CIA Election Report is fake news to attack Trump & Russia


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CIA Election Report Is FAKE NEWS To Attack Trump & Russia
CIA report claims Russia interfered in election to benefit Trump

When the CIA – a group of admitted liars and domestic propagandists – come out with a report, you can bet it’s fake news.

Also, check out Alex’s other report, “MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level”:


Like we said KNOW HISTORY and KNOW what has or hasn't been documented because if you don't look back in time you will be easily mind fkd to whatever these liars tell you. This is exactly what they want you to do just like fat Mike Moore, Just like Clinton getting up there spewing bs . They know if someone big and who has power to tell you this bs you will believe it when weak minded.
Actors get up there and spew bs because they have been duped just like the rest of the public who doesn't realize what is going on so they roll with the same propaganda which in turns begins to fuel a big fire that spreads like wild fire. In turn those not paying attention will bite that bullet every single time.
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Most people disagreed on who or what is ‘fake news,’ but agree that censoring or banning ‘fake news’ shouldn’t come at the expense of Americans’ First Amendment rights.

Most also saw efforts to silence those deemed ‘fake news’ as infringing on the freedom of the press. However, some did want to put restrictions or regulations on the press to make sure only “real news” was being reported.

Most agreed banning 'fake news' shouldn't come at the expense of Americans' First Amendment rights

CIA Election Report Is FAKE NEWS To Attack Trump & Russia
CIA report claims Russia interfered in election to benefit Trump

When the CIA – a group of admitted liars and domestic propagandists – come out with a report, you can bet it’s fake news.

Also, check out Alex’s other report, “MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level”:


Like we said KNOW HISTORY and KNOW what has or hasn't been documented because if you don't look back in time you will be easily mind fkd to whatever these liars tell you. This is exactly what they want you to do just like fat Mike Moore, Just like Clinton getting up there spewing bs . They know if someone big and who has power to tell you this bs you will believe it when weak minded.
Actors get up there and spew bs because they have been duped just like the rest of the public who doesn't realize what is going on so they roll with the same propaganda which in turns begins to fuel a big fire that spreads like wild fire. In turn those not paying attention will bite that bullet every single time.

I know history, too, and I know exactly what you folks are up to. It is not to profit the public, not by a long shot. You'll not be happy until only you can provide whatever bullshit news and disinformation fits your agenda.
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Some people think they know history but it is only the history they think they know or what they were taught, because this is what they want to believe. Never stopping to think the very history taught is by those who think along the same lines. " Indoctrination" starts in the schools all the way up to college.
So what people think they know as history , they were not taught about the " Shadow Government" which is not fake information because that too is also documented.

“I’ll give you a quote,” Heavin told Colmes. “Henry Kissinger said that the only thing standing in the way of the New World Order is a strong America, and I don’t know about you, what that means to me is they have to diminish America so they can acquire absolute power.”

Billionaire and producer of the film Amerigeddon, currently out in theaters, Gary Heavin brought light to the hidden players behind the globalist agenda and the Washington power structure in an appearance on Fox News Tuesday.

“There is a shadow government in Washington that makes the decisions, that directs the politicians,” Heavin told Fox News Channel’s Alan Colmes.
Trump doesn't attend briefings because he doesn't believe what he's told. I don't blame him. The lies that democrats have pumped out in the last two years has gone from phenomenal to breathtaking in scope.

The clever defense democrats have come up with is a first amendment freedom to lie. They absolutely refuse to accept that there is a freedom to not believe lies too.
Trump doesn't attend briefings because he doesn't believe what he's told. I don't blame him. The lies that democrats have pumped out in the last two years has gone from phenomenal to breathtaking in scope.

The clever defense democrats have come up with is a first amendment freedom to lie. They absolutely refuse to accept that there is a freedom to not believe lies too.
Alright. I can understand that. But what IS he learning, and from whom? He cannot go into this cold stone ignorant.
CIA Election Report Is FAKE NEWS To Attack Trump & Russia
CIA report claims Russia interfered in election to benefit Trump

When the CIA – a group of admitted liars and domestic propagandists – come out with a report, you can bet it’s fake news.

Also, check out Alex’s other report, “MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level”:


Like we said KNOW HISTORY and KNOW what has or hasn't been documented because if you don't look back in time you will be easily mind fkd to whatever these liars tell you. This is exactly what they want you to do just like fat Mike Moore, Just like Clinton getting up there spewing bs . They know if someone big and who has power to tell you this bs you will believe it when weak minded.
Actors get up there and spew bs because they have been duped just like the rest of the public who doesn't realize what is going on so they roll with the same propaganda which in turns begins to fuel a big fire that spreads like wild fire. In turn those not paying attention will bite that bullet every single time.

  • CIA: "fake news"
  • Alphabet networks: "fake news"
  • Recorded history, such as Rump being in favor of Iraq war: "fake news"
  • Accounts of harassed women going back 30 years: "fake news"
  • Alex Jones, shirtless wackball who never sleeps if there's more tinfoil to put on his head...
  • Teenagers in Macedonia making up stories about 3 million Amish voting for Rump, to get ad clicks...
  • The word of an orange clown who to this day will not admit to his own bankruptcies and described "one of the biggest electoral vote wins in history" with a whopping < 56%;
  • Unhinged and undocumented fantasies of "illegal votes", "Hillary has Parkinsons" and "Bill Clinton has an illegitimate son" -------------------- that's the real stuff.
On Planet Wackadoo.

