U.S. Intelligence Estimates Millions of Chinese Deaths From Coronavirus


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
An ex-Fake News CNN “fact-checker” disagrees with the US intelligence's assessment, but how could US intelligence be wrong? I have it on good authority from every Democrat, that US intelligence is never ever wrong, even when they tried to remove President Trump from office.

"China’s official tally of deaths attributable to the coronavirus stands at 3,341 as of April 14, 2020. Anyone who believes that this figure is anywhere near accurate should reflect on Confucius’s quote about truth:

“Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

The Chinese government withheld crucial information regarding the human to human transmission of the coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak and has published phony numbers on cases and deaths in China linked to the virus ever since. The truth is coming out slowly but surely regarding the real death toll in China. Some observers have estimated more than 40,000 deaths in Wuhan alone, based on a variety of data points, including the numbers of urns provided by funeral homes and the volume of cremations. More recently, according to new data intercepted and analyzed by the United States intelligence, as reported in an article published earlier this month by News NT, it is estimated that China has experienced at least 20.9 million deaths from December 2019 to March 2020 linked to the coronavirus. This was the period during which the spread of the deadly virus was reaching its peak in China.

One way of deriving a more accurate number of deaths in China as opposed to the Chinese government’s absurdly low propaganda number is to examine the number of cell phone account closings, which the Chinese government itself reported during the relevant time period. The Chinese government announced on March 19th that over 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the past three months, according to the News NT article. After some increase of cell phone accounts still open in December 2019, when the virus was first detected, the number of open accounts dropped sharply in 2020 as the coronavirus outbreak was raging in China. “Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.

However, the U.S. media apologists for Chinese propaganda think otherwise. A so-called “fact-check” article written by Ryan Cooper, a former CNN employee who now writes for an organization called “Lead Stories,” purported to refute the accuracy of the NT News article. Cooper did admit that other sources were reporting the existence of an intelligence report in early April, which concluded that China had deliberately underreported the number of coronavirus cases and related deaths. Nevertheless, Cooper claimed that the NT News story “is false and wrongly interpreted data from Chinese cellphone companies to make a broad claim that isn’t backed up by facts.”

U.S. Intelligence Estimates Millions of Chinese Deaths From Coronavirus

“Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.
In China, they don't have to pay for their phones? I heard this, about millions dead based on lost cell phone accounts, a couple weeks ago and my guess then (and still is) that because so many people were locked in their homes, not working, they couldn't pay their bill.

Maybe in a communist country, everything is free. I dunno.

We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

I'd still trust the number of urns and cremations more than dropped cell phone accounts. To me that sounds just plain hinky.
“Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.
In China, they don't have to pay for their phones? I heard this, about millions dead based on lost cell phone accounts, a couple weeks ago and my guess then (and still is) that because so many people were locked in their homes, not working, they couldn't pay their bill.

Maybe in a communist country, everything is free. I dunno.

We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

I'd still trust the number of urns and cremations more than dropped cell phone accounts. To me that sounds just plain hinky.

The Chinese pay for their own phones and service, but they have to register their phones with the government.
How did an Australian tabloid get (apparently) ultra top secret information from United States Intelligence?
Yes, the Intelligence agencies were telling Trump (and Congress) that something serious was happening in China. But do you think if 20 million Chinese died that WE wouldn't have found out about it? The way Trump and his minions are yammering on about evil China? Are you kidding? But the Australians in the Northern Territory operating a Rupert Mudoch tabloid DID?

It sounds like a National Enquirer deal to me--take a couple of potentially credible points and run with them until you've gone deep down the rabbit hole.

That's what it sounds like to me.

It's interesting, though, Jgalt. I'm glad to have a longer article that goes into more detail than the last one I saw.
An ex-Fake News CNN “fact-checker” disagrees with the US intelligence's assessment, but how could US intelligence be wrong? I have it on good authority from every Democrat, that US intelligence is never ever wrong, even when they tried to remove President Trump from office.

"China’s official tally of deaths attributable to the coronavirus stands at 3,341 as of April 14, 2020. Anyone who believes that this figure is anywhere near accurate should reflect on Confucius’s quote about truth:

“Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

The Chinese government withheld crucial information regarding the human to human transmission of the coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak and has published phony numbers on cases and deaths in China linked to the virus ever since. The truth is coming out slowly but surely regarding the real death toll in China. Some observers have estimated more than 40,000 deaths in Wuhan alone, based on a variety of data points, including the numbers of urns provided by funeral homes and the volume of cremations. More recently, according to new data intercepted and analyzed by the United States intelligence, as reported in an article published earlier this month by News NT, it is estimated that China has experienced at least 20.9 million deaths from December 2019 to March 2020 linked to the coronavirus. This was the period during which the spread of the deadly virus was reaching its peak in China.

