- People Magazine revisited.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
In the past year or so I have noticed more and more "Hollywood" stories and sensationalized "interest of the week" stories headlining CNN's website.
Today is no longer a serious news website, it is basically an extension to People Magazine.
Take for instance the "latest" story of the Chinese military and Chinese government branches behind hacking into American government as well as private corporate servers. This is basically an act of war. I read the story on Fox's website, and wanted to read more about it so I went to CNN...whatever...their top Headlines today:

Voting for the Oscars
Round 15 of the regurgitated Oscar Pistorius girlfriend murder. This months "Dead blonde of the month" story.
Two stories about Duchess Catherine :eusa_eh:
McReady suicide...getting ready for March's "Dead blonde of the month""

WTF?? Where is the news CNN??
Yeah, our MSM sure has fallen from grace. There is no credible independent MSM in this country. Those days are long gone. Today's MSM merely regurgitates spoon-fed propaganda information from Government. They rarely if ever question or conduct independent investigations. And of course they're hard at work dumbing America down. Anyway, your observations are spot-on. Thanks.
In the past year or so I have noticed more and more "Hollywood" stories and sensationalized "interest of the week" stories headlining CNN's website.
Today is no longer a serious news website, it is basically an extension to People Magazine.
Take for instance the "latest" story of the Chinese military and Chinese government branches behind hacking into American government as well as private corporate servers. This is basically an act of war. I read the story on Fox's website, and wanted to read more about it so I went to CNN...whatever...their top Headlines today:

Voting for the Oscars
Round 15 of the regurgitated Oscar Pistorius girlfriend murder. This months "Dead blonde of the month" story.
Two stories about Duchess Catherine :eusa_eh:
McReady suicide...getting ready for March's "Dead blonde of the month""

WTF?? Where is the news CNN??

Don't watch CNN much but if your analysis is correct it explains why there's a new sheriff in charge there. It's taken a lot of years but they've gone from the cable news penthouse to its outhouse as a result of their programming idiocy, so at least they're finally trying to climb out of the ratings basement.
In the past year or so I have noticed more and more "Hollywood" stories and sensationalized "interest of the week" stories headlining CNN's website.
Today is no longer a serious news website, it is basically an extension to People Magazine.
Take for instance the "latest" story of the Chinese military and Chinese government branches behind hacking into American government as well as private corporate servers. This is basically an act of war. I read the story on Fox's website, and wanted to read more about it so I went to CNN...whatever...their top Headlines today:

Voting for the Oscars
Round 15 of the regurgitated Oscar Pistorius girlfriend murder. This months "Dead blonde of the month" story.
Two stories about Duchess Catherine :eusa_eh:
McReady suicide...getting ready for March's "Dead blonde of the month""

WTF?? Where is the news CNN??

Don't watch CNN much but if your analysis is correct it explains why there's a new sheriff in charge there. It's taken a lot of years but they've gone from the cable news penthouse to its outhouse as a result of their programming idiocy, so at least they're finally trying to climb out of the ratings basement.

That's what it is when we find them covering schlock -- ratings. And ratings has nothing to do with integrity except as an inverse relationship. Fox Noise understood that when it arrived, which is why they make every story into a polarized drama, the same reason it leads the ratings among news channels. CNN didn't bite on that fast food journalism and found their income lagging. Now they're all in the lowest common denominator toilet. MSNBC had the same come-to-Satan moment, and IIRC still runs those absurd prision documentaries on weekends for the same reason.

News is expensive. That is, real news is. Gossip however is dirt cheap. And the sad reality is, gossip and sensationalism are what sell. As H.L. Mencken observed, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
Our country is $16 trillion in debt and what is the focus of the media...
Marco Rubio taking a drink of water.

That tells you all you need to know about journalism in this country.

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