Comrade De Blasio Takes Over (2nd Detroit)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.

The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.

The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

The rich should start leaving in droves when he tries do confiscate their income. That's the beauty of the federal system: when some wacko actually attempts to put liberal ideas into practice, the victims can all escape.
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.

The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

true, but the idiot can do a lot of damage in 4 years, and like all socialistic programs, they are hard to undo.

NYC screwed up big time and will pay the price.
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.

The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

The rich should start leaving in droves when he tries do confiscate their income. That's the beauty of the federal system: when some wacko actually attempts to put liberal ideas into practice, the victims can all escape.

many already have
The most interesting part of watching this disaster unfold will be the inevitable excuses for failure that liberals will devise.

Comrade De Blasio Takes Over | FrontPage Magazine

Communist-sympathizing radical Bill de Blasio has laid out an ambitious, far-left agenda as he begins what is destined to be a disastrous reign as New York’s 109th mayor.

Leveling left-wingers, with their perverse obsession with income equality, are looking eagerly to the city in the hope that the new mayor will “morph New York City’s municipal machinery into a closely watched laboratory for populist theories of government that have never before been enacted on such a large scale,” according to a fawning New York Times profile.

The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

true, but the idiot can do a lot of damage in 4 years, and like all socialistic programs, they are hard to undo.

NYC screwed up big time and will pay the price.

Guiliani was able to undo alot of the problems made during the 70's and 80's, If De Blasio really goes off the deep end, it can happen again.
The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

The rich should start leaving in droves when he tries do confiscate their income. That's the beauty of the federal system: when some wacko actually attempts to put liberal ideas into practice, the victims can all escape.

many already have

Me and thousands of others left Maryland right after that idiot governor O'Malley signed a law adding a special tax on anyone who made more than $100,000.
The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

The rich should start leaving in droves when he tries do confiscate their income. That's the beauty of the federal system: when some wacko actually attempts to put liberal ideas into practice, the victims can all escape.

many already have

Plus they can always get a house somewhere else and claim it as a "primary residence".
I make a little over $100k a year and I KNOW my taxes will increase even though he says only the "rich" will end up paying. $100k in NYC is a good income, but it isnt rich.
The difference between here and Detroit is he only has 4 years to play with, If he screws things up in a major way republicans can find someone (Ray Kelly?) to run against him and win in 2017.

true, but the idiot can do a lot of damage in 4 years, and like all socialistic programs, they are hard to undo.

NYC screwed up big time and will pay the price.

Guiliani was able to undo alot of the problems made during the 70's and 80's, If De Blasio really goes off the deep end, it can happen again.

Yes, Rudy did a good job cleaning up the mess, The problem is that NY voters elected the socialist, so a majority of NY voters must want NY to become a large version of Detroit.
Capital flight is inevitable under this limo LOLberal. He didn't even get sworn in before the typical democrat corruption of conflict of interest and Chicago style appointing took hold.

The worst part is that he's no even remotely qualified for the job. Which means that his special interest henchmen will be swaying his ignorance in their favor at every turn. Most of his fiscal ideas will never hit the ground, so we can be thankful for that.
true, but the idiot can do a lot of damage in 4 years, and like all socialistic programs, they are hard to undo.

NYC screwed up big time and will pay the price.

Guiliani was able to undo alot of the problems made during the 70's and 80's, If De Blasio really goes off the deep end, it can happen again.

Yes, Rudy did a good job cleaning up the mess, The problem is that NY voters elected the socialist, so a majority of NY voters must want NY to become a large version of Detroit.

The Republicans/Independents had no one in the pipeline with enough charisma to overtake the democratic machine in NYC. Deblasio won by default by winning the democratic primary. Most voters are too young or were not living here to remember the bad old days, something they may shortly be reminded of.
true, but the idiot can do a lot of damage in 4 years, and like all socialistic programs, they are hard to undo.

NYC screwed up big time and will pay the price.

Guiliani was able to undo alot of the problems made during the 70's and 80's, If De Blasio really goes off the deep end, it can happen again.

Yes, Rudy did a good job cleaning up the mess, The problem is that NY voters elected the socialist, so a majority of NY voters must want NY to become a large version of Detroit.

The majority didnt even turn out to vote. Which is par for the course anymore. The only majority that can be referred to, is the majority of those who voted. Which was less than half of eligible voters.
The rich should start leaving in droves when he tries do confiscate their income. That's the beauty of the federal system: when some wacko actually attempts to put liberal ideas into practice, the victims can all escape.

many already have

Me and thousands of others left Maryland right after that idiot governor O'Malley signed a law adding a special tax on anyone who made more than $100,000.

That's in a year, not a lifetime, so you should have been safe.
Guiliani was able to undo alot of the problems made during the 70's and 80's, If De Blasio really goes off the deep end, it can happen again.

Yes, Rudy did a good job cleaning up the mess, The problem is that NY voters elected the socialist, so a majority of NY voters must want NY to become a large version of Detroit.

The majority didnt even turn out to vote. Which is par for the course anymore. The only majority that can be referred to, is the majority of those who voted. Which was less than half of eligible voters.

In a city like NYC it comes down to reliable voting blocks, and those are in the pocket of the Democratic Machine.
It will be interesting. He intends to stop the construction of those luxury condos. That will do wonderful things to the City's property tax income.
Gee, how cute, another echo chamber circle jerk. The People of NYC have spoken, and created a great fear in the empty space of the EC collective heads.

Too bad, you clowns got what you sowed. Americans have always moved away from extremism and extreme failure. Instead of putting all your misplaced energy into a circle jerk you jerks need to ask why? Because this isn't a plea for far left policy, it's a repudiation of far right callous conservatives, their bigotry and greed.
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Gee, how cute, another echo chamber circle jerk. The People of NYC have spoken, and created a great fear in the empty space of the their heads.

Too bad, you clowns got what you sowed. Americans have always moved away from extremism and extreme failure. Instead of putting all your misplaced energy into a circle jerk you jerks need to ask why? Because this isn't a plea for far left policy, it's a repudiation of far right callous conservatives, their bigotry and greed.

A small portion of the people of NYC have spoken, and considering the Republicans/Independents didnt run a viable candidate against him, the results were a forseeable event.

DeBlasio is an extremist, just one you agree with.
Watched some footage of his swearing in ... Clinton, black wife and kids ...

LOVE watching the rw heads exploding.

Carry on.

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