Conspiracy Theorist Who Quit the Cult


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
So who is Charlie Veitch you ask? Good question. In the real world he's a nothing: a bobble-head doll. But in the loony CT Movement he was good buddies with the movement's royalty ... that is until he had an epiphany, realized he was a CT sheeple, and threw himself on the floor screaming, "I was duped." He sounds like an idiot even as he posts his mea culpa but some of what he says is rational and logical and the reaction of the CT Movement reveals all one needs to know about the insecure asswipes who populate that cult.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorist who changed his mind - Telegraph
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[ame=]Dylan Avery and the death of the 911 Truth Movement - YouTube[/ame]

Also mentions good old Charlie. :thup:
I was in New York on Sept 11. I had a meeting in the News Corp building. You know, the company that owns Fox News. Anyways, there was a 9/11 "Truth" demonstration outside. (Hilarious, right? Demonstrating in front of Fox News?) There may have been 30 or 40 people, no more.

It's done. It's over. Nobody but a few fringe nutters cares about this anymore. Like Rat's video said, it's been relegated to the annals of the Fake Moon Landing conspiracy theories.
I was in New York on Sept 11. I had a meeting in the News Corp building. You know, the company that owns Fox News. Anyways, there was a 9/11 "Truth" demonstration outside. (Hilarious, right? Demonstrating in front of Fox News?) There may have been 30 or 40 people, no more.

It's done. It's over. Nobody but a few fringe nutters cares about this anymore. Like Rat's video said, it's been relegated to the annals of the Fake Moon Landing conspiracy theories.

That "demonstration" was the big "Rethink911" project.

Dickie the Gage has been hyping that for months. He sucked $30K in donations from his groupies to fund the project. Had billboards and cab toppers in 11 cities, looking for loot and bodies to show up.

And all he could get was roughly 30 Dupes to be there. And 6 of those were invited speakers. :rofl:
I was in New York on Sept 11. I had a meeting in the News Corp building. You know, the company that owns Fox News. Anyways, there was a 9/11 "Truth" demonstration outside. (Hilarious, right? Demonstrating in front of Fox News?) There may have been 30 or 40 people, no more.

It's done. It's over. Nobody but a few fringe nutters cares about this anymore. Like Rat's video said, it's been relegated to the annals of the Fake Moon Landing conspiracy theories.

Now what the hell are we supposed to do for fun?
I was in New York on Sept 11. I had a meeting in the News Corp building. You know, the company that owns Fox News. Anyways, there was a 9/11 "Truth" demonstration outside. (Hilarious, right? Demonstrating in front of Fox News?) There may have been 30 or 40 people, no more.

It's done. It's over. Nobody but a few fringe nutters cares about this anymore. Like Rat's video said, it's been relegated to the annals of the Fake Moon Landing conspiracy theories.

Now what the hell are we supposed to do for fun?
not to worry, there's always another crapspiracy to make fun off.
Nobody tell 7thgradeforever that the CT's are converting!

They're not converting, they're jumping that sinking ship. Ya hafta wonder what will become of the most committed members of the 9/11 CT cult. Some who have posted here gave the impression that the "Movement" was the beginning, middle and end of their pathetic little lives.
Nobody tell 7thgradeforever that the CT's are converting!

They're not converting, they're jumping that sinking ship. Ya hafta wonder what will become of the most committed members of the 9/11 CT cult. Some who have posted here gave the impression that the "Movement" was the beginning, middle and end of their pathetic little lives.
someone please think about eots!

That's enough of that kind of thinking.

I have to shake it off.


Ok. It's all good.
You clowns can't even make a pile of ad hominens sound impressive. The conspiracy is the zionist storyline that has been spoon fed to the saps who think government feels their pain. What is the smoking gun, the magic Pentagon plane, the disappearing Pennsylvania plane, the towers that dissolved into dust, the other Silverstein building that imploded? Where do you want to start?
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You clowns can't even make a pile of ad hominens sound impressive. The conspiracy is the zionist storyline that has been spoon fed to the saps who think government feels their pain. What is the smoking gun, the magic Pentagon plane, the disappearing Pennsylvania plane, the towers that dissolved into dust, the other Silverstein building that imploded? Where do you want to start?

the magic Pentagon plane

You mean the plane piloted by Hani Hanjour? The hijacker who held a commercial pilot's license, and was type rated to fly Boeing 737's? What's so magical about hitting a 700 foot wide building when you can land on 60 foot wide runways??
the disappearing Pennsylvania plane

Well, yes, planes do tend to "disappear" when they are flown into the ground at 400+ knots when being inverted, and nose down at a 40 degree angle. All you find after that are pieces and parts, which is exactly what happened at Shanksville.
the towers that dissolved into dust

I see you are a fan of Dr Tracy Blevins' "dustification ray from space" theory. Maybe the next time you see Dr "Marijuana Barbie" Blevins, you should ask her why she says the entire building turns to "dust", but then goes on to whine about all the steel that was shipped to China.
(But don't ask her about the cigarette butts in her WTC Dust sample. She's a little sensitive about that.)

the other Silverstein building that imploded

If by "imploded" you mean "collapsed to the South, damaging the Verizon Building and the Post Office, and destroying Fitterman Hall" you might have a point. Oh, by the way, why do all you Truthers go on so much about the Soloman Building while ignoring the other 6 buildings that collapsed after the Twins fell? What's so important about the empty building falling, and not the ones that actually had fatalities?
Nobody tell 7thgradeforever that the CT's are converting!

They're not converting, they're jumping that sinking ship. Ya hafta wonder what will become of the most committed members of the 9/11 CT cult. Some who have posted here gave the impression that the "Movement" was the beginning, middle and end of their pathetic little lives.
someone please think about eots!

Save the endangered 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists! :eek:
They're not converting, they're jumping that sinking ship. Ya hafta wonder what will become of the most committed members of the 9/11 CT cult. Some who have posted here gave the impression that the "Movement" was the beginning, middle and end of their pathetic little lives.
someone please think about eots!

Save the endangered 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists! :eek:

Arrrrr! Off with their heads but make them walk the plank first, lad.
someone please think about eots!

Save the endangered 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists! :eek:

Arrrrr! Off with their heads but make them walk the plank first, lad.

But, but, but they are already off their heads! :confused:


Ironic that it was the red queen who said it first! :D


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