Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Haissem ------were you educated in a brewery or a madrassa----DeBeers was
founded by CECIL RHODES-----it is not a jewish company ----"the media" is run
all literate people in the USA and the world Hollywood is "violent propaganda"?? really? since when? why are you ashamed to describe your filthy background?
hollywood doesn't promote violence with it's movies? really? like I said, when it's a good thing they are jewish doing it, when it's their typical scheming evil it's americans, dutch or whatever. you jews can't have it both ways. either your loyal to they chosen few and israel and you are a trader to all other countries you infiltrate.

you and whatever group of people to which you are attached----are fucking shit----
----in fact----based on your writings you are either a fucking Nazi or a fucking meccaist
dog.------my guess is fucking meccaist rapist pig worshipping dog. You spit the shit
served up each Friday in the stinking sock section of the mosque. Do not be shy---
what brand of shit are you?
explain to all the gentiles, you know the unchosen many, how you can be loyal to america and israel when their politics collide? go on and explain where your true jew loyalty lies? pun intended

In order to explain anything-----I need to know something about the person to
whom I am speaking. I have been explaining technical things to people for
more than 50 years and always ask a few questions first------like age, occupation---land of birth----mother tongue------and----some information about
educational level I cannot explain a complex issue to a person whose level
of understanding I cannot assess. So far you are simply a SN that spits the typical islamo-Nazi pig crap I have seen in print since I was a child and heard from filthy mouths in the gutter, in clinics dealing with drug addicts and alcoholics and in mosques. It is not enough
again a lying jewish lawyer dances around the truth. simple question. how can a jew be trusted anywhere by a non jew? your book tells your people to peacefully infiltrate other countries and take over by deceit. don't deny that is in deut. your people should stay together in your own country for that is where your loyalty lies. bye bye. netanyahoo is calling his people home for armagedeon go home.

Why do you try to discuss a book you never read-----lump of shit?-----
you are parroting the shit you either suck off the mosque floor or the local beer soaked brothel
the 2 arch malakhs were represented by the planet venus with symbolism as the morning star was the fallen arc of the planet they used it to represent Lucifers fall, the
rising arc called Evening Star represented Michael who rises -Dan 12:1-4
The Holy city YeruShalem- Shalem=evening star, the legend is it becomes the city of Shalom when the Night overturns the Day- at the death of the luciferous sun worship-morning star worship.
Jesus is saying he is the nemesis of Michael and God thus he admits he's the son of Baal called morning star and "thief in the Night".
Of course Rome created his image to fulfill Lucifer the first & imposter messiah so they are admitting who they created the image of since no figure actually exusted to make that speach/sentence.
Haissem, please knock it off- Surah 2:98
You are blaming Jews for everything Islam is doing, thats called displaced blame, but your propaganda is so bad you are making a mockery of your faith and people.

Rosie, please don't feed the forum trolls they might even be baiting you and not be of the faith they seem. Note there are sick people who bait and pit faiths against each other by insulting faiths under the guise of opposing faiths to make them look bad and start flaming wars.
Also for those who like to research and learn,
look up on Google or other searches:
son of baal was called the morning star

Notice Rome never mentions this mystery father who they say Jesus and father are one.
Note predated tablets (Baal passion play) show Baals accounts were EXACTLY plagiarised and regiven to Jesus' image.
Literally Father and son are one in the same mythology including Baals birthdate of Dec 25 venerating the sun.
But here's the kicker:
the number of his name
Baal Jesus=666
in ASCll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
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Also for those who like to research and learn,
look up on Google or other searches:
son of baal was called the morning star

Notice Rome never mentions this mystery father who they say Jesus and father are one.
Note predated tablets (Baal passion play) show Baals accounts were EXACTLY plagiarised and regiven to Jesus' image.
Literally Father and son are one in the same mythology including Baals birthdate of Dec 25 venerating the sun.
But here's the kicker:
the number of his name
Baal Jesus=666
in ASCll numerology used to secret numbers from names.

Hobe you might not like hearing this but every snipet reply was wrong, assuming, and not even in the ball park of our discussion. In fact not just outside the stadium they were out right in the wrong city.

