Congresswoman Stefanik files ethics complaint against Trump trial judge (conflict of interest)

Thank God for Stefanik! Now I know why she's on Trump's VP list.

You can't find a more conflicted judge..

Wow... I just re-read this and can barely believe it

Stefanik added that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned him in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

His ILLEGAL political donations?

So it's not simply that he donated to bribum!

The donations are not legal--even aside from the conflict of interest issue!?

Am I seeing things here?

You’re seeing the Dems / Socialists in free-fall denial mode. They’re perfectly fine with a Dem / Socialist stooge trial judge breaking the law because it appeals to their dishonesty and their pathological hatred of Trump.
Donating to Dems and dragging Trump through the mud
How judicially impartial
I guess the judge and other dims figure: We won't get this to stick. It will be o/turned by Appeal, but we can wreak havok in the election process! And maybe it will be enough so that enough people will vote D!


I'm not sure there are THAT many retarded voters, though
If the jury is so addled as to convict Trump of anything, it will be tossed on appeal as certainly as anything one could mention. Will the appellate court go further? It will be interesting. Look for entertaining written opinions when the appeal decisions are handed down. I hope I live that long.
Live long and prosper. I hope you don't have any disease that's terminal? I pray Jesus heals you.

I pray also that the Appeals court takes up Trump's case immediately due to election considerations
You’re seeing the Dems / Socialists in free-fall denial mode. They’re perfectly fine with a Dem / Socialist stooge trial judge breaking the law because it appeals to their dishonesty and their pathological hatred of Trump.
and their pathological souls

merrily skipping off to Hell

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