CNN’s Carl Bernstein: Trump Is On The Verge Of Igniting a ‘Civil War’ In America

Pretty ironic since Karl (Marx) Bernstein (son of card carrying communists) and his idiot partner actually tried to ignite a civil war way back when.
I'm a great admirer of Carl Bernstein who I had the pleasure of personally meeting during the Watergate era when I was an aspiring young journalist. I took another career path but Bernstein's writings about the trump regime putting us into at least a SOFT civil war are obviously completely correct. How we ever emerge in unity from this is hard to say. Quite possible -- NEVER.
Who is putting us in a soft civil war?

The Trump Administration, or the people who refuse to accept the results of an election?

Is it the people who still believe in America, and remain loyal to her, or is it the people shitting on America on the international stage?

I agree that we are headed for a civil war. The reason is that some do not wish to remain loyal to their own nation, choosing politics first.

But that's fine. It makes me feel no particular loyalty to the United States either. I will remain loyal to Texas only.

Fuck this shit country.

Texas Independence!!!



As Moore returned to camp, the Texians raised a homemade white banner with an image of the cannon painted in black in the center, over the words "Come and Take It". The makeshift flag evoked the American Revolutionary-era slogan "Don't Tread on Me". Texians then fired their cannon at the Mexican camp. Realizing that he was outnumbered and outgunned, Castañeda led his troops back to San Antonio de Béxar. The troops were gone before the Texians finished reloading. In his report to Ugartechea, Castañeda wrote "since the orders from your Lordship were for me to withdraw without compromising the honor of Mexican arms, I did so".

Battle of Gonzales - Wikipedia
I'm a great admirer of Carl Bernstein who I had the pleasure of personally meeting during the Watergate era when I was an aspiring young journalist. I took another career path but Bernstein's writings about the trump regime putting us into at least a SOFT civil war are obviously completely correct. How we ever emerge in unity from this is hard to say. Quite possible -- NEVER.
Damn! You’re an idiot!
The Berner’s had a hard-on ever since Robert Redford portrayed the other guy and he got stuck with the goofy looking guy with the big honker playing him. Nonetheless, the Watergate teat has been good to him.
we should look to the music world, where white country artists collaborate with black hip hop artists. that's the kind of love we need show in our political and civic life, in harmony and peace, my friends!
I agree with this.

The problem is that is bullshit considering the same poster posts:
Trump appeals directly to white terrorists like Dylan Roof. his presidency empowers them. its exactly as if David Duke is president!

Racism has become a term without a meaning.
He did find the typical Russia meddling in our election,

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion,"

That doesn't sound typical.

Please post any specific quote from the Mueller report that indicts President Trump for any criminal act.

Mueller felt compelled to not accuse the President in any way. However if he doesn't win in 2020 as soon as he leaves office in 2021 he will probably face charges.


On who's court..
we should look to the music world, where white country artists collaborate with black hip hop artists. that's the kind of love we need show in our political and civic life, in harmony and peace, my friends!
I agree with this.

The problem is that is bullshit considering the same poster posts:
Trump appeals directly to white terrorists like Dylan Roof. his presidency empowers them. its exactly as if David Duke is president!

Racism has become a term without a meaning.
most "extreme" negative words no longer hold value cause when someone doesn't agree with you they're "insert extreme negative word here". immigration camps are "concentration" camps. i teacher is an idiot, all teachers are suddenly teaching the wrong things...

we've lost the middle and everything is an extreme.
Actually we do need a Civil War to purge this country of all the filthy Left Wing Socialists so we can restore Liberty.

I'll sign up and contribute my firearms and ammo.
we should look to the music world, where white country artists collaborate with black hip hop artists. that's the kind of love we need show in our political and civic life, in harmony and peace, my friends!
I agree with this.

The problem is that is bullshit considering the same poster posts:
Trump appeals directly to white terrorists like Dylan Roof. his presidency empowers them. its exactly as if David Duke is president!

Racism has become a term without a meaning.
Unlike the leftist idiots on this and other threads (and some alleged "conservatives") I give credit where credit is due.

He did find the typical Russia meddling in our election,

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion,"

That doesn't sound typical.

Please post any specific quote from the Mueller report that indicts President Trump for any criminal act.

Mueller felt compelled to not accuse the President in any way. However if he doesn't win in 2020 as soon as he leaves office in 2021 he will probably face charges.


On who's court..

The Peoples Court.

Pay Per View Only!
Actually we do need a Civil War to purge this country of all the filthy Left Wing Socialists so we can restore Liberty.

I'll sign up and contribute my firearms and ammo.
I will do the same, and contribute my use of said weapons.

But, I will only do it for Texas Independence.

Do the KKK actually exist? Or are they something like a Santa Claus that we still believe in as adults even though we have never actually seem one in person... think about it..
Actually we do need a Civil War to purge this country of all the filthy Left Wing Socialists so we can restore Liberty.

I'll sign up and contribute my firearms and ammo.
I will do the same, and contribute my use of said weapons.

But, I will only do it for Texas Independence.


If we purge the country of the stupid Moon Bats there will be no need for Texas to be independent. The whole country will be free then.
we should look to the music world, where white country artists collaborate with black hip hop artists. that's the kind of love we need show in our political and civic life, in harmony and peace, my friends!
I agree with this.

I would if it came from anyone besides a poster who purposely creates threads to stir shit up on both sides.

I believe nothing from Basque.
we should look to the music world, where white country artists collaborate with black hip hop artists. that's the kind of love we need show in our political and civic life, in harmony and peace, my friends!
I agree with this.

I would if it came from anyone besides a poster who purposely creates threads to stir shit up on both sides.

I believe nothing from Basque.
He is a deliberate troll. no doubt.

I had him on "ignore" for a while because he deliberately flips his persona every other day, like two different people are using the same account.

Truth, no matter the shitty source, should be recognized.

Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.

CNN’s Bernstein: Trump Is on the Verge of Igniting a ‘Civil War’ in America

Trump, surging to a record high of 44% among all adults; and his acolytes go, "yay!!"


But the main data is how trump is supported by a landslide of white men

And how their support keeps rising

The poll companies covers up by leaving that data off

In the same way they will not poll on net worth but instead on education degrees.

Net worth not degrees proves which group as the most wise

And the crooked media and polling companies will not explain what it proves when as people age they turn more conservative

Not explaining that and hiding that data proves total corruption
Evidence of about 10 counts of obstruction of justice. All impeachable offenses. If "trump" wasn't president he's be headed to prison.

Read Mueller's report, he has no evidence of either collusion or obstruction. He mostly relies on hearsay from others and the media.

That being said,The 25th amendment does allow for a temporary or permanent 'timeout' for a President so tied up with legal matters as to require resignation. There is a Constitutional provision for succession, starting with the VP.

Apparently there just wasn't enough evidence to invoke the 25th. I suggest you contact Mueller, apparently you are much smarter than him. (which is not a compliment) :abgg2q.jpg:

Opinion | Trump cn be indicted — and here’s the constitutional proof
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The Clinton email scandal and cover-up are relevant because, without that, we wouldn’t have had the #Russiagate Hoax. The Obama group was desperate to protect Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy and what better way to do that than to cover up the email issue and freeze the Trump admin from doing anything about it once they won by making fake allegations against Trump/Russia

There was nothing 'fake' about the Trump/Russia connection, and there was nothing 'fake' about the Russians interfering in the 2016 election.

Dude, you really need to pull your head from between your cheeks. You can't see nothin' from down there!

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