLY pay a FAIR TAX on legal green from the local Phamacist....Far as I am concerned the Govenment can grow AND sell....who cares long as its legal and GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

In my belief, that is why they won't legalize it. Pot is too easy to grow at home and therefore easy to difficult to tax....
I typically approach this subject from the opposite direction.

If the government doesn't want me to operate motor vehicles on public streets while high, fine. If they don't want me to smoke it in public, fine. If they don't want me to sell it to other people, fine.

But I do not recognize the government's authority to tell me what plants I can and can not cultivate on my land or in the privacy of my home nor do I recognize the government's authority to tell me what I can and can not smoke. These are rights no level of government has the legal power to abrogate.

Therefore, in my mind it is already legal. It is the laws that prohibit it which are illegal.
In my belief, that is why they won't legalize it.
Well, then they should just stop jailing people for having it so they can have more room for people who do need to be behind bars.
Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
Well, then they should just stop jailing people for having it so they can have more room for people who do need to be behind bars.

yes..that way they can stay and do all their time...not a pittance..
Marijuana should be treated the same way as alcohol. Legalize it, tax it, and regulate it. Having people in jail for smoking weed is a big fat waste of money. Marijauna is no worse for you than tobacco or alcohol. Take the money we waste on marijauna enforcement and spend it on education and rehab for drug users.

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