Pope meets with Biden. Abortion is never discussed


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Well it's official, the Pope is not that concerned over abortion in the least as he met with Joe Biden and just sat around and talked about the evils of global warming instead.

Oh, and Biden is allowed to take communion according to the Pope as well.

Abortion is no biggie Joe, no worries.

Well it's official, the Pope is not that concerned over abortion in the least as he met with Joe Biden and just sat around and talked about the evils of global warming instead.

Oh, and Biden is allowed to take communion according to the Pope as well.

Abortion is no biggie Joe, no worries.
Abortion should not be mentioned in a democracy. Everybody has the right to their own body. Remember!!! the republicans are chanting it.
Abortion should not be mentioned in a democracy. Everybody has the right to their own body. Remember!!! the republicans are chanting it.
Joe Biden and the Pope could not agree more.

Thank God Biden is not building walls cuz that would send him to hell if he did.

Should the official teaching of the church be changed regarding abortion?

I mean, the way it sounds is abortion is mass genocide that is no different than the Jewish extermination.

What say you?
Joe Biden and the Pope could not agree more.

Thank God Biden is not building walls cuz that would send him to hell if he did.

Should the official teaching of the church be changed regarding abortion?

I mean, the way it sounds is abortion is mass genocide that is no different than the Jewish extermination.

What say you?

If you weren't allowed own guns for instance, that would be restricting your freedom.
What gives religion the right to restrict a woman to her body?

You cannot have laws stopping abortion Then bellow about the great big free America.
If you weren't allowed own guns for instance, that would be restricting your freedom.
What gives religion the right to restrict a woman to her body?

You cannot have laws stopping abortion Then bellow about the great big free America.
Go get the jab and stop crying about your freedom.

Remember, Karl Marx is your god now

Well it's official, the Pope is not that concerned over abortion in the least as he met with Joe Biden and just sat around and talked about the evils of global warming instead.

Oh, and Biden is allowed to take communion according to the Pope as well.

Abortion is no biggie Joe, no worries.
It's a personal decision. Should not be mandated or controlled by any government entity.
If you want to end the need for abortion, support those programs that make it unnecessary.
Otherwise, keep your just and righteous morals...to yourself.
Funny how time has changed things.

With JFKennedy, protestant Christian citizens were concerned that President Kennedy would be following the Pope's commands for Catholics and the church.

Now they are upset that the Pope didn't have supreme command and order our president to deny women's constitutional right to privacy.....
Go get the jab and stop crying about your freedom.

Remember, Karl Marx is your god now
I have been jabbed twice. How is marx my God? Are you still moaning about getting the democrats vacinne?
Bit scared are you? Big tough
American frightened of a needle. Home of the brave my arse. B
Joe Biden and the Pope could not agree more.

Thank God Biden is not building walls cuz that would send him to hell if he did.

Should the official teaching of the church be changed regarding abortion?

I mean, the way it sounds is abortion is mass genocide that is no different than the Jewish extermination.

What say you?
Abortion is not mass suicide. Biden is allowed to receive communion as far as the Pope is concerned. Biden lost 2 kids.

Well it's official, the Pope is not that concerned over abortion in the least as he met with Joe Biden and just sat around and talked about the evils of global warming instead.

Oh, and Biden is allowed to take communion according to the Pope as well.

Abortion is no biggie Joe, no worries.
Gee, I wonder why? The Bible is just full of abortion, nothing about helping the poor, turning the cheek, ministering to the afflicted, being good stewards of God’s property….silly Pope.
Now they are upset that the Pope didn't have supreme command and order our president to deny women's constitutional right to privacy.....
That's not the issue. That part was resolved years ago. What has Catholics up in arms are that Catholic politicians such as President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have spoken in favor of taxpayer funded abortions and the late term abortions. Some may take the Pope's avoidance of discussing this concern with the President as his tacit approval that it is okay for Catholics, through tax dollars, to fund abortion. I am up in arms about that, as are many Catholics.
"Everybody has a right to their own body"

Goody, there go the vaccine mandates. That was easy
Except that there are Supreme Court decisions that,

1) Have upheld vaccine mandates (the SC just left one in place in ME the other day).
2) Handed down a decision that protects an individuals right to an abortion.

So...there goes that argument for you. :)
That's not the issue. That part was resolved years ago. What has Catholics up in arms are that Catholic politicians such as President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have spoken in favor of taxpayer funded abortions and the late term abortions. Some may take the Pope's avoidance of discussing this concern with the President as his tacit approval that it is okay for Catholics, through tax dollars, to fund abortion. I am up in arms about that, as are many Catholics.
Can you show Biden supporting the tax payer funding of abortion? That seems strange since all of his career, he HAS NOT supported using federal tax dollars on such..... When did his position change???
That's not the issue. That part was resolved years ago. What has Catholics up in arms are that Catholic politicians such as President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have spoken in favor of taxpayer funded abortions and the late term abortions. Some may take the Pope's avoidance of discussing this concern with the President as his tacit approval that it is okay for Catholics, through tax dollars, to fund abortion. I am up in arms about that, as are many Catholics.
The Catholic church has a long history about not speaking out publicly against genocide.


So the issue is not the abortion but only tax payer funded abortion?


The Catholic church is more concerned about saving their own skins and protecting their vast treasure in the Vatican than losing it all to defend innocent lives.
The Catholic church has a long history about not speaking out publicly against genocide.

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So the issue is not the abortion but only tax payer funded abortion?


the hyde amendment which has been in effect since the days of carter has ensured tax payer $$$ cannot fund abortions.

lol ... next?
the hyde amendment which has been in effect since the days of carter has ensured tax payer $$$ cannot fund abortions.

lol ... next?
Feel free to ignore everything I've said

Feel free to ignore everything I've said


but as for what you specifically said about the RC church ... which is chock full of politics & hypocrisy - not to mention the unforgivable act of covering up child diddling priests will not get any arguments from me.

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