What I wrote was a direct response to your post.

you said this;

About the teachings they are rehashed Torah and Abrahamic love thy neighbor philosophies but dangerously mixed with pagan ideas of luciferous beliefs."

and I replied with this;

No, The teachings of Jesus can be summed up in the command to eat his flesh, which is a direct reference to Kashrut and a sublime teaching that the laws of God are figurative in nature and must be deciphered correctly to be understood and correctly applied and without this understanding one cannot received the life promised for compliance, even if they never ate bacon in their entire life.

This teaching can be seen by anyone who reads any translation of the gospels in their current form and however many times they may have been mistranslated, this teaching remains pure and obvious to anyone of any language with a second grade education who bothers to read them with an open mind.."""

Was there something that you didn't understand? The teachings of the NT are not rehashed Torah philosophies, pagan ideas or 'luciferous' beliefs.

Jesus taught people how to understand Mosaic law in the same way that Moses originally taught to follow.

I don't drink so your ad hominom attack refering to needing sobering was your way of displacing frustration through not being able to communicate and answer in a rational mature manner, therefore we can conclude by your reply and poor mistaken assumption of my faith that your human ego replied rather then your intellectual side.

I suspect that the person who is always crying about ad hominem attacks and accusing others of crimes of the ego is the one with ego problems, ahem,, HaShev,

Seriously, you need to sober up. One cannot eat their way into the kingdom of God..

Moses was a nutcase. Telling parents to stone kids who didn't behave, and telling the Priests to kill those not with him. He was a brutal leader. Slaves , lots of more rules on how to treat them. He had a temper as well.
the 2 arch malakhs were represented by the planet venus with symbolism as the morning star was the fallen arc of the planet they used it to represent Lucifers fall, the
rising arc called Evening Star represented Michael who rises -Dan 12:1-4
The Holy city YeruShalem- Shalem=evening star, the legend is it becomes the city of Shalom when the Night overturns the Day- at the death of the luciferous sun worship-morning star worship.
Jesus is saying he is the nemesis of Michael and God thus he admits he's the son of Baal called morning star and "thief in the Night".
Of course Rome created his image to fulfill Lucifer the first & imposter messiah so they are admitting who they created the image of since no figure actually exusted to make that speach/sentence.

I am intrigued-----I read the poems of Haim Nachman Bialik----and somehow he mentions the MORNING STAR -----the morning star that I know is VENUS ---it shows up on the east horizon (the actual PLANET) in the morning ---very bright)
Also for those who like to research and learn,
look up on Google or other searches:
son of baal was called the morning star

Notice Rome never mentions this mystery father who they say Jesus and father are one.
Note predated tablets (Baal passion play) show Baals accounts were EXACTLY plagiarised and regiven to Jesus' image.
Literally Father and son are one in the same mythology including Baals birthdate of Dec 25 venerating the sun.
But here's the kicker:
the number of his name
Baal Jesus=666
in ASCll numerology used to secret numbers from names.

Hobe you might not like hearing this but every snipet reply was wrong, assuming, and not even in the ball park of our discussion. In fact not just outside the stadium they were out right in the wrong city.

What I wrote was a direct response to your post.

you said this;

About the teachings they are rehashed Torah and Abrahamic love thy neighbor philosophies but dangerously mixed with pagan ideas of luciferous beliefs."

and I replied with this;

No, The teachings of Jesus can be summed up in the command to eat his flesh, which is a direct reference to Kashrut and a sublime teaching that the laws of God are figurative in nature and must be deciphered correctly to be understood and correctly applied and without this understanding one cannot received the life promised for compliance, even if they never ate bacon in their entire life.

This teaching can be seen by anyone who reads any translation of the gospels in their current form and however many times they may have been mistranslated, this teaching remains pure and obvious to anyone of any language with a second grade education who bothers to read them with an open mind.."""

Was there something that you didn't understand? The teachings of the NT are not rehashed Torah philosophies, pagan ideas or 'luciferous' beliefs.

Jesus taught people how to understand Mosaic law in the same way that Moses originally taught to follow.

I don't drink so your ad hominom attack refering to needing sobering was your way of displacing frustration through not being able to communicate and answer in a rational mature manner, therefore we can conclude by your reply and poor mistaken assumption of my faith that your human ego replied rather then your intellectual side.

I suspect that the person who is always crying about ad hominem attacks and accusing others of crimes of the ego is the one with ego problems, ahem,, HaShev,

Seriously, you need to sober up. One cannot eat their way into the kingdom of God..