Ya can't make this up. Technically you can but you get a rejection letter from the publisher saying your work is crapola and nobody would buy it.
Some people think they know history but it is only the history they think they know or what they were taught, because this is what they want to believe. Never stopping to think the very history taught is by those who think along the same lines. " Indoctrination" starts in the schools all the way up to college.
So what people think they know as history , they were not taught about the " Shadow Government" which is not fake information because that too is also documented.

“I’ll give you a quote,” Heavin told Colmes. “Henry Kissinger said that the only thing standing in the way of the New World Order is a strong America, and I don’t know about you, what that means to me is they have to diminish America so they can acquire absolute power.”

Billionaire and producer of the film Amerigeddon, currently out in theaters, Gary Heavin brought light to the hidden players behind the globalist agenda and the Washington power structure in an appearance on Fox News Tuesday.

“There is a shadow government in Washington that makes the decisions, that directs the politicians,” Heavin told Fox News Channel’s Alan Colmes.
Yes, I have always suspected it. 2 + 2 still equals 4, though. The likes of you and I will never destroy the powers that actually be. Not by whom we elect or what news we believe. Saying our government is a puppet run by a shadow enemy is a boogeyman to control us with. Not by them, but by you.


New FBI Docs Expose "Shadow Government" Protected Hillary In Email Investigation | Zero Hedge

While serving as Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “blatantly” disregarded protocol, an issue that prompted an official to say that there was a “stark difference” between Clinton’s “obedience to security and diplomatic protocols” and the behavior of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The details come from a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report released Monday.

This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the summary reads. According to the FBI docs, the interviewee also added that Clinton’s [use of a private email server was] well known throughout Diplomatic Security, and [breaches] were ‘abundant.’”

The 100-page document contains interview summaries conducted by the FBI along with notes from its agents, which may offer the public a glimpse into the government’s official Clinton email investigation.

The last 100-page release is the fourth installment of documents related to the Clinton email probe recently released by the FBI. The most recent release also contains allegations regarding a “quid pro quo” request from Patrick F. Kennedy, the undersecretary of state for management, among other claims.

SO IF PEOPLE COULD TAKE THEIR LAZY ASSES TO A LIBRARY AND FOUND THIS SAME INFORMATION UNDER " GOV DOCUMENTS" IS IT STILL GOING TO BE FAKE WTF ................. They know half this lazy ass public can't or won't go find the hard copy of these documents meaning our HISTORY and the restrictions of free speech we are seeing now.


"In the FBI’s summary, the Shadow Government is said to have urged the FBI to drop the investigation documents all at once “for coordination purposes.” This information comes from an unidentified person, the FBI documents claim.

Usually, the bureau releases investigation documents on a rolling basis, releasing batches of investigation documents in its official vault. The group of very high-ranking State officials allegedly urged officials to do the opposite, but they did not get their way.

Regardless, after announcing the investigation had been concluded, FBI Director James Comey decided not to prosecute former Secretary of State Clinton, claiming the move was apolitical."
The CIA wouldn't use disinformation ever would they? They are above that.
CIA Election Report Is FAKE NEWS To Attack Trump & Russia
CIA report claims Russia interfered in election to benefit Trump

When the CIA – a group of admitted liars and domestic propagandists – come out with a report, you can bet it’s fake news.

Also, check out Alex’s other report, “MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level”:


Like we said KNOW HISTORY and KNOW what has or hasn't been documented because if you don't look back in time you will be easily mind fkd to whatever these liars tell you. This is exactly what they want you to do just like fat Mike Moore, Just like Clinton getting up there spewing bs . They know if someone big and who has power to tell you this bs you will believe it when weak minded.
Actors get up there and spew bs because they have been duped just like the rest of the public who doesn't realize what is going on so they roll with the same propaganda which in turns begins to fuel a big fire that spreads like wild fire. In turn those not paying attention will bite that bullet every single time.

Restricting Freedom of the Press
2. Other Violations of Freedom of the Press

Limiting the public’s right to information in order to preserve Israel’s image in the world represents a blow to democracy. In May 2010, when the “Free Gaza” flotilla approached Israel’s territorial waters, the military announced that it would jam all electronic transmissions in the waters surrounding the ships so as to prevent reports from reaching international networks, for the sake of preserving the country’s image. During the takeover of the ships, the infringement on freedom of the press continued. According to the Assistant to the UN Secretary-General on Political Affairs, the Israeli military confiscated all the material recorded and filmed by the journalists who were on board. Several months later, when another ship was approaching the Gaza Strip, the military confiscated the equipment that Eli Oshrov – the only Israeli journalist aboard the Irene ship – used to document the events, including his camera, microphone, and cellular phone.
The CIA wouldn't use disinformation ever would they? They are above that.

Why our loving Governmental parents would never dream of hurting their Children.
So using kids as Guinea pigs doesn't count, selling them off doesn't count, ripping people off via taxes doesn't count, selling products that kill us doesn't count LMAO.
The fake news of the alt right and far right are going to get stuck up their collective ass.

Time to start using the courts for enhanced libel and misinformation suits.
The CIA wouldn't use disinformation ever would they? They are above that.

Surely Alex Jones the respected journalist who never stretches a truth wouldn't use disinformation in a quest for ratings which is by definition the goal of every commercial radio program, would he? Nah, he's above all that. I understand he works for free and isn't an attention whore at all. :eusa_angel:

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