Clinton Is The Only Candidate That Can Deliver For America


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
America is at a critical fork in the road with these upcoming presidential elections and will be taking the wrong path if they elect any of the available candidates other than Hillary Clinton. Over the last forty years economic conditions in America for ordinary Americans has dramatically worsened. Ordinary American families used to be able to have a good quality of life having only one wage earner then things changed to where two wage earners were needed and now things are changing to the point where that good quality of life is slipping away for even these two wage earner families. It used to be that America offered hope to many of its young for a life of prosperity and wealth and for almost all its young a life in the middle class; not any more, America now offers its young an uncertain economic future. The present times compellingly call for America to elect an “economics” president, one that will reverse these trends and restore a bright economic present and future to America.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that offers real prospects to be this “economics” president besides offering to be a great overall president. It is not even a close call, both Barack Obama and John McCain are far inferior candidates to Hillary Clinton.

Barack Obama doesn’t have the ability at this time in his life to be a great president. The Obama campaign has tried to project this image of Barack as a charismatic, extraordinarily bright leader who is going to reform the corrupt political system America has. In actuality, Barack fails on all three of these counts. First, Barack isn’t charismatic. He says all the right things, but he doesn’t generate the extraordinary mass enthusiasm that our nation has seen in past presidents and presidential candidates. Barack isn’t in the league of a person like former president Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan spoke it was often a moving experience for those people hearing him speak, he rallied such support in people across the national spectrum that such support amounted to a compelling force for change behind his leadership – Barack doesn’t have that ability. Second, Barack isn’t extraordinarily bright. In public appearances, Barack often seems slow and struggling to determine what to say or do next. It isn’t dispositive that a person won’t be a great president if their not very bright, former president Ronald Reagan wasn’t very bright but was a great president; experience can provide that needed wherewithal to be a great leader. The situation with Barack is that he needs about a dozen years on the national scene to gain that experience on how to be a great leader. Third, as for Barack being a reformer of America’s corrupt political system this is a bunch of baloney. Barack failed his two first major tests in this area. First, he said during his campaign that if the Republican nominee for president would agree to public financing he would likewise agree. So when the presumptive Republican nominee. McCain, says he wants to commit to public financing if Barack will, what does Barack say, wait a minute I don’t think this course is such a good idea. Barack has come up with lame explanations for his actions here and the bottom line is that he had a precious opportunity to set a valuable precedent to help clean up the nation’s political system and he passed it by, he is a fraud on this issue. Second, a major wound for the Democratic Party over the last eight years has been the believed disenfranchisement of Democratic voters in Florida during the 2000 presidential elections. So what does Barack do when faced with a very similar issue in this year’s Presidential election, the blocking of the seating of the Florida and Michigan Democratic primary delegates, and the Clinton campaign offers to remedy the problem by redoing those states’ primaries and others offer to raise the money to pay for such primary elections, Barack rejects this only truly fair result, weaseling that this decision isn’t up to him it’s up to the Democratic National Committee, like if both Clinton and Obama are calling for a primary re-do the DNC is going to say no. Barack is a fraud on this issue, he is in essence a typical “business-as-usual” American politician.

Obama because of his lack of ability and lack of experience will have a practically impossible time getting his own agenda through Congress so in order to get legislation through Congress Obama will have to adopt Democratic Party bosses agendas. This isn’t good for the nation because party bosses have their own interests as their top priority not the American people’s interests. Clinton won’t have this problem, she is her own person and strong enough to hold the reins of power against Democratic Party bosses if she’s in the White House. If Obama wins the White House, the Democratic Party bosses agenda of ramping up to the max public spending on government programs is going to rule the day. An Obama presidency will be a disaster for our nation taking the course of balancing the budget, having proper and measured budget priorities, getting financial control of entitlement programs and having good financial stewardship. If Obama wins the White House, the American business community is going to take an awful beating because the Democratic Party bosses agendas of passing regulations on businesses with a basic disregard for the cost of those regulations on those businesses will rule the day.