Moses was a nutcase. Telling parents to stone kids who didn't behave, and telling the Priests to kill those not with him. He was a brutal leader. Slaves , lots of more rules on how to treat them. He had a temper as well.

notice that Penelope----stinking whore legs spread in the gutter----comments on a book she never read. By sheer coincidence she got one thing right---the laws of moses regarding slaves deals with their rights whilst the PENELOPIANS of the world rape and murder them for fun whilst penelopians wiggle their stinking asses and ULULATE for joy over the dead bodies of infants. It is happening today ----to her delight----in Iraq
Moses was a nutcase. Telling parents to stone kids who didn't behave, and telling the Priests to kill those not with him. He was a brutal leader. Slaves , lots of more rules on how to treat them. He had a temper as well.

lol, but what do you really think?

I suppose it would be easy to see things that way based on a literal interpretation of what was written in the same way God himself can be seen as a capricious and peurile petty tyrant based on a literal interpretation of what was written.

I suspect the Torah was deliberately written in coded language with words that can mean many things (He drove the man out, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.) so that if ever they were stolen by enemy nations they would be cursed by their lack of knowledge and understanding about the deeper implications hidden in figurative language and fantastical stories.

Rome usurped authority over Jewish scripture, conjured the antichrist according to their own ignorance and superstition and all of the nations of the world were plunged into darkness for thousands of years just as every nation that submits to Islam who has similarly attempted to usurp authority over Jewish scriptures has been plunged into the darkness of a self aggrandizing hell on earth perpetually devoid of peace and tranquility and filled to the brim with every sort of foul beast and bird, devil and demon perjuring themselves in the name of God as a matter of religious devotion and leading the gullible to their eternal destruction as an expression of religious faith..

If you don't believe me, read the news.
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See Hobe you were told about the sin (baring false witness) then repeated it, I'm guessing you are proving my pointd that Jesus causes the breaking of all the commands not the adhering to the most basic?

The eating of the flesh reply had nothing to do with the subject you replied to, it also was not acurate in your definition, and I would know becsuse my last name is in the Temple bread and wine.

Yes it did. You claimed the NT was nothing but rehashed Torah teachings mixed with iniquitous pagan beliefs but I attempted to show you, in direct response to that, that the discourse of Jesus on eating bread from heaven, which he figuratively turned into his flesh, a known Jewish metaphor for teaching, was not only something never heard before in living memory at the time of Jesus, it was never clearly explained, except to the initiated, and only alluded to in the written law, but is the only way to understand and comply with Kashrut that results in the promise of eternal life fulfilled in this life.. For some mysterious reason, the revelation remains above your grasp.

There is something that you should know....

All of your accusations of ego, sin, and lying are projections of your own degenerate state of mind that you have been compelled to reveal.
Not that I expect any christers to realize this

Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression Giles Fraser Comment is free The Guardian

For Christians, too, the cross is a symbol of death and a tool with a horrible connotation. The greater "symbol" is the fact that Christ conquered the cross. His death opened the door to everlasting life for all who believe and accept Jesus Christ -- including Jews. So ... Jews have a reason to rejoice.
For Christians, too, the cross is a symbol of death and a tool with a horrible connotation. The greater "symbol" is the fact that Christ conquered the cross. His death opened the door to everlasting life....

Jesus was following the example set by Eleazar, in 2 Maccabees 6:18-31, who preferred a difficult death and the assurance of a place in the world to come over a few extra fleeting moments of pretense in this world won by setting aside the commands of God knowing that by doing so he was not worthy of life and could never escape the hand of God in this world or the next.

Thats how Jesus opened the door to eternal life. Thats what Jesus meant by saying to his disciples that he was going away to prepare a place for them. Like Eleazar, by showing them the right way to live according to the righteous interpretation and application of Mosaic law and the right way to die when confronted by the enemy he showed them the way to receive the reward of the righteous, eternal life and a place in the world to come.

Maybe you could learn something from Eleazar and Jesus for that matter who each would have preferred a horrible death, according to scripture, than to knowingly defy the laws of God and willingly worship some edible trinity or false Roman mangod.

Maybe not........

Its so much easier to blubber about how much you love Jesus without doing a single thing to save your own soul isn't it?

