Star Trek X: The Johnny Wad Rescue (Book of Ruth)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-era parable inspired by the film Wonderland.

Signing off,



Aboard the space-vessel USS Enterprise, Commander Connelly was leading her first mission to Earth's past, now that humanity was was evolved from the time of Facebook and TrumpUSA. Connelly was a female cadet who went up the ranks of the Federation to commandeer her own space-vessel and was given the mission to travel back in time to investigate the eerie Wonderland Murders of 1981 in California, which, like the Manson Family Murders, signaled a deathstroke to all the consumerism/pedestrian idealism and musical festivity we saw from 1960-1980. The Enterprise and Connelly were set to make a historic journey.


Connelly's mentor and counselor, Admiral Nash, was a man of great stature and was courting a romance with Connelly before realizing her career was more important than marriage. Nash blessed the newly-appointed female commander and wished her good luck for her Wonderland investigation. The Enterprise would travel back in time and make contact with an idealistic American FBI detective named Guy Satan who was investigating the Wonderland Murders. Nash told Connelly to watch Satan closely.


Connelly was enthusiastic and excited for the mission. She was knowledgeable about the horrifying Wonderland Murders of 1981 involving pornography-star John Holmes and his vagrant/gypsy friends in LA and their terrible fate after trying to supposedly rob the residence of fat-cat LA nightclub owner and narcotics-underworld 'figure' Eddie Nash. Nash sent his goons to Holmes' friends house and had them all brutally murdered to remind them of his authority in the American landscape that he wouldn't be 'humiliated' by a lowly 'movie-actor' or 'porn-king.' Holmes was considered the 'porn-king' for his outlandish/incredible contributions to the emerging porn-industry which was growing out of the 'art' of Andy Warhol and aspiring consumer-friendly porn film-makers. Commander Connelly wanted the Enterprise crew to appreciate all this 20th Century Earth/humanity 'aesthetics/media intrigue.'


America in the 20th Century was inventing forms of traffic and industrialization and eventually computers and media, and Wall Street became a 'signpost' of modernism. Reaganomics, the Clinton era, FDR, and Jimmy Carter helped make the USA the 'Big Brother' of planet Earth, obligating it to lead the way in the arts, technology, fashion, cinema, politics, and of course, capitalism. Americans made the best toys (Fisher-Price, Mattel, Hasbro), consumer-electronics batteries (Apple, Microsoft, IBM), and the best movies (Planet Hollywood). Now, thanks to the groundbreaking 'humanism-expressive' consumer-traffic colorization-art of offbeat NYC artist Andy Warhol, pornography was defying the norms of 20th Century conservatism. John Holmes, the 'porn-king' was at the center of all this normative drama.


Warhol had a vision to make honesty a thing of beauty, even when it meant artistic representations of nudity, slang, cosmetic surgery cynicism, black-and-white homemade films, and eventually, pornography. Warhol wanted pornography to be a great 'Western medicine' to married-couples looking for 'private images' of sensuality that catered to their humble desire for expressive desire-meditation (without having to go to a store or strip-club for novelties). People could simply 'access' pornography on TV. That was Warhol's vision, and Holmes was going to be the 'golden child' of this new 'movement.' That was all destroyed by the Wonderland Murders of 1981, which is why Connelly's Enterprise crew wanted to make contact with FBI Detective Satan and investigate Wonderland.


Holmes made films sometimes under the porn-pseudonym 'Johnny Wadd.' His porn-films were considered creative, colorful, exciting, energetic, new age, and idealistic. They were also very sensual and provocative, since he himself was a very lucid and erotic individual. The women cast in his porn-films were therefore very expressive and vivacious and representative of a 20th Century 'energy' regarding general pedestrian fascination with art-marketing and social rituals/festivity (e.g., Woodstock).


As Holmes became the official 'porn-king' of that era, there grew alongside this 'trend' a deadly 'dark-side' dominion of narcotics and crime. Eddie Nash was at the center of that all, owning an infamous LA nightclub and fraternizing with all kinds of people and even celebrities. Holmes and Eddie Nash were apparently friends, and Enterprise Commander Connelly's mentor, Admiral Nash, advised Connelly to keep close tabs on this 'bond' between John Holmes and Eddie Nash. Holmes was considered the 'lucky-charm' of the porn-cinema market at the time when he met the notorious Eddie Nash. Holmes was the porn-industry equivalent of Barbie.


