Corona Virus in China peaked a month ago....the democrat party created hysteria not so much..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The hysteria over the corona virus is directly due to the democrat party members in the press.........the virus peaked in China about a month ago, but don't expect to see this trumpeted from the democrat run media...

So....... like impeachment...the democrats pushed hysteria way too soon........they should have waited for June-July to lie about the Corona Virus......

The bell curve of pandemics may be good news for coronavirus concerns

But Michael Fumento at the NY Post calls our attention to something called Farrā€™s Law which suggests that it all may be over sooner than some are currently predicting.

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China is the origin of the virus and still accounts for over 80 percent of cases and deaths. But its cases peaked and began declining more than a month ago, according to data presented by the Canadian epidemiologist who spearheaded the World Health Organizationā€™s coronavirus mission to China. Fewer than 200 new cases are reported daily, down from a peak of 4,000.

Subsequent countries will follow this same pattern, in whatā€™s called Farrā€™s Law. First formulated in 1840 and ignored in every epidemic hysteria since, the law states that epidemics tend to rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern or bell-shaped curve. AIDS, SARS, Ebola ā€” they all followed that pattern. So does seasonal flu each year.

The full name is Farrā€™s Law of Epidemics and, as Fumento points out, itā€™s been around since 1840, accurately predicting the rise and fall of various epidemics including AIDS, SARS and Ebola. This theory describes a pattern that makes quite a bit of sense when you stop to think about it. The spread of any successful contagion should work out to something resembling a normal bell curve over a given period of time.
Pandemic = Dem Panic

They need the American electorate to be miserable and fearful. It's their only hope. They know it. We know it. And they know we know it.

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