You openly defy the commands of God and you are fortunate enough to live in a place where you are not obligated, legally bound, or under any sort of threat of physical violence to do so. Damn...
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Not that I expect any christers to realize this

Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression Giles Fraser Comment is free The Guardian

For Christians, too, the cross is a symbol of death and a tool with a horrible connotation. The greater "symbol" is the fact that Christ conquered the cross. His death opened the door to everlasting life for all who believe and accept Jesus Christ -- including Jews. So ... Jews have a reason to rejoice.

"Some Clowns Don't Need Makeup!" is your political message in your signature line? What for heavens sake do you have to do with the christian religion? Beg your pardon: Jesus became a victim of death penalty on the cross - he did not "conquer" the cross. He lost his life there. Jews are not Christians. They cannot be happy if someone kills Jews - or human beings in general - on a cross or in other ways. Jesus conquered not the cross - he conquered the hearts of the people with his everlasting message. His message and his resurrection is written in our living hearts. His message is an uncrucifyable message of joy, love and truth. So do not try to start to crucify others. Show Mrs. Clinton how to use your makeup if you are convinced your makeup is better.

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For Christians, too, the cross is a symbol of death and a tool with a horrible connotation. The greater "symbol" is the fact that Christ conquered the cross. His death opened the door to everlasting life....

Jesus was following the example set by Eleazar, in 2 Maccabees 6:18-31, who preferred a difficult death and the assurance of a place in the world to come over a few extra fleeting moments of pretense in this world won by setting aside the commands of God knowing that by doing so he was not worthy of life and could never escape the hand of God in this world or the next.

Thats how Jesus opened the door to eternal life. Thats what Jesus meant by saying to his disciples that he was going away to prepare a place for them. Like Eleazar, by showing them the right way to live according to the righteous interpretation and application of Mosaic law and the right way to die when confronted by the enemy he showed them the way to receive the reward of the righteous, eternal life and a place in the world to come.

Maybe you could learn something from Eleazar and Jesus for that matter who each would have preferred a horrible death, according to scripture, than to knowingly defy the laws of God and willingly worship some edible trinity or false Roman mangod.

Maybe not........

Its so much easier to blubber about how much you love Jesus without doing a single thing to save your own soul isn't it?

You openly defy the commands of God and you aren't even under any sort of threat of violence. Damn...

Hob----you have highlighted a very interesting point. Judaism is no stranger to
the concept of "martyrdom"------it just never became a fetish as it is for Christian
and muslim theologians---for whom it is almost a GOAL. Of course there is a difference. Christians just die stubborn in their faith ------muslims need to take a whole crowd of infants with them in order to please their "god"
Hobe, nope, nice try.
Christians read this like they and most Jews read the sabbath declaration, they forget the part about in rememberance of the name, both say in rememberance of me or Name so they must hide and secret the name to remember. The seventh day holds the holy name. The TEMPLE IS TO BE IN THE NAME AS is the secreting that name of the head of hosts with the bread and wine and name of the bible all revealing the name.

There's only few explainations since Jesus name is not in any of these things.
1) they (Rome) borrowed the pagan concept of eating of the flesh to gain their powers of their enemies to gain power over them.
2) one of the christ figures (most likely Theudas) who was talking about son of man to come that he was emulating
was saying this bread and wine will lead you to that spritual father figure/the messenger/ (head of hosts) that is in the time to come, the one they say is another to come in another name.
Unless you are a JW you must realize these are 2 distinct different people like Dan was not the time to come messenger he spoke of, he was just the mediator of that message.
Throughout the NT they speak of son of man third person tense as another man own name, you can see fervor make the teacher into the source who they spoke for and about by the way Chabad Lubivictors make these mistakes making Rabbi Schneerson moshiach because he taught about Moshiach to come with such fervor his students made him the one he spoke about to come.
We learn from studying resemblances and repeat group behaviors. I don't expect you to learn because you keep repeating the same mistakes even after they are openly revealed as issues.=human ego spiting yourself.