One way of deriving a more accurate number of deaths in China as opposed to the Chinese government’s absurdly low propaganda number is to examine the number of cell phone account closings, which the Chinese government itself reported during the relevant time period. The Chinese government announced on March 19th that over 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the past three months, according to the News NT article. After some increase of cell phone accounts still open in December 2019, when the virus was first detected, the number of open accounts dropped sharply in 2020 as the coronavirus outbreak was raging in China. “Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.

However, the U.S. media apologists for Chinese propaganda think otherwise. A so-called “fact-check” article written by Ryan Cooper, a former CNN employee who now writes for an organization called “Lead Stories,” purported to refute the accuracy of the NT News article. Cooper did admit that other sources were reporting the existence of an intelligence report in early April, which concluded that China had deliberately underreported the number of coronavirus cases and related deaths. Nevertheless, Cooper claimed that the NT News story “is false and wrongly interpreted data from Chinese cellphone companies to make a broad claim that isn’t backed up by facts.”

U.S. Intelligence Estimates Millions of Chinese Deaths From Coronavirus

You can't link to other forums.

First, it's not evidence of anything.

Second, it's against board rules.
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
I was just thinking that if 20 million people were dying in four months, that someone would have heard something or seen something. That's a mighty lot of people. I realize the Chinese government would try to cover it up, but .... I just find it hard to imagine that many people dying without people in Beijing getting wind of it. Maybe the Chinese government is really, really good at hiding stuff. I don't know. That's what I was thinking.
Funny thing, the article in the OP claims the info came from NT News, but there is nothing on Google from NT about it. The whole thing really sounds like a shitshow to me.
Not that I believe only 3,000 people died of Covid in China. Nope. But 20 million? Nope, not that either.

Excellent article by Snopes on this, including comment from US Intelligence.
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
I was just thinking that if 20 million people were dying in four months, that someone would have heard something or seen something. That's a mighty lot of people. I realize the Chinese government would try to cover it up, but .... I just find it hard to imagine that many people dying without people in Beijing getting wind of it. Maybe the Chinese government is really, really good at hiding stuff. I don't know. That's what I was thinking.

We have seen & heard it. Twitter alone was awash in videos uploaded via VPN's & proxies that showed the true scope of infection and death running rampant through Chinese cities. The Chinese government knew full well what was happening and they clamped down hard on the flow of information. Yes, they are "really, really good at hiding stuff". Google China's Great Firewall to start.
If true, then what kind of fucking idiots would want to end the lockdown?

Which begs the question, why is Trump tweeting about ending the lockdown if what the OP writes is correct?
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An ex-Fake News CNN “fact-checker” disagrees with the US intelligence's assessment, but how could US intelligence be wrong? I have it on good authority from every Democrat, that US intelligence is never ever wrong, even when they tried to remove President Trump from office.

"China’s official tally of deaths attributable to the coronavirus stands at 3,341 as of April 14, 2020. Anyone who believes that this figure is anywhere near accurate should reflect on Confucius’s quote about truth:

“Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

The Chinese government withheld crucial information regarding the human to human transmission of the coronavirus in the early days of the outbreak and has published phony numbers on cases and deaths in China linked to the virus ever since. The truth is coming out slowly but surely regarding the real death toll in China. Some observers have estimated more than 40,000 deaths in Wuhan alone, based on a variety of data points, including the numbers of urns provided by funeral homes and the volume of cremations. More recently, according to new data intercepted and analyzed by the United States intelligence, as reported in an article published earlier this month by News NT, it is estimated that China has experienced at least 20.9 million deaths from December 2019 to March 2020 linked to the coronavirus. This was the period during which the spread of the deadly virus was reaching its peak in China.

One way of deriving a more accurate number of deaths in China as opposed to the Chinese government’s absurdly low propaganda number is to examine the number of cell phone account closings, which the Chinese government itself reported during the relevant time period. The Chinese government announced on March 19th that over 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the past three months, according to the News NT article. After some increase of cell phone accounts still open in December 2019, when the virus was first detected, the number of open accounts dropped sharply in 2020 as the coronavirus outbreak was raging in China. “Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.

However, the U.S. media apologists for Chinese propaganda think otherwise. A so-called “fact-check” article written by Ryan Cooper, a former CNN employee who now writes for an organization called “Lead Stories,” purported to refute the accuracy of the NT News article. Cooper did admit that other sources were reporting the existence of an intelligence report in early April, which concluded that China had deliberately underreported the number of coronavirus cases and related deaths. Nevertheless, Cooper claimed that the NT News story “is false and wrongly interpreted data from Chinese cellphone companies to make a broad claim that isn’t backed up by facts.”

