Countries The U.S. "Regime Changed" - Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya/Syria Are Chaotic Messes

Pay closer attention. Your Government is funding and arming factions in Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, and Syria. We are involved. We're very involved.

I think your weed is making you paranoid.

Nah, just stating the reality. Your Government is currently funding & arming factions in Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, and Syria. It's fact. You choosing to ignore reality, doesn't mean it's not reality. Just follow the money. It leads to those countries. It's not a secret. The funds are appropriated in a public manner. Just do some research.

You mean Obama and his friendly Republicans are shilling for the "defense" industries, again?
Hey, you want the military contractors to make money or not? Can't be selling all that fine American armament if there isn't a war going on now can we?
US wasn't involved in Ukraine, Syria or Egypt. And only minorly involved in Libya.

Pay closer attention. Your Government is funding and arming factions in Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, and Syria. We are involved. We're very involved.

I think your weed is making you paranoid.

If "a large group" started attacking America daily, with bombs and other weapons. If they also seemed to have tactical information that they otherwise shouldn't have... And we found out say China was giving them these weapons, bombs, intel and massive amounts of money... Would you consider China involved or not?
"vetted rebels." Ha, that's a good one.

There are Syrian rebels that will fight IS terrorists as well as Assad. They are the only rebels being armed by the US. If you have any reason to doubt this reality lets hear your reason for it. Repetitive chirping anout it means nothing.
Pay closer attention. Your Government is funding and arming factions in Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, and Syria. We are involved. We're very involved.

I think your weed is making you paranoid.

If "a large group" started attacking America daily, with bombs and other weapons. If they also seemed to have tactical information that they otherwise shouldn't have... And we found out say China was giving them these weapons, bombs, intel and massive amounts of money... Would you consider China involved or not?
Not necessarily because the world is a big open arms market, and just because someone buys shoes from the US and throws them at GW doesn't make the US involved in the shoe throwing.
Quantifying the Effects of Regime Change

Since 2001, the U.S. has undertaken regime change in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya.

All 4 countries are now in chaos … and extremists are more in control than ever.


In Iraq, hardcore Islamic jihadis known as ISIS have taken over much of the country – shown in red as the new “Islamic State” or self-described caliphate – using captured American weapons:

Christians are being rounded up and killed, and Christian leaders in Iraq say the end of Christianity in Iraq is “very near”. But as we documented in 2012, Saddam Hussein – for all his faults – was a secular leader who tolerated Christians.


Libya has also descended into absolute chaos. We reported in 2012:

Al Qaeda is now largely in control of Libya. Indeed, Al Qaeda flags were flown over the Benghazi courthouse once Gaddafi was toppled.
(This is – again – in contrast to toleration of Christians under Gadaffi.)

The Guardian noted in March:

According to Amnesty International, the “mounting curbs on freedom of expression are threatening the rights Libyans sought to gain“. A repressive Gaddafi-era law has been amended to criminalise any insults to officials or the general national congress (the interim parliament). One journalist, Amara al-Khattabi, was put on trial for alleging corruption among judges. Satellite television stations deemed critical of the authorities have been banned, one station has been attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, and journalists have been assassinated.


Ever since the fall of [Gadaffi's] dictatorship, there have been stories of black Libyans being treated en masse as Gaddafi loyalists and attacked. In a savage act of collective punishment, 35,000 people were driven out of Tawergha in retaliation for the brutal siege of the anti-Gaddafi stronghold of Misrata. The town was trashed and its inhabitants have been left in what human rights organisations are calling “deplorable conditions” in a Tripoli refugee camp. Such forced removals continue elsewhere. Thousands have been arbitrarily detained without any pretence of due process; and judges, prosecutors, lawyers and witnesses have been attacked or even killed. Libya’s first post-Gaddafi prosecutor general, Abdulaziz Al-Hassadi, was assassinated in the town of Derna last month.

When residents of Benghazi – the heartland of the revolution – protested against militia rule in June last year, 32 people were killed in what became known as “Black Saturday”. In another protest in Tripoli last November, 46 died and 500 were injured.

Under militia rule, Libya is beginning to disintegrate. Last summer forces under the command of the warlord Ibrahim Jadran took control of eastern oil terminals …. These forces which hijacked a oil tanker this month, prompting threats from Libya’s prime minister that it would be bombed until US forces captured it this weekend. Clashes have broken out in Jadran’s home town of Ajdabiya. In painful echoes of Iraq’s nightmare, a car bomb exploded at a Benghazi military base last week and killed at least eight soldiers, and Libya’s main airport was shut on Friday after a bomb exploded on its runway...

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» All of the Countries which the U.S. ?Regime Changed? ? Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya ? Have Descended into Brutal Chaos Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

You are talking about remarkably different situations.

But overall?

The US should not be deciding who rules in other people's countries.
I think your weed is making you paranoid.

Nah, just stating the reality. Your Government is currently funding & arming factions in Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, and Syria. It's fact. You choosing to ignore reality, doesn't mean it's not reality. Just follow the money. It leads to those countries. It's not a secret. The funds are appropriated in a public manner. Just do some research.