Lastly your ending comments were reflective of you trying to displace onto me, but remember I wasn't the one who could not Teshuva or apologize for falsly testifying, which is ironic since your faith is based on these traits, as it's only means to humor itself in the lies it' built around.
Thus includes every single Christian which rejects Jesus own declarations that 1) he's lucifer and 2) he's not God nor son of man
and 3) people would come in his name deceiving people telling them he was christ.
4)calling him prince of peace when he said he came to bring peace but the opposite.
The biggest scoffers skeptics and anti Jesus prople are ironically Christians, but they displace these traits on admittingly non believers who are true to themselves while Christians have to lie to themselves and others.
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Hobe, nope, nice try.
Christians read this like they and most Jews read the sabbath declaration, both say in rememberance of me or name. The TEMPLE IS TO BE IN THE NAME AS is the temoke secreting the head of hosts with the bread and wine and name of the bible all revealing the name.

There's only few explainations since Jesus name is not in any of these things.
1) they (Rome) borrowed the pagan concept of eating of the flesh to gain their powers or of their enemies to gain power over them.
2) one of the christ figures (most likely Theudas) who was talking about son of man to come that he was emulating
was saying this bread and wine will lead you to that spritual father figure/the messenger/ (head of hosts) that is in the time to come, the one they say is another to come in another name.
Unless you are a JW you must realize these are 2 distinct different people like Dan was not the time to come messenger he spoke of, he was just the mediator of that message.
Throughout the NT they speak of son of man third person tense as another man own name, you can see fervor make the teacher into the source who they spoke for and about by the wsy Chabad Lubivictors make these mistakes making Rabbi Schneerson moshiach because he taught about Moshiach to cone with such fervor his students made him the one he spoke about to come.
We learn from studying resemblances and repeat group behaviors.

Lastly your ending comments were reflective of you trying to displace onto me, but remember I wasn't the one who could not Teshuva or apologize for falsly testifying, which is ironic since your faith is based on these traits, as it's only means to humor itself in the lies it' buikt around.
Thus includes every single Christian which rejects Jesus own declarations that 1) he's lucifer and 2) he's not God nor son of man
and 3) people would come in his name deceiving people telling them he was christ.
4)calling him prince of peace when he said he came to bring peace but the opposite.
The biggest scoffers skeptics and anti Jesus prople are ironically Christians.

Rabbi Schneerson never claimed TO BE hamoshiach----but you are right----
so many of his followers seemed to IMAGINE he was-----that a very orthodox
colleague of mine-----commented "why don't thet get it over with and convert to Christianity"
IRosie exactly,
we are blessed to have the modern day version of "how they became confused and mashuganah".
IF this confusion happens in the age of communications imagine the confusion of passing stories down the line in the archaic age. We truly learn so much about the Hsnotzrin cult through the zealousy of some ofcthe Chabad.
... ---you have highlighted a very interesting point. Judaism is no stranger to
the concept of "martyrdom"------it just never became a fetish as it is for Christian
and muslim theologians---for whom it is almost a GOAL. Of course there is a difference. Christians just die stubborn in their faith ------muslims need to take a whole crowd of infants with them in order to please their "god"

You to try to attack Christians and Muslims in the name of Jews. But you are on your own not really a Jew, isn't it? So what is your motivation?

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... ---you have highlighted a very interesting point. Judaism is no stranger to
the concept of "martyrdom"------it just never became a fetish as it is for Christian
and muslim theologians---for whom it is almost a GOAL. Of course there is a difference. Christians just die stubborn in their faith ------muslims need to take a whole crowd of infants with them in order to please their "god"

You to try to attack Christians and Muslims in the name of Jews. But you are on your own not really a Jew, isn't it? So what is your motivation?

I am an intellectual I attack no one-----I observe and comment. In fact you raise an interesting point-----about-----well, uhm.....ME. As a child I was quiet
and very conciliatory. Thus I got invited to SUNDAY SCHOOL (I is a jew but
completely uneducated----never even attended "Hebrew school") As a young adult------I was quiet and a "confidant" to all. Thus I became a friend to newly
arrived muslims seeking a professional advantage in the USA (it was a weekend
job when I was undergraduate kid) I got the ISLAMIC POV about americans,
jews, Christians, Hindus etc etc and even got INVITED TO VISIT A MOSQUE.
I got to know so much about stuff-----that none of the stuff going on in the middle east is even close to a surprise to me. Young doctors told me all about it over the past ----45 years
Jews, and all men really, must understand that Christians see the cross as a symbol of liberation.

Christ came to see us free. Not oppress us.

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