CPAC streams here...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008

President Trump is scheduled to speak at 3:30pm Eastern.

I'm sure some of the mainstream media cable news networks will cover it...but if you're a cord cutter, this is the CPAC source website.
RSBN is showing the massive outpouring of people lining the streets with their Trump flags. I haven't been watching much of it but will when Trump comes on.
It is too funny they‘re playing Macho Man. That was right out of a SNL parody. Now there playing “Gloria.“ She’s singing about Gloria hearing voices in her head. Could any song better epitomize Trumpism?
Sounded like Trump just said he got more votes than any “incompetent’ president in history.
It had to be done. According to them anyway. He's gone, so all is well.
Lies never 'have to be done.' That you're OK with lying about a phone call and about a Trump speech is quite disturbing. Hell, I bet you even think Trump is a Russian operative even after 4 years of a fake investigation that went nowhere. You are of the Harry Reid philosophy. Tell a lie about your opponent and then later admit you lied and say 'well, he lost didn't he?'

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