Confirmed - Liberal Indoctrination BROKE America: Teen Snowflakes - Global Warming Linked to Slavery

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?
Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

The cause is only important if you are trying to stop it or reverse it. I do not think either are possible, thus I do not care about the cause. Just preparing for what it will bring.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution.

But even that is not happening because people are too busy throwing political piles of poop at each other over the cause.

Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

That would be great, too bad we are closing in on being 23 trillion dollars in debt with more than a trillion a year being added.
Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?
Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

The cause is only important if you are trying to stop it or reverse it. I do not think either are possible, thus I do not care about the cause. Just preparing for what it will bring.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution.

But even that is not happening because people are too busy throwing political piles of poop at each other over the cause.

Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

That would be great, too bad we are closing in on being 23 trillion dollars in debt with more than a trillion a year being added.

No, it is not happening because we are wasting real money on climate change nonsense.
A robust space program will create enough wealth that we could spend our way out of debt.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this is going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing in the 1st place. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming' based on their testimony.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’
Global Warming has also been linked to low IQs

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Linked to ‘Colonialism, Slavery

Somewhere out there, Jonathon Gruber just peed himself a little due to laughing so hard reading this...

'Teen climate activist Jamie Margolin testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis alongside fellow activist Greta Thunberg on Wednesday and declared that the climate “crisis” is directly linked to colonialism and slavery.

The Seattle native — joined by Thunberg, the famed European climate activist who recently
received stunning accolades from former President Obama (why am I NOT surprised...) — told U.S. lawmakers that her generation lives with constant “fear and despair” due to the climate crisis and added that climate change is directly linked to colonialism, slavery, and natural resource extraction.

“I want the entirety of Congress — in fact, the whole U.S. government — to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold on to it,” she said.'

'Remember it', honey?! Who the hell do you think is responsible for the 'fear and despair' you live with every day? That 'fear and despair' has been brought to you, drummed into your ignorant little head, by Socialist Democrat Environmental Extremists for the last 40 YEARS!

Again, as I pointed out in a different thread yesterday, Democrats have been fully engaged in this 'FEAR-MONGERING' since at LEAST 1969. Decades ago, before Al Gore tried to run his scam, Liberal extremists declared people would 'DISAPPEAR IN A BLUE MIST' due to Climate Change. Democrats warned of another ICE AGE back in the 70s and early 80s only to flip-flop and declare all of the arctic ice was going to melt and coastal cities all over the world would be under water YEARS AGO due to Global Warming. NONE OF IT CAME TRUE! Recently AOC echoed these false prophecies, declaring Miami, Fl would be under water, parts of NY would be under water, in several years and declared the world is going to end in 11 years (12, at the time).

Someone please show these 2 twits the full list / video footage of all these fear-mongering failed prophecies....after seeing them she and her friend can go back to school, relieved none of this is going to happen.

Were I one of the politicians listening to these indoctrinated bubble-heads I would be tempted to cut them off and tell them to go back to school instead of skipping school to come to Washington to parrot Liberal lies....but their liberal indoctrination camp - better known as Public School - is probably where they 'learned' all of this BS they are spewing in the 1st place. Their testimony would cause me to call for an immediate investigation of their school and the crap they are being fed by Liberal Extremists rather than take action against 'Global Warming' based on their testimony.

....but listening to these poor, unfortunate, indoctrinated teenagers tell Congress - some of them the authors of the lies they are parroting - that Global Warming is a direct result of 'colonization' (ghosts of Barry's Daddy's thoughts/comments) and slavery have confirmed our fears --

Liberal Indoctrination Finally BROKE America.

Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’

Jesus H Christ...

Stop the planet. I want off.
Someone pointed out that there is a picture of one of these little geniuses in an antifa t-shirt. The world will end or I'll bash you with a blunt object. Still, everyone knows that building windmills and being completely dependent on the middle east is the only way to stop Manbearpig.
Very good articles that do address the problems with assigning blame to humans.

