Conservative views driving young people away from organized religion: 'They have no reason to go'

Good laws are based on ethics. Everyone can agree that certain things like murder, theft and rape should be punishable without religion ever coming into the discussion. Can you say why sodomy should be the subject of any law without talking about God?
Good laws? What makes something good?

And no, we don't all agree because you think giving a woman the right to kill their unborn infant is good because they are not really human, much like Nazis would kill of Jews because they were viewed as subhuman as well.

It is ridiculous to claim that the public schools in San Francisco CA are just like the public schools in rural Louisiana or Montana. Use common sense. You realize that public school teachers live within driving distance of their schools, yes? You think somehow public schools in rural Montana truck in teachers from Berkeley CA?

I think it ridiculous to assume what influence the Left has or does not have over any section of the country since they have taken over pretty much everything.
Correct. God is spirit, and proof can only be applied to the physical realm. Proof requires physical substance and measurement. Therefore, seeking proof for God is a waste of time. Instead of seeking proof, I recommend seeking God.

Human things must be known to be loved; but Divine things must be loved to be known.
Blaise Pascal
I really don't care about how any of the Christian churches are different than the others. They are all wrong.
If you are right. But are you right? And if really so: Why are billions of others wrong? What makes you so elitist?
The church is not a place to learn about the truth. The church divides, and scatters. Money itself does that. Money makes people to think that racism is real. Racism is as real as money, that comes from nothing. The church is defiled, being defiled religon. That defiled religon makes bitter hearts. That is not a good thing. The church caused the many gender thing, demonizing the sight of god's image. People became discontent, wanting to be somthing else. Muslims are using the immigration thing to come in to destroy they that are not in name a Muslim. No other belief system is doing this. Anyone see a red flag?
Income: Jesus did not teach people about income. Jesus taught 100% free. God did not make money. Money says this. God gave us nothing of value. Money is the only thing that has value. People who want the world to use money are calling Lucifer right. God was holding something back. The world is calling God a liar, insisting that we have price tags. God tells the truth. We are god's. We are God's children. God's image giving to god's image, what is God's. Ask and receive.
It needs to be mind control, not gun control. The church made people to not see our form as God's image. That makes it easy to pierce that image, even as Jesus was pierced.
There is no truth in the church when it hates, LGBT people, naked people, zoosexuals, and clothing optional people. God hates a church that does that. The church taught people to hate Pepe Le Pew, a cartoon skunk, who hates no one. Jesus comforted people with his words. No such comfort is coming from the church. Their law is the law of man, using it against whoever. Evil people use scripture in the same way. They emulate Christs enemies.
The church is more like a military barracks, teaching people to be militarily minded. March around like solders wearing military's fatigues - clothing. The Gospel mission is run like a military barracks, and a prison.
The church is an empty vessel. The church has nothing good in it. The church does not know what Rightious judging is even when the church is told. That would no be, had people not be a steady state of fear, to be themselves. Indians were in a steady state of fear when people in ships came to their continent. The same thing happens now to people that the church does not see as their own. Charity is not in the church. People think: I gave to a charity. That is not what 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7, KJV, talks about. Liars will make hearts to be bitter.

And your heart is bitter? ... I guess your problem is to say "God hates the church that does that" what makes your soul bitter. To say only a man and woman are able to marry means not at all that other people are not able to have a good and worthful partnership. The Christian history is ful of other life forms than marriage. The Beginen for example had been not nuns but laymen in independent communities of women. They started to exist around 1250 AD. Still today exist many Christian communities of women. All forms of partnership and communities are normally a good thing. But not everything is a marriage in the Christian sense of a sacrament.

And what you call here "military" is by the way also very strange. A bigger group of people needs rules. For example in a school. But this is not military. And in general: For to educate a human being it needs a whole village. To be stylites (ascetic monks who spent time in isolation atop a column or tower) is not in the center of the Christian religion.
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If you are right. But are you right? And if really so: Why are billions of others wrong? What makes you so elitist?
I actually read the bible. Turning what Jesus said into an organized religion was maybe the biggest trick ever. He said that when you feed the hungry, heal the sick and lift up the downtrodden you practice Christianity. The rest is just a bunch of rituals and hocus-pocus meant to keep the rubes tithing and the boots marching.
I actually read the bible. Turning what Jesus said into an organized religion was maybe the biggest trick ever. He said that when you feed the hungry, heal the sick and lift up the downtrodden you practice Christianity. The rest is just a bunch of rituals and hocus-pocus meant to keep the rubes tithing and the boots marching.

I noticed many Christians seem to ignore most of the teachings of the bible.

