Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

They gave the world two world wars, and the Nazi holocaust.
Quite the accomplishment.
Why were those "police actions' so short ?
WCOB got us decades !
Dow, Monsanto, Blackwater, XE services made the bank !
OTOH. Their leader is a true Prince
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’​

I heard it was nine thousand times more likely. Denier!!!!!!

i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

Why isn't it a natural phenomenon?
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Nine times more likely than what?

The reason is based on a physics principle known as the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship, which relates temperature, pressure and water vapor. The principle shows that warmer air can hold more water vapor -- about 7% more water vapor per 1 degree Celsius. More water vapor in the atmosphere means more moisture available to fall as rain, which leads to higher rainfall rates.

More rain? Wow!

Droughts and fires aren't caused by human global warming.

That's a relief.
Our fires are due to ignorant policies on forest management. For YEARS we stopped all small fires that would have cleared out brush and dead limbs and FAILED to police the debris ourselves. Now EVERY fire is major due to the piss poor prior management.
Ending logging in these areas did not help either. Controlled and regulated logging would end these problems.
Maybe mankind is just way too stupid and ignorant to deserve anything else but self-inflicted annihilation.

Smart people invented the scientific method and do research, and everybody can see extreme weather events spinning out of control in the past years, yet so many people prefer to believe whatever they want to believe, ignore facts, science and even everyday observations, put the fingers in the ears and sing lalala.
Chicken little is at it again. A crisis is simple one or more series of events that exceed mans definition and acceptance of normalcy. Everything is a crisis in the world of Dimbo’s and viewed as an opportunity politicize the event to fit within their political narrative. We are so lucky to have the patients running the insane asylum.
They gave the world two world wars, and the Nazi holocaust.
Holocaust is a burnt offering of your own sheep.
America & the UK made a huge burnt offering of their Germanic relatives so as to save Stalin and his Communist hordes.
So, if there was a holocaust of self professed "Jews", it was "Jews" who did it.
Back to the Climate Change gurus:
First is was Globall cooling & a new ice age;
Then it was Globull Warming;
And now, they have discovered "Climate Change", which has been going on for a very long time.
The Climate Change gurus are pretty much the same as the Globull Warming gurus, their motive is still money and power over us peasants.
Anyone who constantly bitches and incessantly whines about "climate change" is an incredibly stupid pathetic SADFI.
Climate crisis made deadly German floods ‘up to nine times more likely’ - The Guardian

Local : 2021-08-24(Tuesday) 00:03:00
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i wonder if people here still want to claim climate change is a natural phenomenon and no big deal?

and by the way, my own Netherlands is also facing climate change in detrimental ways, and we now have massive fire seasons all over southern Europe..

Please show the natural variations for these regions over centuries... Decades are meaningless in geological terms. Using computer modeling and looking at decades is fantasy.
We are all stuck on this round ball called earth, what ever your beliefs about change are could we not agree that we need to pay attention to to things that help keep our air water & land clean & available.
We are all stuck on this round ball called earth, what ever your beliefs about change are could we not agree that we need to pay attention to to things that help keep our air water & land clean & available.
We’ve done plenty since 1972 to clean up the earth. Plenty of safeguards in effect already.
The AGW thing is an anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-freedom control scam.

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