Though, not a single one of them state no matter what numbers you punched in to them, they would ALWAYS result in warming.

Like I said, this is the beginning of your journey. Study more

I do not need to study more, I have studied and even ran a million plus points of data through SPSS for a project while working on my Masters.

My conclusion is that the climate is indeed changing and that mankind is not the cause but they have exacerbated it.

Fell free to prove me wrong.

My other conclusion is that there is nothing to do to stop it, and that all of the bills and bullshit put forth are just means of control and fear mongering. We need to quit fighting about the cause or how to "stop" it and work on mitigating the problems that will come with the changing climate.

The example I use most often are the farmers that I work with and the other one's in my area. Over the last 5 to 7 years they have been adding both irrigation and tiling as fast as they can afford to, in an effort to deal with the changing climate. I have clients that are farming land that has been in their family for 5 generations and they never needed irrigation before. Sure, they had droughts and the like, but those were temporary. Now days we are getting basically the same amount of rain as always, but now it comes in massive storms and we get two weeks worth in a few hours, and then it does not rain again for a month. So, instead of bickering about whose fault it is or how to stop it, they are being proactive.

This is what we need to do as a nation, but we won't because the issue has now become a political battleground. And we will pay the price for it.

How has mankind exacerbated it. Be specific, and provide evidence to support your position that is not based on computer models.

Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?
What happened to all the claims that we were heading into a cooling phase because of the weakness of solar cycle 24? Temperature variations have follows the activity of the sun spot cycles, until now. Granted the record is only a 150 years or so, but still we are at the end of a very weak cycle and the next one is predicted to be even weaker. Temperatures have still been rising.

Correlation of global temperature with solar activity
Like I said, this is the beginning of your journey. Study more

I do not need to study more, I have studied and even ran a million plus points of data through SPSS for a project while working on my Masters.

My conclusion is that the climate is indeed changing and that mankind is not the cause but they have exacerbated it.

Fell free to prove me wrong.

My other conclusion is that there is nothing to do to stop it, and that all of the bills and bullshit put forth are just means of control and fear mongering. We need to quit fighting about the cause or how to "stop" it and work on mitigating the problems that will come with the changing climate.

The example I use most often are the farmers that I work with and the other one's in my area. Over the last 5 to 7 years they have been adding both irrigation and tiling as fast as they can afford to, in an effort to deal with the changing climate. I have clients that are farming land that has been in their family for 5 generations and they never needed irrigation before. Sure, they had droughts and the like, but those were temporary. Now days we are getting basically the same amount of rain as always, but now it comes in massive storms and we get two weeks worth in a few hours, and then it does not rain again for a month. So, instead of bickering about whose fault it is or how to stop it, they are being proactive.

This is what we need to do as a nation, but we won't because the issue has now become a political battleground. And we will pay the price for it.

How has mankind exacerbated it. Be specific, and provide evidence to support your position that is not based on computer models.

Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?

P1. I agree. And as long as we are bickering over the cause those things will not get done.

P2. It does not matter if they are right, because “we the people” are not going to make any real changes till it is far too late, if It is not already. And even if we in this country do, most others are not going to do it.
I do not need to study more, I have studied and even ran a million plus points of data through SPSS for a project while working on my Masters.

My conclusion is that the climate is indeed changing and that mankind is not the cause but they have exacerbated it.

Fell free to prove me wrong.

My other conclusion is that there is nothing to do to stop it, and that all of the bills and bullshit put forth are just means of control and fear mongering. We need to quit fighting about the cause or how to "stop" it and work on mitigating the problems that will come with the changing climate.

The example I use most often are the farmers that I work with and the other one's in my area. Over the last 5 to 7 years they have been adding both irrigation and tiling as fast as they can afford to, in an effort to deal with the changing climate. I have clients that are farming land that has been in their family for 5 generations and they never needed irrigation before. Sure, they had droughts and the like, but those were temporary. Now days we are getting basically the same amount of rain as always, but now it comes in massive storms and we get two weeks worth in a few hours, and then it does not rain again for a month. So, instead of bickering about whose fault it is or how to stop it, they are being proactive.

