Biden finally acts on border crisis, showing he could've done something about it all along

Not like the good old days when you can abuse your moderator privileges, eh?

Let's get real. if you aren't making enough to make ends meet, unemployment is at 3.9%. You can get a better paying job.

You can economize.

You can get a second job.

The idea that "Biden isn't fixing Trump's fuckups fast enough, so I have to run up credit card debt" is silly.
Joey...Joey...Joey! We're 3 1/2 YEARS into Joe Biden's term! It's obvious at this point that Joe Biden isn't "fixing" anything! His economic policies caused this inflation and he hasn't done squat to fix it. People at the low end of the employment's with just a high school diploma or less...don't have access to better paying jobs because they don't have the job skills to warrant a better job. What's worse...because of Joe Biden's immigration policies those same people now have to compete with over 8 million illegals that have flooded the country and are willing to work for less money which drops wages even lower.
Nobody is forced to use their credit cards. They choose to use their credit cards.

Wages have kept up with inflation, mostly.

I have little sympathy because I did have substantial credit card debt at one point. Mostly due to medical expenses and Bush REALLY wrecking the economy in 2008.

You know what I did? I took on a second and for a while a third job. I carefully planned my expenses to pay down my debt. I paid cash instead of credit and when I finally got my cards down to zero, I only use one and pay it off every month.

It's called DISCIPLINE.
Well, gee Joey...I didn't have any issues at all in 2008. I guess I'm more "disciplined" than you? Oh was because I had a good paying job unlike the blue collar people now! They're fucked by Joe Biden's economy and all you can tell them is to get a third job? How about we just put Trump back in office and he makes the economy work for EVERYONE again?
Joey...Joey...Joey! We're 3 1/2 YEARS into Joe Biden's term! It's obvious at this point that Joe Biden isn't "fixing" anything! His economic policies caused this inflation and he hasn't done squat to fix it.
If you are going to live in your own little world, that's your issue.

Inflation is down to 3%... liveable.
Well, gee Joey...I didn't have any issues at all in 2008. I guess I'm more "disciplined" than you? Oh was because I had a good paying job unlike the blue collar people now! They're fucked by Joe Biden's economy and all you can tell them is to get a third job? How about we just put Trump back in office and he makes the economy work for EVERYONE again?
Except Trump's economy didn't work.

Or did you forget the 15% unemployment and the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.
Inflation isn't DOWN you incredible dolt! It just isn't INCREASING as much as it did! That's not's crushing people!
Okay, again, living in your own world.


US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%.
Oh, bullshit! Those numbers are TOTALLY because of the Covid shut downs! Before that took place Trump was giving us record economic numbers!
Actually, no.

First, they happened on Trump's watch. He owns it.

Secondly, the three years he wasn't presiding over the Covid Apocolypse, things weren't that great. We were heading into Recession well before Covid hit.
Actually, no.

First, they happened on Trump's watch. He owns it.

Secondly, the three years he wasn't presiding over the Covid Apocolypse, things weren't that great. We were heading into Recession well before Covid hit.
Once bullshit! The three years proceeding the Covid shutdown were great. We were not headed into a recession.
Okay, again, living in your own world.


US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%.
Once bullshit! The three years proceeding the Covid shutdown were great. We were not headed into a recession.

No, not really. If you worked in the Manufacturing World, you'd know that Trump's idiot China tariffs completely screwed up the supply chain.

Do you really not grasp what a cumulative number is, Joey?
Doesn't matter. Wages grew to match inflation...

In fact, increased wages was one of the drivers of inflation because unemployment has been below 4% for most of Biden's term.
No, not really. If you worked in the Manufacturing World, you'd know that Trump's idiot China tariffs completely screwed up the supply chain.

Doesn't matter. Wages grew to match inflation...

In fact, increased wages was one of the drivers of inflation because unemployment has been below 4% for most of Biden's term.
Another lie by you. Wages have not kept pace with inflation under Biden. You can see for yourself in the graph provide in that article I cited. Wages under Trump on the other hand outpaced inflation which meant people had more money not less in their pockets!
Another lie by you. Wages have not kept pace with inflation under Biden. You can see for yourself in the graph provide in that article I cited. Wages under Trump on the other hand outpaced inflation which meant people had more money not less in their pockets!
I ignore any articles cited by Trump cultists.

Heck, I'm making a lot more money than I made in 2020. So are most people I know.
I ignore any articles cited by Trump cultists.

Heck, I'm making a lot more money than I made in 2020. So are most people I know.
That's your "proof"? That you claim to be making more money than you made in 2020 and most of your friends are too? With all due respect, Joey? You're an idiot.
That's your "proof"? That you claim to be making more money than you made in 2020 and most of your friends are too? With all due respect, Joey? You're an idiot.
Well, no, you see, it's a matter of perspective.

We've convinced ourselves collectively that things are awful, even though when you ask people about their personal finances, most of them say they are going pretty good.

By the numbers: In the telephone survey of 1,818 adults Aug. 10-14, 71% of Americans described the economy as either not so good or poor. And 51% said it's getting worse.

  • But 60% said their financial situation is good or excellent.
What they're saying: "Can you be generally happy with your personal financial position and still think the economy is going in the tank? For a broad section of Americans, apparently so," Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy said in a press release.
Well, no, you see, it's a matter of perspective.

We've convinced ourselves collectively that things are awful, even though when you ask people about their personal finances, most of them say they are going pretty good.

By the numbers: In the telephone survey of 1,818 adults Aug. 10-14, 71% of Americans described the economy as either not so good or poor. And 51% said it's getting worse.

  • But 60% said their financial situation is good or excellent.
What they're saying: "Can you be generally happy with your personal financial position and still think the economy is going in the tank? For a broad section of Americans, apparently so," Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy said in a press release.
What the poll SHOULD have asked is this: Are you better off financially now then you were three years ago? For low income workers the answer to that question would have been a resounding NO which is why Biden is losing the blue collar vote like no Democrat before him!
What the poll SHOULD have asked is this: Are you better off financially now then you were three years ago? For low income workers the answer to that question would have been a resounding NO which is why Biden is losing the blue collar vote like no Democrat before him!

I'm not sure if that's accurate, either.

The main driver of inflation that you guys whine so much about is people are quitting their jobs for better-paying ones.

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