Obama will end up following the Democratic machine on foreign policy matters instead of leading it and that spells big trouble long-term for the American people’s interests and the common good. One will see this in Obama carrying out an agenda to remove U.S. troops from Iraq regardless of what is happening on the ground in Iraq and this is very unwise. America has to withdrawal from Iraq very cautiously leaving Iraq with a security force that can maintain security throughout the country or the country of Iraq could get on a path where it fails and America’s enemies hand would grow dramatically stronger. People don’t want to talk about it because it could be politically damaging but once the U.S. anti-war movement gets the U.S. military out of Iraq then they are going to start a push to get the U.S. military out of Afghanistan because its their nature they don’t believe in resorting to arms to protect or achieve the good. Obama will succumb to their pressure and not fully commit or withdrawal U.S. military resources to get the job done in Afghanistan and he will put that country on a path where either it fails as a democracy or the Taliban are in control of large areas of that country and America will be left facing a serious terrorist threat from inside Afghanistan.

As for McCain, he would be an overall failure on economic related issues as president. It’s rather disappointing to see where John McCain is at right now because he readily had the wherewithal to do for America today what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did for America in the 1930’s and Ronald Reagan did for America in the 1980’s but he let political operatives formulate his policies who had as their priority working for the Republican Party and not for all the American people, McCain is now a lost cause.

McCain is wrong to take off the table raising the capital gains tax and stock dividend tax to long standing reasonable levels. America needs this tax revenue to tackle our nation’s catastrophic energy problems. In two or three years when automakers are selling a lot of plug-in hybrid styles of cars, Washington is going to need to throw tons of money into tax credits for Americans to buy these cars, the nation in two or three years when the science is perfected is going to have to throw an enormous amount of money into the cellulosic ethanol refinery industry, these initiatives are a must if America is to cut its demand on foreign oil and escape the extreme pain that dependency is causing. America’s going to have to spend a lot of money subsidizing the building of nuclear power plants, the nation desperately needs these plants to get away from coal and natural gas power plants (the former for pollution reason and the latter for supply reasons) and meet the growing demand for electricity and new construction of nuclear power plants is too expensive, ordinary Americans utility bills will go through the roof if total nuclear plant costs is passed on to them. Also, the nation will need to increase spending on the health care problem, housing, and college tuition assistance to name just a few items and America needs this responsible option to raise tax revenue. Besides it’s a bunch of bunk that these lower tax rates are responsible for lifting the nation out of the 2000 recession and are significant factor in growing the economy. Wasn’t the economy well on its way to a recovery when these tax rates were lowered; moreover, it just goes against clear thinking and common sense the importance placed on maintaining these lower tax rates. McCain’s right though that the lower personal income tax rates should be made permanent, we have a consumer based economy and these lower rates give Americans more spending power thus juicing the economy; as for the top personal income tax rates that should also be made permanent on fairness grounds –when the federal government is taking 33% or 35% of one’s personal income in taxes that is enough if one doesn’t see that they have a flawed conscious and have no credibility on this issue.

McCain is wrong in his plan to reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25 %, that is a great long term goal and hopefully seven years from now when the American economy is doing well and the U.S. government financial situation is under control America can implement a fifteen to twenty year plan to gradually lower this tax rate in such a manner. But with the American government desperately short of money to fill the American people’s needs, this idea is a gigantic blunder because this tax break will apply across the board to all American companies largely resulting in many profitable companies just increasing their profits not in causing these businesses to grow and create a significant number of additional jobs, this is a give away of public money to U.S. businesses at the American taxpayers expense. A good idea though would be to lower tax bills for U.S. businesses if they significantly expand or hire a significant number of new employees.