You mean Obama and his friendly Republicans are shilling for the "defense" industries, again?
Hey, you want the military contractors to make money or not? Can't be selling all that fine American armament if there isn't a war going on now can we?

Yup, this permanent state of war only benefits the Global Elites and Military Industrial Complex. Why would they ever wanna see it end?
I think your weed is making you paranoid.

If "a large group" started attacking America daily, with bombs and other weapons. If they also seemed to have tactical information that they otherwise shouldn't have... And we found out say China was giving them these weapons, bombs, intel and massive amounts of money... Would you consider China involved or not?
Not necessarily because the world is a big open arms market, and just because someone buys shoes from the US and throws them at GW doesn't make the US involved in the shoe throwing.


And again, in Libya, the US helped a revolution already under way, and then helped take out one of their enemies for the benefit of the populace.
The Ukraine are getting pounded by Russian supplied rebels, so helping an established government not get overthrown is a worthy endeavour.
No war in Egypt, wtf are you talking about?
Syria is Arabs killing Arabs. It,s all good. :D
"vetted rebels." Ha, that's a good one.

There are Syrian rebels that will fight IS terrorists as well as Assad. They are the only rebels being armed by the US. If you have any reason to doubt this reality lets hear your reason for it. Repetitive chirping anout it means nothing.

Not our War. Our interference has made things worse. Should have stayed out of it. Period, end of story.
Bingo! They're committing horrific atrocities daily in Syria. And they're not all ISIS.

Do you have any backup for your claim that CIA vetted rebels have committed atrocities in Syria, or is this another one of your imagined news reports?
obama has successfully snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Too bad for the people he betrayed though.
"vetted rebels." Ha, that's a good one.

There are Syrian rebels that will fight IS terrorists as well as Assad. They are the only rebels being armed by the US. If you have any reason to doubt this reality lets hear your reason for it. Repetitive chirping anout it means nothing.

Not our War. Our interference has made things worse. Should have stayed out of it. Period, end of story.

The US had stayed out of the civil war aspect of it and it got worse on its own because of Saudi and UAE and their reckless arming of the anti-government rebels. The great Prince Bandar was relieved of his post several months ago and that 'firing' came about with the emergence of ISIS as a powerful threat even to al Qaeda.

The US has convinced the Saudis and other rebel supplier Arab nations to go through the US vetting program and those states are now apparently on board.

Would you have preferred we bombed Saudi Arabia for randomly arming Syrian rebels including ISIS when we preferred that not be done?

What do Pauline-isolationists do when our allies do the wrong things?
US wasn't involved in Ukraine, Syria or Egypt. And only minorly involved in Libya.

With all due respect you are full of fucking shit.

Some find comfort in pretending we're not involved with these awful messes. Ignorance is bliss i guess.

I don't pretend we're not involved - I argue the extent of involvement with respect to origination of conflict. And the only situation where the US was marginally and too much involved before a major eruption in violence and hostility was in Kiev. The US and EU supported the Maidan protests which turned into violent protests that resulted in the bloody mob right wing coup of Yanukovich, then the rightful annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation, and now the Ukrainian military bombing and shelling civilians in the Dunbass in Eastern Ukraine. The US is backing the wrong side in that conflict and it is a shame. But that conflict was brewing for two decades and finally became an armed conflict and civil war. Crimea going back to Russia is a very good outcome nevertheless. And that was achieved with immeasurable violence.

As far as Syria, Libya and Egypt the US is involved in stopping violence but had nothing to do with starting it.

Your arguments on those conflicts are pure folly.
Uh....we did nothing in Syria, idiot.

Iraq was going down the right path until Obama took office and neglected it by pulling out all US forces.

Libya is all Obama's fuck up.

Afghanistan has always been a mess, thus why Islamic terrorists used it as a training ground to pull off 9-11. Obama has made Afghanistan a bigger mess after taking over DC.

Your losertarian bullshit shows you are incompetent trying to blame all US leaders and policy for Obama's mistakes.

Quantifying the Effects of Regime Change

Since 2001, the U.S. has undertaken regime change in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya.

All 4 countries are now in chaos … and extremists are more in control than ever.


In Iraq, hardcore Islamic jihadis known as ISIS have taken over much of the country – shown in red as the new “Islamic State” or self-described caliphate – using captured American weapons:

Christians are being rounded up and killed, and Christian leaders in Iraq say the end of Christianity in Iraq is “very near”. But as we documented in 2012, Saddam Hussein – for all his faults – was a secular leader who tolerated Christians.


Libya has also descended into absolute chaos. We reported in 2012:

Al Qaeda is now largely in control of Libya. Indeed, Al Qaeda flags were flown over the Benghazi courthouse once Gaddafi was toppled.
(This is – again – in contrast to toleration of Christians under Gadaffi.)