Many Christians want prayer in School, but guess what?

Jesus actually was against that.

The bible also says that rich people suck and you should give to the poor and homeless.

Bible also says that tattoos are a sin.

I noticed many Christians seem to ignore most of the teachings of the bible.

Many Christians want prayer in School, but guess what?

Jesus actually was against that.

The bible also says that rich people suck and you should give to the poor and homeless.

Bible also says that tattoos are a sin.

The bible says a lot of things. If you search around enough you can find a moral escape hatch from what Jesus said to do.
But is man "man made"? Or are we a fairy tale on our own and you are the fairy tale of the bird with the stones in the breast who thinks it is impossible to fly?

what???!!! religion is man made--BELIEFS one can prove there is a god--plain simple--end of story
Half of young people report feeling disconnected from their religious backgrounds, according to a new report.

A new survey found that half of people ages 13 to 25 think that religious institutions care little for the issues that matter deeply to them, such as racial justice, gender equity, immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, and that may be driving a decline in membership for several denominations, reported the Wall Street Journal.

"I don't accept the teachings when it comes to discrimination," said Christian Camacho, a 22-year-old who grew up in a conservative Catholic family in Minneapolis. "I know a fair number of young people who don't go to church, not because they will be discriminated against — they just have no reason to go."

Churches should get with the times and stop preaching hate against LGBT people.

Keep preaching hate and you will lose people.

I have noticed when i last went to church, there are fewer people in the pews.

Probably if they started accepting LGBT people and stopped preaching hate then people would return to the church.

It's time for the churches to get with the times.
All the things they have indoctrinated our children to believe by overtaking the school system and teaching our children to not be Christians.

True Christians do not hate those who consider themselves LGBTQ..., however they do consider the things that they do as evil and bad. Hate the sin and love the sinner. Loving the sinner does not consist of agreeing with their sin and accepting it as an OK thing to do in society. Racial justice is a basic teaching in Christianity. Jesus taught to love your neighbor as yourself. He taught us to love all mankind. God has, however, cursed certain peoples for their wickedness, and has commanded the righteous not to intermarry with the wicked. Thus in the bible we have the sons of God and the sons of men. These types of commandments were given so that those among the righteous do not follow after the wicked practices of those who choose to do evil. As far as gender equality is concerned, you cannot make a man a woman in the eyes of God nor can you make a woman a man. God created each of us to be either a man or woman. Gender confusion is not a true principle and is against God and his creation. Man and woman were meant to become one through the bonds of Holy matrimony.

Genesis 2:24

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

1 Corinthians 11:11-12

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 9:1-2

1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

The bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is not just a sin but an abomination in the eyes of God. God created man and woman to be joined together to have offspring. Homosexuality goes directly against God's reason for creating man and woman. It is against the natural use of our bodies. We should seek to do away with such perversions in our societies. But today our world has become as Sodom and Gomorrah. Such things are so abominable that God will soon come upon the earth and destroy the wicked. Does this mean that God wants us to hate the wicked? NO! He wants us to love one another and to teach each other true principles of righteousness and to call one another unto repentance of our evil ways so that we can be forgiven of our trespasses. God is the judge and has taught us all not to judge one another unrighteously but has also taught us to avoid the very appearance of sin.

Regarding Immigration rights, income inequality and gun control, all I can say is that if you going by the laws of the land regarding immigration laws, then immigration rights are those given to those who legally immigrate into our country. Those who cross our borders illegally do not have the same rights as citizens or those who cross the border legally. The rule of Joe Biden today is destroying our country and he should be thrown out of office. Income inequality is the outcome of a free and open market society. It is a better way of doing things than adhering to socialism or communism. We have seen the outcome of countries that follow those types of false economic and unlawful practices. The reason so many people want to migrate to the USA is because we are a free and open society. Those who do migrate to our country hope for something better than the socialistic and communistic control found in their countries of origin. However, in the kingdom of God, there is more of a true economic equality due to one another caring for the poor and needy. God has taught that we should not have huge massive income inequality.

Doctrine and Covenants 49:20

20 But it is not given that one man should possess that which is above another, wherefore the world lieth in sin.

God's true economic law is a huge subject and we can discuss this in another thread if desired. However, his true law of equality is not found in the false economic systems of socialism and communism. Under these false systems, the ruling class usually are not equal with the common folk.