This is what we need to do as a nation, but we won't because the issue has now become a political battleground. And we will pay the price for it.

How has mankind exacerbated it. Be specific, and provide evidence to support your position that is not based on computer models.

Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?

P1. I agree. And as long as we are bickering over the cause those things will not get done.

P2. It does not matter if they are right, because “we the people” are not going to make any real changes till it is far too late, if It is not already. And even if we in this country do, most others are not going to do it.

P2: We the People can vote for rational and unbiased members of the Congress to fund protective measures, saving life and property.

The US once was a leader in terms of human rights and ecology, making trump a one term president is necessary to establish us as we once were, the light of the world.
Like I said, this is the beginning of your journey. Study more

I do not need to study more, I have studied and even ran a million plus points of data through SPSS for a project while working on my Masters.

My conclusion is that the climate is indeed changing and that mankind is not the cause but they have exacerbated it.

Fell free to prove me wrong.

My other conclusion is that there is nothing to do to stop it, and that all of the bills and bullshit put forth are just means of control and fear mongering. We need to quit fighting about the cause or how to "stop" it and work on mitigating the problems that will come with the changing climate.

The example I use most often are the farmers that I work with and the other one's in my area. Over the last 5 to 7 years they have been adding both irrigation and tiling as fast as they can afford to, in an effort to deal with the changing climate. I have clients that are farming land that has been in their family for 5 generations and they never needed irrigation before. Sure, they had droughts and the like, but those were temporary. Now days we are getting basically the same amount of rain as always, but now it comes in massive storms and we get two weeks worth in a few hours, and then it does not rain again for a month. So, instead of bickering about whose fault it is or how to stop it, they are being proactive.

This is what we need to do as a nation, but we won't because the issue has now become a political battleground. And we will pay the price for it.

How has mankind exacerbated it. Be specific, and provide evidence to support your position that is not based on computer models.

Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?

P1, infrastructure improvements and technology are indeed necessary. And regardless of cause, help mitigate damage from storms.

P2. If nothing is done the world will carry on like it always has. We have extensive evidence, real evidence mind you That nothing happening today is any different from what has happened in the past.

Storms are not getting more powerful.
How has mankind exacerbated it. Be specific, and provide evidence to support your position that is not based on computer models.

Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?

P1. I agree. And as long as we are bickering over the cause those things will not get done.

P2. It does not matter if they are right, because “we the people” are not going to make any real changes till it is far too late, if It is not already. And even if we in this country do, most others are not going to do it.

P2: We the People can vote for rational and unbiased members of the Congress to fund protective measures, saving life and property.

The US once was a leader in terms of human rights and ecology, making trump a one term president is necessary to establish us as we once were, the light of the world.

That sounds great, but it just not reality. Few people are willing to make the sacrifices it would take if the “experts” are right about the cause.

Are you going to give up your car or stop flying on planes? Would you give up AC in the summer?
There is never a shortage of people who want to do away with conveniences of life even while they are enjoying them. When we get back to 1850, the population will be the same also.
There is no 'climate crisis'.... it's just normal climate change. How about we stop worrying about things we cannot control and get back to volunteering for litter clean ups, because for all this supposed love for the environment...these teenagers nowadays don't seem to mind throwing their trash all over the place by the bus stops near their schools. Almost like theyre full of shit and just repeating what will make their teachers and dumb liberal parents happy.
How has mankind exacerbated it. Be specific, and provide evidence to support your position that is not based on computer models.

Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?

P1. I agree. And as long as we are bickering over the cause those things will not get done.

P2. It does not matter if they are right, because “we the people” are not going to make any real changes till it is far too late, if It is not already. And even if we in this country do, most others are not going to do it.

