Fauci and others planned for a "universal flu vaccine" in 2019 that became the "COVID" Vaccine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Inmates of ADX prison are waiting for scoundrel Fauci and his democrats Corona gang

The video clip that they played of this event was a 1 minute and 51 second dialogue between the moderator, Michael Specter, a journalist who is a New Yorker staff writer and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
In this short clip, which was extracted from the hour-long panel discussion, Anthony Fauci explains that bringing a new, untested kind of vaccine like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade (“if everything goes perfectly”) to go through proper trials and be approved by the FDA.
He would know, because he had been trying to do it for about a decade already by then (October, 2019), trying to develop an mRNA based vaccine for HIV.
But now they were discussing something much bigger than just a vaccine for AIDS patients. They are talking about a “Universal Flu Vaccine” that everyone would have to take – a huge market for Big Pharma!
Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), then speaks and states that what could happen is that “an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes” could change that.

Here is the short clip which I put on our Bitchute and Rumble channels last night:

In short, this panel discussion focused on what they perceived as the need for a universal flu vaccine, but they admitted that the old way of producing vaccines was not sufficient for their purposes, and that they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public.

They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine.
And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that “terrifying virus” that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus.
And so now we know why the flu just “disappeared” in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned “pandemic” to roll out the world’s first universal mRNA vaccines.

This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other “viruses” were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal vaccine to inject into the entire world’s population.
I don't even get the flu vaccine. I haven't had a vaccine since I was in my teens over 25 years ago and all that happens to me is each fall I get a 50/50 chance of getting a nasty sinus infection when that first cold snap hits going into winter.

Of course when I was a kid my immune system was tempered in the Ohio river.
Alex Jones and HealthImpactNews. It don’t get much more credible than that! :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery-level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering, and false information regarding GMOs.
Alex Jones and HealthImpactNews. It don’t get much more credible than that! :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery-level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering, and false information regarding GMOs.

Fair enough now address the video clip?
Alex Jones and HealthImpactNews. It don’t get much more credible than that! :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Health Impact News a Quackery-level pseudoscience website for the promotion of anti-vaccination propaganda as well as chemtrails, geoengineering, and false information regarding GMOs.
If Fauci was Pinocchio his nose would cross the nation.
If Fauci and Gates acted to promote vaccines in order to enrich themselves, and if they willfully falsified information that contributed to anyone's death, then they should first be made penniless and then executed.
Fau Chi has poetized himself as the lead guitar-prima donna for a long time. The prisoners aren’t going back in the chron far enough to capture the pathology with political ties to Trump’s hydroxychloroquine:

Post #9: joined BARDA in 2010

This is the link to SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative virus, the sick miners going into Kunming hospital on the day that the lead guitar player spoke to the Senate:

26 Ap 2012 Dual Use Research of Concern: Balancing Benefits and Risks
Did Fauci work on the vaccine before or after the virus? I think Fauci will be famous, more accurately infamous, for his support of China and their gain of function research that resulted in the Wuhan virus. The vaccine was just something that could make him and his friends fabulously wealthy combatting the disease he helped create.

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