As media became more and more 'user-oriented' in the 20th Century and the Internet emerged as a private 'browsing' experience offering 'portals' into the lives and activities of others who wanted to share their experiences publicly, magazine-culture, porn-films, music-television, and fitness-lifestyle gear (e.g., Fabletics) became hallmarks of new age 'vigor.' The Wonderland Murders of 1981 and the Manson Family Murders threatened all this post-'60s traffic-oriented 'enthusiasm.' Commander Connelly wanted to understand how these terrible murders clouded humanity's otherwise awesome interest in traffic-oriented 'advertising.'


Holmes was a 'regular American' in other respects. He had a normal girlfriend and a normal life and enjoyed BBQs and ball-games on TV. However, the Wonderland Murders of 1981 destroyed his career and reputation, as rumors flew that he was tied to Eddie Nash who may have ordered the killings after his home was supposedly robbed by Holmes' buddies. Holmes was never the same again, and when he contracted AIDS some years later, he became sort of a 'ghost-dad' figure in the porn-industry which had now become more or less a 'pay-per-view' candy-store philosophy. It was never again the 'evangelism' that Warhol envisioned and that Holmes 'built.'


FBI Detective Guy Satan presented the LA Times with gruesome pictures of the truly evil killings in Wonderland that July morning in 1981. The pictures depicted Holmes' friends, some men, some women, brutally killed with blunt instruments (e.g., bats, bars), bludgeoned to death and left in puddles of streaking blood and deformed flesh. In America, horror-cinema would emerge as the real pedestrian-thrill that would effectively 'replace' porn-cinema as the 'standard' of 'consumerism-candy,' but the Wonderland Murders of 1981 were its own 'horror-show,' and it suggested that unsolved crimes created new 'routes' to marketing destiny. Goodbye John Holmes...hello Halloween.


Nevertheless, years later, there was a vintage-car funeral-procession for the Wonderland Murders of 1981 and the terrible AIDS-fate of porn-king John Holmes. This funeral-procession revealed the enduring sociocultural interest in media-analysis and consumerism-consciousness and why movies in America were more 'human' than anywhere else in the world! FBI Detective Guy Satan wrote in a memoir, "If Holmes/Wonderland is never solved, Holmes' porn-era films will be hailed as 'mementos' of superior vaudeville."


Generations later, FBI detective Guy Satan, Jr. (descendant) of the Guy who investigated Wonderland, was still trying to solve the mystery. It was this descendant that Enterprise Commander Connelly eventually made contact with, asking him for help in analyzing Wonderland. Satan, Jr. explained that his investigations led him to the conspiracy-theory that Eddie Nash had ties to corrupt fat-cat Dallas oil-men investing in media and seeking to avoid any media-scandal humiliation, which is why Holmes' friends were destroyed/killed so that the entire 'Holmes mystique' would be 'shrouded' in fog and basically 'veiled' in crime. Eddie Nash was therefore, like the Devil himself. Detective Guy Satan, Jr. told Commander Connelly that to solve Wonderland, one would have to literally 'open up' the proverbial 'hellmouth' of media cynicism. After all, no one really 'cared' about these porn-movie dolls/actors.


Commander Connelly completed her report of Wonderland and submitted it to the Federation. She accompanied with the report a series of Warhol art-prints about photo-negatives used as 'artistic relics' or 'totems' of commercial 20th Century traffic. Connelly explained to the Federation that these negatives symbolized a general human perception of the dynamics of traffic and the 'evolution' of consumerism 'activity' and could therefore be used as 'postage-stamp' reminders of the ghostly-scars created by the terribly-haunting and certainly-sinister Wonderland Murders of 1981. The Federation congratulated Enterprise Commander Connelly for excellent work on a monumental investigation involving a sociologically 'devastating' media-shattering crime in the 20th Century on Earth.


CONNELLY: Do you think my Wonderland report will bear fruit?
ADMIRAL NASH: It seems what you submitted was revealing...
CONNELLY: Media in the 20th Century was rather...experimental.
ADMIRAL NASH: Everything was new and child-like then.
CONNELLY: Horror-cinema really did replace pornography.
ADMIRAL NASH: Yes, porn-cinema became more underground.
CONNELLY: Wonderland changed everything...
ADMIRAL NASH: What happened to 'Johnny Wadd' (Holmes)?
CONNELLY: That character was enjoyed by cult-followers (on VHS)!
ADMIRAL NASH: Alright; so it was a 'semi-rescue' of culture.
CONNELLY: Yes, there was adequate 'crime archaeology.'
ADMIRAL NASH: Perhaps media will always be a symbol of 'enthusiasm.'
CONNELLY: We should make a documentary film about this entire investigation.
ADMIRAL NASH: Yes, Star Trek X: The Johnny Wadd Rescue.

"1 Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons" (Ruth 1:1, KJV Bible).




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