U.S. Intelligence Estimates Millions of Chinese Deaths From Coronavirus

I'm shocked...
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
I was just thinking that if 20 million people were dying in four months, that someone would have heard something or seen something. That's a mighty lot of people. I realize the Chinese government would try to cover it up, but .... I just find it hard to imagine that many people dying without people in Beijing getting wind of it. Maybe the Chinese government is really, really good at hiding stuff. I don't know. That's what I was thinking.

Repressive communist governments are good at hiding wholesale slaughters. Remember a little country called Nazi Germany? How about North Korea? Or Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. Or the Soviet Union under every General Secretary. Anytime a communist government official opens their mouth, automatically know it’s a lie.
“Cell phones are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed when the user is dead,” the intelligence report said, as quoted by NT News.
In China, they don't have to pay for their phones? I heard this, about millions dead based on lost cell phone accounts, a couple weeks ago and my guess then (and still is) that because so many people were locked in their homes, not working, they couldn't pay their bill.

Maybe in a communist country, everything is free. I dunno.

We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

I'd still trust the number of urns and cremations more than dropped cell phone accounts. To me that sounds just plain hinky.

Cell phones and everything else is most certainly NOT free in China.
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
I was just thinking that if 20 million people were dying in four months, that someone would have heard something or seen something. That's a mighty lot of people. I realize the Chinese government would try to cover it up, but .... I just find it hard to imagine that many people dying without people in Beijing getting wind of it. Maybe the Chinese government is really, really good at hiding stuff. I don't know. That's what I was thinking.

Repressive communist governments are good at hiding wholesale slaughters. Remember a little country called Nazi Germany? How about North Korea? Or Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. Or the Soviet Union under every General Secretary. Anytime a communist government official opens their mouth, automatically know it’s a lie.


All one needs to do is read the stories of the shocked soldiers who liberated the concentration camps at the end of WW2.
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
I was just thinking that if 20 million people were dying in four months, that someone would have heard something or seen something. That's a mighty lot of people. I realize the Chinese government would try to cover it up, but .... I just find it hard to imagine that many people dying without people in Beijing getting wind of it. Maybe the Chinese government is really, really good at hiding stuff. I don't know. That's what I was thinking.

We have seen & heard it. Twitter alone was awash in videos uploaded via VPN's & proxies that showed the true scope of infection and death running rampant through Chinese cities. The Chinese government knew full well what was happening and they clamped down hard on the flow of information. Yes, they are "really, really good at hiding stuff". Google China's Great Firewall to start.
I don't know what VPN's and proxies are, but does that mean the pics came from China and you're sure they're not photoshopped? I've caught some of the ridiculous shit that's been spread around about the evil Muslims. Just being cautious here.

20 million? No.
How did an Australian tabloid get (apparently) ultra top secret information from United States Intelligence?
Yes, the Intelligence agencies were telling Trump (and Congress) that something serious was happening in China. But do you think if 20 million Chinese died that WE wouldn't have found out about it? The way Trump and his minions are yammering on about evil China? Are you kidding? But the Australians in the Northern Territory operating a Rupert Mudoch tabloid DID?

It sounds like a National Enquirer deal to me--take a couple of potentially credible points and run with them until you've gone deep down the rabbit hole.

That's what it sounds like to me.

It's interesting, though, Jgalt. I'm glad to have a longer article that goes into more detail than the last one I saw.
youre to stupid to understand so we wont take time to explain it to you,,,
We have 14 CDC staff embedded in Beijing. There are also journalists there from Europe. Do you think they would not have heard ANYTHING about millions of people dying. Millions. That's hard to cover up and hard to miss.

You make this assumption because you live in a society that (for the most part) promotes freedom and unrestricted access to information. You clearly do not understand the amount of control China exerts over it's industry, infrastructure, and populace.
I was just thinking that if 20 million people were dying in four months, that someone would have heard something or seen something. That's a mighty lot of people. I realize the Chinese government would try to cover it up, but .... I just find it hard to imagine that many people dying without people in Beijing getting wind of it. Maybe the Chinese government is really, really good at hiding stuff. I don't know. That's what I was thinking.

We have seen & heard it. Twitter alone was awash in videos uploaded via VPN's & proxies that showed the true scope of infection and death running rampant through Chinese cities. The Chinese government knew full well what was happening and they clamped down hard on the flow of information. Yes, they are "really, really good at hiding stuff". Google China's Great Firewall to start.
I don't know what VPN's and proxies are, but does that mean the pics came from China and you're sure they're not photoshopped? I've caught some of the ridiculous shit that's been spread around about the evil Muslims. Just being cautious here.

20 million? No.

you ignorance to something so simple explains your lack of understanding in the rest of it

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