Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Ironic Skye that by demonizing the poster you avoid the truth of the post, exactly how Rome demonized the Jews in their antisemitic slant in their stories to try and void the validity of the Jewish teachings that make it hard for them to pull off their shtick.
Rome is a pagan offshoot from Christianity. Rome fed Christians to the lions BTW.

how many Christians can a lion eat? Christians found more efficient ways to
murder people
Ironic Skye that by demonizing the poster you avoid the truth of the post, exactly how Rome demonized the Jews in their antisemitic slant in their stories to try and void the validity of the Jewish teachings that make it hard for them to pull off their shtick.
Rome is a pagan offshoot from Christianity. Rome fed Christians to the lions BTW.

how many Christians can a lion eat? Christians found more efficient ways to
murder people
They didn't hold a candle to those camel-jockeys. Those Aholes killed 3000 with nothing but a few boxcutters.
did some jew tell you that a cross offends him? If some jew did say that,, do you think that anyone would care if YOU cared? The pile of stinking shit from which
you were spawned has DEFILED THE PLANET------ I am a jew----what is the name of the pile of stinking shit from which you were spawned, filthy lump of reeking
so you don't deny that your people so all these evil things?

try again------you did not bother to deny that you are derived from pile of shit---
thus it must be true. ------how did you get so stupid?. Your rant is nothing new
to me ------I read the islamo Nazi pig literature way back circa 1960 and I
knew lots of muslims 10 years later and SINCE-----and I even went into a mosque------You parrot islamo Nazi shit in the same manner that USA Nazis parrot it and in the same manner muslim children world wide parrot it. Hindus don't---
Buddhists don't------most Christians do not ----but lots of muslims do and some
Christians do. So what are you ---a "Christian Nazi pig" or a MUSLIM PIG?
so you defend debeers, hollywood smut and violence, kissengers war mongering, goldmen sacking the world's finances, killing women and children for your so called holy land? nobody else would but a jew

DeBeers? that's a dutch company Hollywood? you got something against
movies.? violence? I have actually never met a violent jew. Kissenger?
he was a politician "goldman sacking"? killing women and children---
like your fellow Nazis? or your fellow islamo Nazis? Nobody else would what----lump of shit? so------what is your point of origin? why are you afraid to
yes your a jew when it's convenient for you to be. your country was always founded on terror and slaughter of innocent women and children in the name of your God. goldmen sachs is run by jews the media is run by jews hollywood is poisoning minds with violent propaganda etc.. etc. that's what I love about you jews. when it's a "good thing" say salk, he's a jew no matter where he comes from, but when it's a bad thing he's a dutchmen. lol. what a bunch of liar.

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
Ironic Skye that by demonizing the poster you avoid the truth of the post, exactly how Rome demonized the Jews in their antisemitic slant in their stories to try and void the validity of the Jewish teachings that make it hard for them to pull off their shtick.
Rome is a pagan offshoot from Christianity. Rome fed Christians to the lions BTW.
Not that I expect any christers to realize this

Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression Giles Fraser Comment is free The Guardian

BULLSHIT! I am a Jew and I don't see the cross as antisemitic or oppressive at all! In fact I see it entirely the opposite. I live in a Christian country and I wouldn't have it any other way. No sir I don't see Cross as a symbol of oppression I see it as a symbol of freedom and righteousness!

Medieval Christianity was brutal to the Jews, but now Evangelicals are more proJewish than most Jews!

It's Muslims and you godless freaks that are the threat and enemy to the Jews. Christians are the Jews brother!
Ironic Skye that by demonizing the poster you avoid the truth of the post, exactly how Rome demonized the Jews in their antisemitic slant in their stories to try and void the validity of the Jewish teachings that make it hard for them to pull off their shtick.
Rome is a pagan offshoot from Christianity. Rome fed Christians to the lions BTW.

