Coming soon: The vaccine is deadly garbage and Trump is to blame.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019
I knew the vaccines were bad and were going to kill Americans the moment Democrats came out for mandates for them.

Now "unknown" kills more people than covid. Msm can't hide the death toll from "unknown" much longer and will soon have to pivot.

Democrats will say the vaccines are deadly garbage and it's all Trumps fault
I knew the vaccines were bad and were going to kill Americans the moment Democrats came out for mandates for them.

Now "unknown" kills more people than covid. Msm can't hide the death toll from "unknown" much longer and will soon have to pivot.

Democrats will say the vaccines are deadly garbage and it's all Trumps fault

I saw Tucker's segment on that. Even when the full implications of the vaccines are acknowledged, a portion of society will still line up to get their third or fourth shot. Some will even wear a mask the rest of their lives.

The thing is, it wasn't Trump who made people take the vaccine under threats of lockdowns, losing one's job, being denied access from school, or being treated like a social pariah. It was the liberals and Democrats who demanded everyone to be vaccinated. This will be on their heads.
I knew the vaccines were bad and were going to kill Americans the moment Democrats came out for mandates for them.

Now "unknown" kills more people than covid. Msm can't hide the death toll from "unknown" much longer and will soon have to pivot.

Democrats will say the vaccines are deadly garbage and it's all Trumps fault

Regardless of who they blame it on, the deaths will continue. I've noticed a radical uptick in "mysterious" car and airplane accidents just in my region alone. Sooner or later the whole truth will come out. By then, of course, it will be far too late to save anyone who participated.
I saw Tucker's segment on that. Even when the full implications of the vaccines are acknowledged, a portion of society will still line up to get their third or fourth shot. Some will even wear a mask the rest of their lives.

The thing is, it wasn't Trump who made people take the vaccine under threats of lockdowns, losing one's job, being denied access from school, or being treated like a social pariah. It was the liberals and Democrats who demanded everyone to be vaccinated. This will be on their heads.

And they will get away with it—they really have, already. End of the day they will likely ultimately blame the people themselves who participated in their grand human experiment.
I knew the vaccines were bad and were going to kill Americans the moment Democrats came out for mandates for them.

Now "unknown" kills more people than covid. Msm can't hide the death toll from "unknown" much longer and will soon have to pivot.

Democrats will say the vaccines are deadly garbage and it's all Trumps fault

Done, done and done.

Politico and others already out with the signals
And they will get away with it—they really have, already. End of the day they will likely ultimately blame the people themselves who participated in their grand human experiment.

Them saying it over and over does not mean they will get away with it.

Dems will SAY it even if they don't believe it. The same people saying it were the same one haranguing and harassing us, here, for not getting the vaccines.

It certainly will not fly with moderates and Republicans.
I saw Tucker's segment on that. Even when the full implications of the vaccines are acknowledged, a portion of society will still line up to get their third or fourth shot. Some will even wear a mask the rest of their lives.

The thing is, it wasn't Trump who made people take the vaccine under threats of lockdowns, losing one's job, being denied access from school, or being treated like a social pariah. It was the liberals and Democrats who demanded everyone to be vaccinated. This will be on their heads.

Of course it is and it will.

Compare and contrast, say, Ron DeSantis with every single Dem Gov out there.

They are going to try this. It's not going to work. They went nuts over Covid and no one can forget it.
Done, done and done.

Politico and others already out with the signals
Soon the msm will have to admit what "unknown" is.

I knew the vaccine was poison the moment Democrats wanted to mandate it on Americans.

Israel will also be hit hard by "unknown".
The sickest thing is that the democrats at the top, knowing the vax is poison, are trying to force it on kids.

When the vaxx damages you beyond repair, all you will have left is a thirst for revenge on those who pushed the vax on you.

It's Not President Trump to blame. It is Fauci, WHO, CDC, Media, OUR OWN DOCTORS, BIDEN ADMINIStrATION. They knew all along. They knew the potential for injury and death and depopulation, they knew of the Actual vaxx deaths, they knew they shouldn't be pushing it on children and Biden ADMIN is STILL pushing this poison on the world.

Trump did not develop this vaccine or the virus. But some of the others in the above paragraph DID and the others pushed it knowing full well what it was doing. Trump did not push this in was NOT HIS VACCINE.

These folk wanted the credit and the $$$$ for it and they got it. NOW they can suck on it.
CNN etc. is going to have a hard time making people forget the non-stop "safe and effective", the attacks on "anti-vaxxers" and in general the 2 year wall of propaganda with the sole aim of getting people to roll up their sleeve for an mRNA, Frankenshot experiment. When people start dropping like flies those talking heads won't be able to walk into a restaurant anymore.

Australians have put up with a load of crap from the pro vaxx depopulationists. The provaxx pushers NEED. TO. Pay.

It's Not President Trump to blame. It is Fauci, WHO, CDC, Media, OUR OWN DOCTORS, BIDEN ADMINIStrATION. They knew all along. They knew the potential for injury and death and depopulation, they knew of the Actual vaxx deaths, they knew they shouldn't be pushing it on children and Biden ADMIN is STILL pushing this poison on the world.

Trump did not develop this vaccine or the virus. But some of the others in the above paragraph DID and the others pushed it knowing full well what it was doing. Trump did not push this in was NOT HIS VACCINE.

These folk wanted the credit and the $$$$ for it and they got it. NOW they can suck on it.
now look at this. The vaccine was in the making way before president trump paid these genocidal maniacs to get onto a vaccine. And you try to blame this on President Trump when they had you in their crosshairs prior to his asking them and PAYING THEM to get onto it. They were slick now....still are.

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