Conniption in Court: Gasps as Breitbart Exposé on Trump New York Judge’s Clerk Takes Center Stage

He did it all to himself. I understand you can't or won't accept this but it wouldn't be an issue if Trump wasn't so corrupt. You're just pissed because you fell for it and swallowed his act whole.
He and his sons and daughter have already been found liable for inflating the value of their assets. What's being decided now is how badly they are going to pay for doing so.

And Biden is going to win re-election. No one wants to see another four years of Trump. :)
So you want to die on the sinking ship USS Biden? Why are you willing to go down with Biden?
Appearance and evidence are very close to the same but depending upon the circumstance, liberals declare them vastly different.
Unless it's Trump. Then some malcontent making a completely unfounded or unprovable accusation of DJT, no matter how far off the rails it is, equals hard evidence to the TDS and never-Trump crowd. But at the same time they dismiss very convincing evidence of anything bad re somebody they want to hold up as superior to Trump.

That's why the judge is right to call it an allegation and not evidence unless Breitbart backs it up with something more than an accusation. But he was absolutely in the wrong to gag the defendant for utilizing the information as he has damn sure made rulings based on a hell of a lot less.
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