The problem is most if not all Christians fail to realize that Christianity is that Roman one world religion Christians themselves say Rome will form in our day., simply because they were the deceived who didn't notice the events in the NT match that of 70ad and they were warning of what was happening in their day and age present tense not future tense. There were many christ cults, Kridhna was called Kristos, even Mithraic cults which was popular in Tarsus.
Which cult got fed to the lions? Where all generalized as Christians as any cult following a savior since it's a generic term or was it a later convergance term since Rome controlled the combined faith?
Notice nobody says Nazarenes or Hanotzrim or Yehudites they never say thr historical singular term for this group, instead they use a combined generalized term and no Christisn is the wiser that more then one christ is being venersted and lifted high as a new idol with new name and birthdate.
Sorry about the typos I'm on a phone and I don't even have fat fingers either. *L* Anyone have any suggestions or apps for better key strokes? I couldn't hook up my computer keyboard to the phone, tried thosecsops already.
Not that I expect any christers to realize this

Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression Giles Fraser Comment is free The Guardian
jews must understand, that for many in many nations, they seem to be the root of many problems both financial and social. they don't assimilate. they seem to be a gang that infiltrates nations with loyalty only to israel. They run wall street and banks to our demise. they run or overly influence governments to many's demise or woes. They run hollywood with it's poisoning affect of californication on the world. They exploit poor backward countries like africa for diamond profits off the blood of many. They seem to think they are something special in their own eyes. But this is all generalizations and most war like people do these things. so when they say a cross offends them, should anybody care?

Aryans were not assimilated in Germany. Jews were assimilated. What the most people don't know: The shoa was within Germany a fratricide and not a genocide. No one was able to notice any difference between Jews and other Germans. The only difference was the religion. That was the reason why the Nazis had to use a marker for their darwinistic racism - a yellow star. You should really do something against your wrong indoctrinations. Life makes more fun if you are not a slave of strange people who are thinking your life. Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet: sapere aude, incipe.

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I don't know what the lady had in mind-----

You spoke about her - not I.

I just remembered---it was not
HILDEGARD that she called her ----it was BRUNHILDA (spelling?)
I have never known either a Hildegard or a brunhilda in the USA.

So I guess you also don't know anything about Jesse Owens and Luz Long. A good story in a bad time with no happy end. Their stories are a good key for the realities of Germany and the USA in those days.

But okay - I will check out your information for you: wife from Richard Wagner Jr. ... one moment ... Hmm: I guess you are speaking about Siegfried Wagner ... his wife was Winifred Marjorie Williams (*1897, Hastings, England - +1980, Überlingen, Germany).

There are blonds and blue eyes in my family too I think the CORONET
of BLOND braids is was the issue with the german-jew lady -----sheeesh ---
she was about 14 when shipped out of Germany----she was traumatized----
I think

I guess she was happy that a kind of cross under a ship screwed her to the other side of the atlantic ocean.

I am lost to the world
with which I used to waste so much time,
It has heard nothing from me for so long
that it may very well believe that I am dead!

It is of no consequence to me
Whether it thinks me dead;
I cannot deny it,
for I really am dead to the world.

I am dead to the world's tumult,
And I rest in a quiet realm!
I live alone in my heaven,
In my love and in my song.
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your posts ----above ^^^ make no sense at all. You have no grasp of history
Hobe you might not like hearing this but every snipet reply was wrong, assuming, and not even in the ball park of our discussion. In fact not just outside the stadium they were out right in the wrong city.

What I wrote was a direct response to your post.

you said this;

About the teachings they are rehashed Torah and Abrahamic love thy neighbor philosophies but dangerously mixed with pagan ideas of luciferous beliefs."

and I replied with this;

No, The teachings of Jesus can be summed up in the command to eat his flesh, which is a direct reference to Kashrut and a sublime teaching that the laws of God are figurative in nature and must be deciphered correctly to be understood and correctly applied and without this understanding one cannot received the life promised for compliance, even if they never ate bacon in their entire life.

This teaching can be seen by anyone who reads any translation of the gospels in their current form and however many times they may have been mistranslated, this teaching remains pure and obvious to anyone of any language with a second grade education who bothers to read them with an open mind.."""

Was there something that you didn't understand? The teachings of the NT are not rehashed Torah philosophies, pagan ideas or 'luciferous' beliefs.

