Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about Democrats

why do the dumbest ones not want to take questions from any independent reporter? especially on live TV.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it. When a Democrat doesn't like something, they petition their legislators to make it illegal or tax the hell out of it so nobody would like it.

Conservatives believe the key to success is for those at the bottom to work hard and strive to get to the top. The Democrat philosophy is to bring those at the top down to the bottom.

Democrats look at this country as one giant commune. It takes a village. Some work, some don't, some just sit home having kids, and we are all supposed to contribute to keep this commune afloat. Conservatives believe that work should equal reward. The more you create, the more financial success you should have.

Conservatives believe that there is a superior being that created and controls this planet. Liberals think man controls the climate.

Liberals believe in killing babies. Conservatives believe in killing murderers.
When anDonaervative see NFL player kneeling, they don't ignore it. When Comservatives see a Gay Pride parade, they don't ignore it.

Sometimes that opportunity to pull one up by one's bootstraps is constricted by forces outside one's control; discrimination, place, circumstance.

thats just not true,,,
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

You'd require better bait--bait that's much cleverer than this question. That being said, this attempt at interrogative recursive obfuscation is among the more diluted I've seen lately. The postmodern Leftist intelligentsia really ought to ween their college kids off of Hegel.
When a conservative doesn't like something, he or she usually ignores it..

Like gun control, affirmative action, climate change and abortion?

Gun control is more government control. Like our founders, conservatives are against more government.

Affirmative action is simply reverse discrimination. Conservatives are against discrimination of any kind.

Climate change is an unproven theory that we have spent trillions on thanks to Democrats.

Abortion is about the only thing you actually have.

Point is, you said you usually ignore it. You don't.
Climate change is totally proven.

no its not,,,
actually i am very pissed over Maxine Waters wigs, who did she steal them from?

Democrats are modern day Nazis who seek to destroy the white man and punish him for the real and imagined sins of his ancestors

Which is another reason to hate Democrats. Their never ending push to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible.
Democrats are dishonest. They try to sell the concept of getting something for nothing, then when they do get their crap passed, the same people always pay. The Middle Income earners bears the greatest burden. They also lie about racism, sexism and homophobia in an attempt to use Identity Politics to divide us and create victim classes. They are all about creating dependency and hence control.
I CAN post twice, on this thread, correct? I just wanted to clarify my understanding of the title, like why did the Blue-Dogs disappear? Everything disappears into some Poor Confederate blackhole. Conservative Democrats even without the Dixiecrats.
and till this day, not one democrat has called out Hank Johnson for his infamous dumbass statement about Guam? what? all democrats actually believe that Guam will tip over if a few thousand really fat people all head to either end of the island?
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.
  1. Their inability to tell the truth
  2. Their lack of any scruple whatsoever.
  3. Their total ignorance of the basic facts of economics.
Are you sure you're talking about Democrats given the current occupant of the White House?
You think a fetus is not a baby
Personally, I think a fetus is a fetus, a baby is a baby and a bicycle is not a unicycle.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart

Are we ruled by the Bible, or by law?
by law in public by the bible in life,,,
In your life, but not all A,Erica S are adherents of the Bible.
in an effort to understand your political ideology better, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about Democrats.

You'd require better bait--bait that's much cleverer than this question. That being said, this attempt at interrogative recursive obfuscation is among the more diluted I've seen lately. The postmodern Leftist intelligentsia really ought to ween their college kids off of Hegel.
I'm sorry your cynicism has locked the gears of your thinking.

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