P2: We the People can vote for rational and unbiased members of the Congress to fund protective measures, saving life and property.

The US once was a leader in terms of human rights and ecology, making trump a one term president is necessary to establish us as we once were, the light of the world.

First off, the claim that 90% of scientists (down from the recent claim of 97%) is a bald faced lie. The methodology for how they arrived at that ridiculous claim is posted here on the Board so I suggest you take a look at it.

Secondly, the call to "do something" is wrongheaded for two reason, first off what if you do the wrong thing? Doing the wrong thing will make matters far worse. Secondly, the claims are that we need to spend 76 trillion dollars for the supposedly critical goal of lowering the global temperature by one degree in 100 years....maybe. That is according to the UN Report that has also been linked to here on the Board. So doing everything that they want is for a ludicrous goal in the first place.

Far better to spend that 76 trillion dollars on things that actually accomplish things of value.

Your continued attack on the US claiming we are abrogating our responsibility to the world is likewise wrongheaded. We are not the worlds policeman, nor should we be. If mankind is to survive, we need to realize that all people are equal, and that all peoples opinions need to be heard, and just because they may not be the same as yours, does not make them evil.

And, more to the point, real science isn't afraid of debate. Only those who are afraid of debate wish to shut it down. You should ask yourself why.
Don’t have any that does not rely on computer analysis. It is not important anyhow, you are missing the forest for the tree.

But thank you for proving my point...all you care about is the cause and not what to do about it.

This is because you are nothing but a partisan hack that only cares about scoring points on the forum.

Completely untrue. The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?

Simple reasoning. This is a cause and effect world, after all.

However I want real pollution dealt with. Not imaginary pollution. Furthermore I want the space program to be greatly increased. The tech from that will cure whatever ills we do cause the planet, and will give us a shot at preventing an asteroid strike, which IS an existential threat .

Statement: "The cause is important because how can you do anything g about it if you don't know the cause?"


Pt. 1: Preparation for super storms and flooding has nothing to do with the cause. Building levees and barriers, strengtheingn structures to survive more powerful windstorms is necessary to protect property and lives.

P2: What if 90+% of the scientists are correct, and the 10% of the CEO's of Oil and Coal companies are lying? What if the Congress, State Legislatures and County Councils do nothing?

P1. I agree. And as long as we are bickering over the cause those things will not get done.

P2. It does not matter if they are right, because “we the people” are not going to make any real changes till it is far too late, if It is not already. And even if we in this country do, most others are not going to do it.

P2: We the People can vote for rational and unbiased members of the Congress to fund protective measures, saving life and property.

The US once was a leader in terms of human rights and ecology, making trump a one term president is necessary to establish us as we once were, the light of the world.

First off, the claim that 90% of scientists (down from the recent claim of 97%) is a bald faced lie. The methodology for how they arrived at that ridiculous claim is posted here on the Board so I suggest you take a look at it.

Secondly, the call to "do something" is wrongheaded for two reason, first off what if you do the wrong thing? Doing the wrong thing will make matters far worse. Secondly, the claims are that we need to spend 76 trillion dollars for the supposedly critical goal of lowering the global temperature by one degree in 100 years....maybe. That is according to the UN Report that has also been linked to here on the Board. So doing everything that they want is for a ludicrous goal in the first place.

Far better to spend that 76 trillion dollars on things that actually accomplish things of value.

Your continued attack on the US claiming we are abrogating our responsibility to the world is likewise wrongheaded. We are not the worlds policeman, nor should we be. If mankind is to survive, we need to realize that all people are equal, and that all peoples opinions need to be heard, and just because they may not be the same as yours, does not make them evil.

And, more to the point, real science isn't afraid of debate. Only those who are afraid of debate wish to shut it down. You should ask yourself why.
Right on. You know there is an ulterior motive behind a movement when they refuse to accept there can be alternative answers to the problem the side crying wolf is harping on endorses.

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