Jesus taught people how to understand Mosaic law in the same way that Moses originally taught to follow.

I don't drink so your ad hominom attack refering to needing sobering was your way of displacing frustration through not being able to communicate and answer in a rational mature manner, therefore we can conclude by your reply and poor mistaken assumption of my faith that your human ego replied rather then your intellectual side.

I suspect that the person who is always crying about ad hominem attacks and accusing others of crimes of the ego is the one with ego problems, ahem,, HaShev,

Seriously, you need to sober up. One cannot eat their way into the kingdom of God..
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so you don't deny that your people so all these evil things?

try again------you did not bother to deny that you are derived from pile of shit---
thus it must be true. ------how did you get so stupid?. Your rant is nothing new
to me ------I read the islamo Nazi pig literature way back circa 1960 and I
knew lots of muslims 10 years later and SINCE-----and I even went into a mosque------You parrot islamo Nazi shit in the same manner that USA Nazis parrot it and in the same manner muslim children world wide parrot it. Hindus don't---
Buddhists don't------most Christians do not ----but lots of muslims do and some
Christians do. So what are you ---a "Christian Nazi pig" or a MUSLIM PIG?
so you defend debeers, hollywood smut and violence, kissengers war mongering, goldmen sacking the world's finances, killing women and children for your so called holy land? nobody else would but a jew

DeBeers? that's a dutch company Hollywood? you got something against
movies.? violence? I have actually never met a violent jew. Kissenger?
he was a politician "goldman sacking"? killing women and children---
like your fellow Nazis? or your fellow islamo Nazis? Nobody else would what----lump of shit? so------what is your point of origin? why are you afraid to
yes your a jew when it's convenient for you to be. your country was always founded on terror and slaughter of innocent women and children in the name of your God. goldmen sachs is run by jews the media is run by jews hollywood is poisoning minds with violent propaganda etc.. etc. that's what I love about you jews. when it's a "good thing" say salk, he's a jew no matter where he comes from, but when it's a bad thing he's a dutchmen. lol. what a bunch of liar.

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
hollywood doesn't promote violence with it's movies? really? like I said, when it's a good thing they are jewish doing it, when it's their typical scheming evil it's americans, dutch or whatever. you jews can't have it both ways. either your loyal to they chosen few and israel and you are a trader to all other countries you infiltrate.
try again------you did not bother to deny that you are derived from pile of shit---
thus it must be true. ------how did you get so stupid?. Your rant is nothing new
to me ------I read the islamo Nazi pig literature way back circa 1960 and I
knew lots of muslims 10 years later and SINCE-----and I even went into a mosque------You parrot islamo Nazi shit in the same manner that USA Nazis parrot it and in the same manner muslim children world wide parrot it. Hindus don't---
Buddhists don't------most Christians do not ----but lots of muslims do and some
Christians do. So what are you ---a "Christian Nazi pig" or a MUSLIM PIG?
so you defend debeers, hollywood smut and violence, kissengers war mongering, goldmen sacking the world's finances, killing women and children for your so called holy land? nobody else would but a jew

DeBeers? that's a dutch company Hollywood? you got something against
movies.? violence? I have actually never met a violent jew. Kissenger?
he was a politician "goldman sacking"? killing women and children---
like your fellow Nazis? or your fellow islamo Nazis? Nobody else would what----lump of shit? so------what is your point of origin? why are you afraid to
yes your a jew when it's convenient for you to be. your country was always founded on terror and slaughter of innocent women and children in the name of your God. goldmen sachs is run by jews the media is run by jews hollywood is poisoning minds with violent propaganda etc.. etc. that's what I love about you jews. when it's a "good thing" say salk, he's a jew no matter where he comes from, but when it's a bad thing he's a dutchmen. lol. what a bunch of liar.

