Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

Most are too fricken stupid to understand consequences. Medicare is not doing well financially, so what the heck, let's get Medicare for everyone. College loans are extremely high, so lets give it for free.
Good grief, I don't have all day to list the reasons I hate Democrats. Let's just sum it up like this: the democrats have become the party of the marxist left.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.
When anDonaervative see NFL player kneeling, they don't ignore it. When Comservatives see a Gay Pride parade, they don't ignore it.

Sometimes that opportunity to pull one up by one's bootstraps is constricted by forces outside one's control; discrimination, place, circumstance.
Is this a bait thread? Because I may nibble, but I won't bite.
Suit yourself.

Wow bro, how are you posting in four different threads all the exact same time within 4-6 seconds of each post? How many people are using your account simultaneously to trigger this forum slide in the USMB Politics section?

bripat9643 tinydancer FA_Q2 M14 Shooter TemplarKormac Uncensored2008 PoliticalChic

Ray From Cleveland@andaronjim impuretrash Billy_Bob Intolerant Hossfly BrokeLoser

gallantwarrior Norman PoliticalChic Osiris-ODS S.J. skye Bruce_T_Laney BrokeLoser

Look at this forum beast posting in forum separate threads intended to trigger a forum slide. He's somehow reading and writing responses in four threads simultaneous with under 10 second difference in timestamps.

This is now a documented case of a far-left forum saboteur account, being wielded by multiple people at the same time.

They decided to forum slide all the Pro-Trump threads of the front page of the Politics forum.
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Who'd a known somebody named Sadam Hussein would have been our President, 5 years ago, Right?! New naming of our place, Republic of Iraq! Seems pretty catchy after we elect Hussein Obama.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.
When anDonaervative see NFL player kneeling, they don't ignore it. When Comservatives see a Gay Pride parade, they don't ignore it.

Sometimes that opportunity to pull one up by one's bootstraps is constricted by forces outside one's control; discrimination, place, circumstance.

Thank you, I forgot about that one.

Liberals believe everybody has an excuse for failure. Nobody is at fault of their own accord. In fact liberals promote the idea particularly to the blacks in this country.

Excuses are taking people off the hook. Removing the responsibility of being a human or American. The very idea that convincing people that hurdles are too high to jump over.

However I dare you to go to a library, and ask the librarian where they keep all the books written by successful excuse makers. There are none, because all excuse makers are failures, and that's why the Democrats keep promoting it.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
They lack principles. There’s an agenda to push, use whatever tool, right or wrong, that’ll push it. They’ve also become the new puritans, and are far more religious than the Christians they make fun of. They resort to every logical fallacy in the book instead of actually arguing facts at hand. They also don’t understand that Trump is a big fat ol middle finger to all the things I just listed.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.
When anDonaervative see NFL player kneeling, they don't ignore it. When Comservatives see a Gay Pride parade, they don't ignore it.

Sometimes that opportunity to pull one up by one's bootstraps is constricted by forces outside one's control; discrimination, place, circumstance.

Thank you, I forgot about that one.

Liberals believe everybody has an excuse for failure. Nobody is at fault of their own accord. In fact liberals promote the idea particularly to the blacks in this country.

Excuses are taking people off the hook. Removing the responsibility of being a human or American. The very idea that convincing people that hurdles are too high to jump over.

However I dare you to go to a library, and ask the librarian where they keep all the books written by successful excuse makers. There are none, because all excuse makers are failures, and that's why the Democrats keep promoting it.
who do all of the female lawmakers, about over 65/70 wear so much make-up to the extent that they look like they are wearing scary halloween costumes.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.
When anDonaervative see NFL player kneeling, they don't ignore it. When Comservatives see a Gay Pride parade, they don't ignore it.

Sometimes that opportunity to pull one up by one's bootstraps is constricted by forces outside one's control; discrimination, place, circumstance.

Thank you, I forgot about that one.

Liberals believe everybody has an excuse for failure. Nobody is at fault of their own accord. In fact liberals promote the idea particularly to the blacks in this country.

Excuses are taking people off the hook. Removing the responsibility of being a human or American. The very idea that convincing people that hurdles are too high to jump over.