The Guardian noted in March:

According to Amnesty International, the “mounting curbs on freedom of expression are threatening the rights Libyans sought to gain“. A repressive Gaddafi-era law has been amended to criminalise any insults to officials or the general national congress (the interim parliament). One journalist, Amara al-Khattabi, was put on trial for alleging corruption among judges. Satellite television stations deemed critical of the authorities have been banned, one station has been attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, and journalists have been assassinated.


Ever since the fall of [Gadaffi's] dictatorship, there have been stories of black Libyans being treated en masse as Gaddafi loyalists and attacked. In a savage act of collective punishment, 35,000 people were driven out of Tawergha in retaliation for the brutal siege of the anti-Gaddafi stronghold of Misrata. The town was trashed and its inhabitants have been left in what human rights organisations are calling “deplorable conditions” in a Tripoli refugee camp. Such forced removals continue elsewhere. Thousands have been arbitrarily detained without any pretence of due process; and judges, prosecutors, lawyers and witnesses have been attacked or even killed. Libya’s first post-Gaddafi prosecutor general, Abdulaziz Al-Hassadi, was assassinated in the town of Derna last month.

When residents of Benghazi – the heartland of the revolution – protested against militia rule in June last year, 32 people were killed in what became known as “Black Saturday”. In another protest in Tripoli last November, 46 died and 500 were injured.

Under militia rule, Libya is beginning to disintegrate. Last summer forces under the command of the warlord Ibrahim Jadran took control of eastern oil terminals …. These forces which hijacked a oil tanker this month, prompting threats from Libya’s prime minister that it would be bombed until US forces captured it this weekend. Clashes have broken out in Jadran’s home town of Ajdabiya. In painful echoes of Iraq’s nightmare, a car bomb exploded at a Benghazi military base last week and killed at least eight soldiers, and Libya’s main airport was shut on Friday after a bomb exploded on its runway...

Read More:
» All of the Countries which the U.S. ?Regime Changed? ? Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya ? Have Descended into Brutal Chaos Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
shit stain [MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION]

these countries were going to gain independence sooner or later. Better now than wait and have their people suffer longer under authoritarian rule.
Cocksucker...Afghanistan was never going to get better without US intervention. The Taliban would've just kept cutting off heads, blowing up religious sites and reigning terror on the people if Bush acted like Obama would and ignored the 9-11 attack by doing nothing.

Iraq was a better place without Saddam until Obama decided to pull all US forces out and let the scum back in the country. Today Christians are being beheaded thanks to scum like you....burn in hell.

Libya was turning around from decades of supporting terrorism but Obama went along with Europe to steal their oil by killing off the old dictator. That only led to 4 Americans being killed by terrorists and we just recently had to close the Embassy with the country going down in flames. Obama just fucks everything up.

Speaking of fucking things up....Syria. Obama had a chance early in the uprising against Assad to support the secular muslims and Christians in Syria, but he did nothing so now they are being attacked by Assad and Islamic terrorists in a civil war that has killed thousands. Again...Obama fucked up like usual.

The shitstorm from Africa to Iran is blamed on Obama, cocksucker.

shit stain [MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION]

these countries were going to gain independence sooner or later. Better now than wait and have their people suffer longer under authoritarian rule.
take that Heritage cawk outta' yer mouth & listen [MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION]

Afghanistan is a N-A-R-C-O S-T-A-T-E.

Only a fool would lead a ground invasion of that country. They have never lost. Alexander the Great knew that. He let them go on about their ways otherwise, they would've kicked him out.
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fucktard [MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION]

You melt down :up: I win

Invading afghanistan served one purpose- to enrich defense contractors who are paid with..... wait for it..... tax dollars.
Uh....we did nothing in Syria, idiot.
Actually the US did little to support the rebels. The Saudis were the main suppliers and supporters of the rebels. Obama did force Putin and Assad to give up 1300 Tons of chemical weapons and they were removed from the war zone by the deadline that was set at the end of last year. And that is a very good accomplishment for the security in that region.

Iraq was going down the right path until Obama took office and neglected it by pulling out all US forces.

That is false on both points. Iraq had no 'right path' because the reason for invading Iraq was based on Bush's March 17, 2003 lie that he had intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from the UN inspectors at that time. That was a lie.

By the start of 2008 Al Qaeada was driven out of Iraq by the Sunni tribal leaders and their fighters who were paid by American taxpayers so a lower level of violence set in during 2008. However that calm was not firmly set in place by the Shiite dominated government as American Forces withdrew based upon the timeline that Bush agreed upon at the end of 2008.

Bush signed the 2011 deadline for US troops to be gone and that is on him. Obama pulled the US forces out in accordance with the Bush SOFA that he negotiated and signed in 2008.

That is a fact that cannot be denied.

Libya is all Obama's fuck up.

Not even close. Obama along with our NATO allies enforced a UN Security Council Resolution that was passed to stop Gadhafi from killing tens of thousands in Benghazi and other cities and towns.

Obama has made Afghanistan a bigger mess after taking over DC.

That is an outright clueless misunderstanding of reality not supported by any basis in facts or observations of the situation on the ground in Afghanistan or in that region for the past 13 Years. Its nuts.

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