Another critically important area where McCain has it all wrong and has it wrong in a cataclysmic way is on health care insurance. To get to the heart of the matter the situation is McCain wants to do away with employer sponsored health insurance for America; this would be a disaster for America. First, it is part of the American dream to get a good paying job with good benefits – any assessment that generally American workers prefer not to have their employer provide good affordable health insurance rather they prefer the burden of finding such insurance on their own is just plain wrong. Second, health insurance costs is not under control nor is it on the horizon that it ever will be, it’s been rising on a yearly basis higher than inflation for years. If employer sponsored health care is eliminated the American worker is going to be left to absorb these increases on their own, that’s hurting not helping American workers and their families – one is dreaming if one thinks U.S. employers across the board will increase wages on a yearly basis to match that rises in health care insurance costs. Third, insurance companies are extremely clever and sophisticated in cutting their costs and they often do this by cutting back on the treatments and services they will cover for enrollees and how much they will pay for certain treatments and services. American workers need management staffs that have expertise in the area of health insurance weeding out bad plans for them which the present employer sponsored plan system offers. (An aside note, roughly one-third of American workers whose employer offers health insurance have only one plan to choose from; this can be a terrible situation for workers whose needs aren’t met by that one plan. The U.S. government should require that for one-plan companies the insurance company offering that plan has to quote premiums for all level of employee participation; then the company sponsoring that plan must determine the total amount of premiums it would have to pay if employee participation was at its historic average then the sponsoring company must evenly distribute to all non-participating workers the difference between this historic participation premium figure and the actual insurance premium paid to the insurance company – thus helping dissatisfied American workers buy insurance on their own thus providing choice on health insurance; what do American businesses who sponsor health insurance care if this initiative is put in place – it won’t end up costing them anything additional basically.).

McCain couldn’t be farther off the mark with his condemnation of mandates on health insurance companies; the bottom line here is that America will never solve the health insurance problem in this country without such mandates. America will never solve this problem without mandates mandating some form of communal pricing for health insurance; otherwise, health insurance will never be made affordable for many people with significant or worse medical conditions or at risk of getting a significant or worse medical condition. America will never solve this problem without mandates mandating that health insurance companies cannot reject people for insurance solely based on pre-existing conditions; a significant portion of the 46 million uninsured want to buy health insurance but can’t find affordable health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. The Health Care system in America will never do right by all Americans until all Americans’ individual insurance plans are good ones, meaning they cover and cover in a proper way all medical treatments and service that good and decent people would expect to be covered. To effectuate this reality there will have to be mandates on health insurance companies to provide a minimum benefit coverage that they must offer in their health insurance plans they sell.

Clinton is the answer for America. She gets it. She understands that America has to get off its dependence on foreign oil. She understands the U.S. government has to come up with solutions for our nation’s health care problem and the health insurance issue also affects business and job growth in America. She understands that the U.S. government has to help businesses in America create good middle class jobs for Americans. She understands that immigration is an open profusely bleeding wound on America and must be healed. One can go on and on about how Clinton knows what need to be done to right America. But most importantly, Clinton has the ability to get the job done. Because of her long experience on the national political scene in America and her individual talents she has the wherewithal to deliver for America.
L'America è a una forchetta critica nella strada con queste elezioni imminenti presidenziali e porterà lo sbagliato sentiero se eleggono qualunque dei candidati disponibili diverso da Hillary Clinton. Sopra l'ultimo quaranta anni condizioni economiche in America per americani ordinari ha aggravato in modo spettacolare. Le famiglie ordinarie americane potevano avere una qualità buona di vita avendo soltanto un salariato une poi cose cambiate a dove due salariati erano avuti bisogno di ed adesso le cose cambiano al punto dove quella qualità buona di vita scivola lontano per anche queste due famiglie di salariato. Non era che l'America ha offerto la speranza a molti del suo i giovani per una vita di prosperità e la ricchezza e per quasi tutti i giovani una vita nel ceto medio; qualunque più, America offre adesso i suoi giovani un futuro incerto economico. I tempi attuali chiamano irresistibilmente America per eleggere un presidente di "scienze economiche", un che innesterà la retromarcia queste tendenze e restaura un presente ed un futuro luminosi economici a America.

No, its really not any more believable in Italian. I'll try French later. In the meantime if you're going to cut and paste can you use less words?

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