CNN’s Carl Bernstein: Trump Is On The Verge Of Igniting a ‘Civil War’ In America

Remember who has the power!!!

Trump has the men and white men by a landslide

Trump won the vote of anyone that has served in the military by 61 to 34 %

And if females of the military is subtracted the military men are nearly unanimous for trump

That is the real power
Hyperbole is all the Left has. They’re insane.

In the wake of President Trump’s well-received Fourth of July celebration and Sunday’s new ABC News/Washington Post poll showing his approval surging to record highs, CNN political analysis Carl Bernstein decried the President and his supporters for allegedly pushing the country towards a civil war.

Trump, surging to a record high of 44% among all adults; and his acolytes go, "yay!!"

Mueller most certainly did NOT exonerate "trump" of all guilt. In fact he explicitly said as much in his one press conference. "trump" cult members are really too funny. Facts and truth are their enemies.

Trump cult? So Pelosi is the answer then? You're avatar says it all. I can't help think you are either joking, incredibly indoctrinated in far left progressive thought, and brainwashed, or just a very low information person politically. Wow.
and yet another is very very VERY upset that Jewish sex predators are no longer above the law, as they had been for the past 26 years, the three Presidencies before Trump, and during sellout Jeff Sessions tenure as AG....
and yet another is very very VERY upset that Jewish sex predators are no longer above the law, as they had been for the past 26 years, the three Presidencies before Trump, and during sellout Jeff Sessions tenure as AG....
Trump appeals directly to white terrorists like Dylan Roof. his presidency empowers them. its exactly as if David Duke is president!
Jingthing, why do you accuse someone who exposes racism such as yours an pwns you several times in one thread as "white nationalism?"
White nationalism is racist. Opposing it isn't.

Black nationalism is racist. Opposing it isn't :eusa_naughty:
That's just silly. There is no serious black separatist or black supremacist movement in the USA and if there was of course I would deeply oppose it.

How dare Whites & Blacks separate to protect their cultures, control their own destiny & even diminish racist hate crimes.
The Clinton email scandal and cover-up are relevant because, without that, we wouldn’t have had the #Russiagate Hoax. The Obama group was desperate to protect Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy and what better way to do that than to cover up the email issue and freeze the Trump admin from doing anything about it once they won by making fake allegations against Trump/Russia

There was nothing 'fake' about the Trump/Russia connection, and there was nothing 'fake' about the Russians interfering in the 2016 election.

So you got tricked into voting for Trump?
He did find the typical Russia meddling in our election,

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion,"

That doesn't sound typical.

Please post any specific quote from the Mueller report that indicts President Trump for any criminal act.

Mueller felt compelled to not accuse the President in any way. However if he doesn't win in 2020 as soon as he leaves office in 2021 he will probably face charges.
Trump appeals directly to white terrorists like Dylan Roof. his presidency empowers them. its exactly as if David Duke is president!
Obama appealed to fucking communists.

Commies are no better than racists. They are both irrational dumb fucks who want power over other people.

there are good people...on both sides!
...of the debate on whether to remove the statue of Robert E. Lee.

He was NOT referring to the handful of racists that showed up.

I am no particular fan of Trump, but don't sit here and repeat that shit out of context like your commie overlords. You're not fooling anyone.

Propaganda lies and nonsense. Trump's July 4th gimmick was not well received. Mocked and criticized as a taxpayer-funded campaign event, he hijacked the normally huge turnout for July 4th and claimed credit for the crowd for himself. The so-called surge in his approval ratings still leaves him with a majority disapproving. A five-point increase which leaves him a majority of Americans disapproving his job in the office is declared a victory and "surge". His supporters are desperate to believe whatever they are told.

I'm a great admirer of Carl Bernstein who I had the pleasure of personally meeting during the Watergate era when I was an aspiring young journalist. I took another career path but Bernstein's writings about the trump regime putting us into at least a SOFT civil war are obviously completely correct. How we ever emerge in unity from this is hard to say. Quite possible -- NEVER.
Damn! You’re an idiot!
Mueller felt compelled to not accuse the President in any way. However if he doesn't win in 2020 as soon as he leaves office in 2021 he will probably face charges.
I don't know what charges he would face, but that would be a huge mistake.

Just like it would be a huge mistake to charge Obama or Hillary with crimes after they left office.

Very Banana Republic-ish.

brothers and sisters: economic anxiety is filtered through the lens of racial anxiety. so even if you deal with economic anxiety, my friends, you dont deal with racial anxiety.

we should look to the music world, where white country artists collaborate with black hip hop artists. that's the kind of love we need show in our political and civic life, in harmony and peace, my friends!

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