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
hollywood doesn't promote violence with it's movies? really? like I said, when it's a good thing they are jewish doing it, when it's their typical scheming evil it's americans, dutch or whatever. you jews can't have it both ways. either your loyal to they chosen few and israel and you are a trader to all other countries you infiltrate.

you and whatever group of people to which you are attached----are fucking shit----
----in fact----based on your writings you are either a fucking Nazi or a fucking meccaist
dog.------my guess is fucking meccaist rapist pig worshipping dog. You spit the shit
served up each Friday in the stinking sock section of the mosque. Do not be shy---
what brand of shit are you?
so you defend debeers, hollywood smut and violence, kissengers war mongering, goldmen sacking the world's finances, killing women and children for your so called holy land? nobody else would but a jew

DeBeers? that's a dutch company Hollywood? you got something against
movies.? violence? I have actually never met a violent jew. Kissenger?
he was a politician "goldman sacking"? killing women and children---
like your fellow Nazis? or your fellow islamo Nazis? Nobody else would what----lump of shit? so------what is your point of origin? why are you afraid to
yes your a jew when it's convenient for you to be. your country was always founded on terror and slaughter of innocent women and children in the name of your God. goldmen sachs is run by jews the media is run by jews hollywood is poisoning minds with violent propaganda etc.. etc. that's what I love about you jews. when it's a "good thing" say salk, he's a jew no matter where he comes from, but when it's a bad thing he's a dutchmen. lol. what a bunch of liar.

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
hollywood doesn't promote violence with it's movies? really? like I said, when it's a good thing they are jewish doing it, when it's their typical scheming evil it's americans, dutch or whatever. you jews can't have it both ways. either your loyal to they chosen few and israel and you are a trader to all other countries you infiltrate.

you and whatever group of people to which you are attached----are fucking shit----
----in fact----based on your writings you are either a fucking Nazi or a fucking meccaist
dog.------my guess is fucking meccaist rapist pig worshipping dog. You spit the shit
served up each Friday in the stinking sock section of the mosque. Do not be shy---
what brand of shit are you?
explain to all the gentiles, you know the unchosen many, how you can be loyal to america and israel when their politics collide? go on and explain where your true jew loyalty lies? pun intended
DeBeers? that's a dutch company Hollywood? you got something against
movies.? violence? I have actually never met a violent jew. Kissenger?
he was a politician "goldman sacking"? killing women and children---
like your fellow Nazis? or your fellow islamo Nazis? Nobody else would what----lump of shit? so------what is your point of origin? why are you afraid to
yes your a jew when it's convenient for you to be. your country was always founded on terror and slaughter of innocent women and children in the name of your God. goldmen sachs is run by jews the media is run by jews hollywood is poisoning minds with violent propaganda etc.. etc. that's what I love about you jews. when it's a "good thing" say salk, he's a jew no matter where he comes from, but when it's a bad thing he's a dutchmen. lol. what a bunch of liar.

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
hollywood doesn't promote violence with it's movies? really? like I said, when it's a good thing they are jewish doing it, when it's their typical scheming evil it's americans, dutch or whatever. you jews can't have it both ways. either your loyal to they chosen few and israel and you are a trader to all other countries you infiltrate.

you and whatever group of people to which you are attached----are fucking shit----
----in fact----based on your writings you are either a fucking Nazi or a fucking meccaist
dog.------my guess is fucking meccaist rapist pig worshipping dog. You spit the shit
served up each Friday in the stinking sock section of the mosque. Do not be shy---
what brand of shit are you?
explain to all the gentiles, you know the unchosen many, how you can be loyal to america and israel when their politics collide? go on and explain where your true jew loyalty lies? pun intended

In order to explain anything-----I need to know something about the person to
whom I am speaking. I have been explaining technical things to people for
more than 50 years and always ask a few questions first------like age, occupation---land of birth----mother tongue------and----some information about
educational level I cannot explain a complex issue to a person whose level
of understanding I cannot assess. So far you are simply a SN that spits the typical islamo-Nazi pig crap I have seen in print since I was a child and heard from filthy mouths in the gutter, in clinics dealing with drug addicts and alcoholics and in mosques. It is not enough
See Hobe you were told about the sin (baring false witness) then repeated it, I'm guessing you are proving my pointd that Jesus causes the breaking of all the commands not the adhering to the most basic?

The eating of the flesh reply had nothing to do with the subject you replied to, it also was not acurate in your definition, and I would know becsuse my last name is in the Temple bread and wine.