However I dare you to go to a library, and ask the librarian where they keep all the books written by successful excuse makers. There are none, because all excuse makers are failures, and that's why the Democrats keep promoting it.
who do all of the female lawmakers, about over 65/70 wear so much make-up to the extent that they look like they are wearing scary halloween costumes.

That's what happens when your makeup kit comes with a butter knife.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
They lack principles. There’s an agenda to push, use whatever tool, right or wrong, that’ll push it. They’ve also become the new puritans, and are far more religious than the Christians they make fun of. They resort to every logical fallacy in the book instead of actually arguing facts at hand. They also don’t understand that Trump is a big fat ol middle finger to all the things I just listed.
I see Trump as the embodiment of the things you listed. Border crisis e.g.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.
When anDonaervative see NFL player kneeling, they don't ignore it. When Comservatives see a Gay Pride parade, they don't ignore it.

Sometimes that opportunity to pull one up by one's bootstraps is constricted by forces outside one's control; discrimination, place, circumstance.

Thank you, I forgot about that one.

Liberals believe everybody has an excuse for failure. Nobody is at fault of their own accord. In fact liberals promote the idea particularly to the blacks in this country.

Excuses are taking people off the hook. Removing the responsibility of being a human or American. The very idea that convincing people that hurdles are too high to jump over.

However I dare you to go to a library, and ask the librarian where they keep all the books written by successful excuse makers. There are none, because all excuse makers are failures, and that's why the Democrats keep promoting it.
who do all of the female lawmakers, about over 65/70 wear so much make-up to the extent that they look like they are wearing scary halloween costumes.

That's what happens when your makeup kit comes with a butter knife.

That's not a butter knife, it's a putty knife.
When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it..

Like gun control, affirmative action, climate change and abortion?

Gun control is more government control. Like our founders, conservatives are against more government.

Affirmative action is simply reverse discrimination. Conservatives are against discrimination of any kind.

Climate change is an unproven theory that we have spent trillions on thanks to Democrats.

Abortion is about the only thing you actually have.
When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it..

Like gun control, affirmative action, climate change and abortion?

Gun control is more government control. Like our founders, conservatives are against more government.

Affirmative action is simply reverse discrimination. Conservatives are against discrimination of any kind.

Climate change is an unproven theory that we have spent trillions on thanks to Democrats.

Abortion is about the only thing you actually have.

Point is, you said you usually ignore it. You don't.
Climate change is totally proven.
when backed into a corner, democrats generally steal Hillarys line,,,"I Dont Recall". and if the judge is a liberal, they set them free. no questions asked
That the DNC adopted the 1930's socialist party's Marxist agenda at a secret caucus in 1980. They are today's clandestine communist party whose agenda is bankrolled by the very elites you useful idiots claim to be against. Those that tout the leftard way have no clue about previous socialists like Wilson and FDR sold us out for a song.
When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it..

Like gun control, affirmative action, climate change and abortion?

Gun control is more government control. Like our founders, conservatives are against more government.

Affirmative action is simply reverse discrimination. Conservatives are against discrimination of any kind.

Climate change is an unproven theory that we have spent trillions on thanks to Democrats.

Abortion is about the only thing you actually have.

Point is, you said you usually ignore it. You don't.
Climate change is totally proven.

What I said is that if a conservative doesn't like something, as in something that's a choice.

How much money have I spent on climate change? I buy gas, I buy cars, I'm a truck driver. Climate change people have a negative impact on my life. In fact I have to buy license plate tags for my car in a few months, and now I have to take a trip to one of those stupid testing places to have my car tasted. Waste of my time, waste of gas, waste of my money, and doesn't do anything.

Gun control has an affect on me. It would give me limited choices, increased costs, and perhaps a denial of weapon ownership.

On the other hand, if a liberal sees parents at McDonald's enjoying their happy meals with their children. It doesn't affect them in any way. They just don't like it. So they run to their representatives to stop those people from being sold happy meals.

Take Mrs, fat-ass herself. Kids are in school enjoying their lunches, and she comes along to take away all the items she doesn't want them to have. It's none of her Fn business what kids want to eat. That's between the parents and perhaps the schools. What kids eat didn't affect her life one bit. She just didn't like what kids like to eat.

The point is that conservatives will fight to live the way they want to live, and liberals fight to have people live the way liberals want them to live.

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