I believe that the Constitution of the USA is an inspired document from God. It has established great freedom in our country and having the right to bear arms is a part of that document. That very right is not to be infringed although many today seem to think that is a good idea. In fact that right has been infringed already. The main purpose we were given that right is so that we could rise up and rebel against any government that becomes tyrannous. I believe that there are many today in government that wish to become tyrannous. Do you see the problems the people in Australia are having today with their government? One of the main reasons they are in the predicament they find themselves in is because they gave up their right to bear arms. Now the government comes down on them with a hammer and sickle.

The constitution of the USA is a great document for maintaining freedom for the people in a world of wicked secret combinations. We should all hold fast to the constitution and preserve our freedoms.

Many of the youth today have been indoctrinated through the radical left agenda that has ruined our school systems. Now they want to teach CRA to our children which I find to be offensive.
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I actually read the bible. Turning what Jesus said into an organized religion was maybe the biggest trick ever.

Says one of the mass-individualists of the USA, who have all together the same prejudices? Jesus had been a Jew during his whole life - and not a Christian. Do you think all Christians should become Jews now and nerve all the Jews who are Jews today? Jesus not founded a new religion: Because of Jesus we (the "Greeks") founded a new religion - and brought the good message of god to many people. Even to an idiot like you.

He said that when you feed the hungry, heal the sick and lift up the downtrodden you practice Christianity.

And that's now why you feed me, heal my sickness and make me to the master of the universe?

The rest is just a bunch of rituals and hocus-pocus meant to keep the rubes tithing and the boots marching.

Sure. Who needs rituals like babtism, to read the bible, to speak bullshit in public forums and to attack unknown Christians there - only because he is a stupid US-American suffering megalomania?

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Many Christians want prayer in School, but guess what?
Jesus actually was against that.

Was he? How? Why?

To pray in school before the working day there starts is a pedagocical unbelievable worthful concept. It gives structure and concentration - brings peace into the own soul - makes clear to everyone that everyone else is also always a beloved child of god, independent of anything else what will happen this day.
... The bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is not just a sin but an abomination in the eyes of God. ...

That's very far from this what the bible "says". No one is responsible for a sexual orientation which is independent from the will of the own person. And everyone is responsible for the own behavior - also in case of sexuality. The Muslims say it come 72 times more women into heaven than men. This is perhaps a good indicator for the relation of the sinfulness between the sexual behavior of women and men. The accusation "men are pigs" seems to be not far from reality sometimes - if to be compared with men would not be a shame for pigs. More tenderness - also between men - would perhaps help a lot. And tenderness is for example anything else than "homosexuality" (=an expression from the year 1869)
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... I believe that the Constitution of the USA is an inspired document from God. ...

Ahem ... Because the constitution of the USA is sacrosanct - what you also directly say here - I normally never discuss about the constitution of the USA with US-Americans. But do you really think god created the natural human right to abort human beings? ....

And by the way: Also people who cross a border illegally are children of god. ... Sure is patriotism a good thing as long as this means to love the own country. But when patriotism becomes a strange nationalism who hates all others then grows something into a totally wrong way.
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zaangalewa you people keep coming up with some good DOUBLE talk BABBLE......there is no god = religion is fairytales ....end of story.........
....funny how you keep posting and none of it is evidence/proof/etc
A typical "English" and anti-philosophical answer which explains the own blindness to the light of the world and is extremely narrow minded.
1. English??????!!!!!!??
2. that is some great double talk babble crap which means NOTHING
Says one of the mass-individualists of the USA, who have all together the same prejudices? Jesus had been a Jew during his whole life - and not a Christian. Do you think all Christians should become Jews now and nerve all the Jews who are Jews today? Jesus not founded a new religion: Because of Jesus we (the "Greeks") founded a new religion - and brought the good message of god to many people. Even to an idiot like you.

And that's now why you feed me, heal my sickness and make me to the master of the universe?

Sure. Who needs rituals like babtism, to read the bible, to speak bullshit in public forums and to attack unknown Christians there - only because he is a stupid US-American suffering megalomania?

People who see themselves as defenders of the faith are the worst. Jesus gave us a way to live a virtuous life without having to submit to a priesthood who claim to hold the keys to heaven. It's clear he was rebelling against the temple and it's secular authority but that aspect seems to have been lost. More likely it was deliberately edited out.
zaangalewa you people keep coming up with some good DOUBLE talk BABBLE......there is no god = religion is fairytales ....end of story.........
....funny how you keep posting and none of it is evidence/proof/etc

Only because you seem not to know something about epistemology: No one is able to prove for example anything in the fairytale physics. In physics just simple everything is true what is not disproven. And in the fairytale mathematics god is proven from Kurt Gödel - and up to now no one has disproven god in mathematics. But this all are only components of the created world (= creation) and not of the creator.
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