You also lied further, because both the NT and the remaining remnants of the followers of John (who Jesus followed first) have many verses on their physical light analogies and worship.
The Hanotzrim cult believed their god was that mystical luciferous light between the sun & earth which made them easy for Rome to converge with their many other pagan sun worship cults and adopt them to the fold.
Fact: Constantine &Paul both had a luciferous light come to them claiming it's name was Jesus.
Fact: the iconograph is of radiant luciferous light eminating from him and his heart iconographs have luciferous light eminating which is why nt says they have the morning star in their heart.
Look up morning star in any collegiate or microsoft dictionary morning star=lucifer
Fact Jesus says he is Lucifer in Rev 22:16.

Lastly the church elect say you lie when they admit the pagan influences and borrowings.
See Hobe you were told about the sin (baring false witness) then repeated it, I'm guessing you are proving my pointd that Jesus causes the breaking of all the commands not the adhering to the most basic?

The eating of the flesh reply had nothing to do with the subject you replied to, it also was not acurate in your definition, and I would know becsuse my last name is in the Temple bread and wine.

You also lied further, because both the NT and the remaining remnants of the followers of John (who Jesus followed first) have many verses on their physical light analogies and worship.
The Hanotzrim cult believed their god was that mystical luciferous light between the sun & earth which made them easy for Rome to converge with their many other pagan sun worship cults and adopt them to the fold.
Fact: Constantine &Paul both had a luciferous light come to them claiming it's name was Jesus.
Fact: the iconograph is of radiant luciferous light eminating from him and his heart iconographs have luciferous light eminating which is why nt says they have the morning star in their heart.
Look up morning star in any collegiate or microsoft dictionary morning star=lucifer
Fact Jesus says he is Lucifer in Rev 22:16.

Lastly the church elect say you lie when they admit the pagan influences and borrowings.

I am curious-----and confused. I understand the MORNING star to be----VENUS-----it shows up bright in the morning. Is that the star that is supposed to
represent "LUCIFER"?? -----tell me the truth----so much MORNING STAR
in literature-------and so much LUCIFER ------the star does look close in the early
yes your a jew when it's convenient for you to be. your country was always founded on terror and slaughter of innocent women and children in the name of your God. goldmen sachs is run by jews the media is run by jews hollywood is poisoning minds with violent propaganda etc.. etc. that's what I love about you jews. when it's a "good thing" say salk, he's a jew no matter where he comes from, but when it's a bad thing he's a dutchmen. lol. what a bunch of liar.

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
hollywood doesn't promote violence with it's movies? really? like I said, when it's a good thing they are jewish doing it, when it's their typical scheming evil it's americans, dutch or whatever. you jews can't have it both ways. either your loyal to they chosen few and israel and you are a trader to all other countries you infiltrate.

you and whatever group of people to which you are attached----are fucking shit----
----in fact----based on your writings you are either a fucking Nazi or a fucking meccaist
dog.------my guess is fucking meccaist rapist pig worshipping dog. You spit the shit
served up each Friday in the stinking sock section of the mosque. Do not be shy---
what brand of shit are you?
explain to all the gentiles, you know the unchosen many, how you can be loyal to america and israel when their politics collide? go on and explain where your true jew loyalty lies? pun intended

In order to explain anything-----I need to know something about the person to
whom I am speaking. I have been explaining technical things to people for
more than 50 years and always ask a few questions first------like age, occupation---land of birth----mother tongue------and----some information about
educational level I cannot explain a complex issue to a person whose level
of understanding I cannot assess. So far you are simply a SN that spits the typical islamo-Nazi pig crap I have seen in print since I was a child and heard from filthy mouths in the gutter, in clinics dealing with drug addicts and alcoholics and in mosques. It is not enough
again a lying jewish lawyer dances around the truth. simple question. how can a jew be trusted anywhere by a non jew? your book tells your people to peacefully infiltrate other countries and take over by deceit. don't deny that is in deut. your people should stay together in your own country for that is where your loyalty lies. bye bye. netanyahoo is calling his people home for armagedeon go home.

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