Christ was a Socialist


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Looking at the scriptures it appears to me that Christ would be described as a socialist today and a flaming liberal. Look at Mathew 25:34:

"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me."

It is hard to imagine that Christ would not be pleased with providing healthcare and jobs to million in need or laws that would punish the greedy.

Christians and Capitalist have always made rather strange bedfellows. How the GOP has managed to unite these two groups with such contradictory philosophies is beyond me.
Looking at the scriptures it appears to me that Christ would be described as a socialist today and a flaming liberal. Look at Mathew 25:34:

"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me."

It is hard to imagine that Christ would not be pleased with providing healthcare and jobs to million in need or laws that would punish the greedy.

Christians and Capitalist have always made rather strange bedfellows. How the GOP has managed to unite these two groups with such contradictory philosophies is beyond me.

Its all in the interpretations.
Looking at the scriptures it appears to me that Christ would be described as a socialist today and a flaming liberal. Look at Mathew 25:34:

"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me."

It is hard to imagine that Christ would not be pleased with providing healthcare and jobs to million in need or laws that would punish the greedy.

Christians and Capitalist have always made rather strange bedfellows. How the GOP has managed to unite these two groups with such contradictory philosophies is beyond me.

And yet, the radical left works OVERTIME to shut down these teachings. The church offers all the things you referred to in that passage without government intervention. It's called charity and it's the backbone of our society. It's one of the things that make this country great. If God had intended for Ceasar to take care of everyone, then the scripture that refers to paying your taxes would have read like this... "RENDER UNTO CEASAR ALL HE DEMANDS SO THAT HE CAN GIVE IT TO THOSE WHO RENDER NOTHING AT ALL."
Well, that would explain the "eye for an eye" thang!!!

Sorry, Soggy, but that would be Hammurabi, on some of whose laws some of our current legal system is based. Not just God's Laws. I guess the Founding Fathers really might have been Deists...

Actually, it's also something that Yeshua referred to in one of His lessons, as it's also reflected in Judaic theology. doesn't really mean what you think it does........

What it DOES mean, is if you cause injury to someone and it's your fault, you are obligated to pay them for the lost limb, as well as CONTINUE to pay them until they die, at the rate of wages that they would have made.

Kinda like what accident attorneys do for people who are injured in car wrecks.

It doesn't mean to take a hand for a hand literally. It's a parable, not a description of action to take.
What a wonderful idea but are you aware that the religious beliefs that we hold are something we choose to believe in for ourselves? Its called freedom of religion which means any person can hold whatever religions beliefs they want so if Jesus was a socialist (was he national or international?), as you seem to think, then it is up the participants in the christian faith to uphold those tenants for themselves. I don't see why Jews, Muslims, and other faiths that don't subscribe to socialism have to participate in wealth redistribution so we should create an exception to the law for them but if we do that then the law is not being applied equally to everyone which means that that particular law should be abandoned since you can't enforce a law onto one section of the population and not another.

Have a nice day.
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I doubt that charity is going produce jobs for millions who can't find work or healthcare for millions that are sick and can't afford a doctor.
I doubt that charity is going produce jobs for millions who can't find work or healthcare for millions that are sick and can't afford a doctor.

I doubt the moral right of government officials supercedes what my own faith tells me what is right or wrong to do in regards the charitable needs of others. What if satan told me not to? It would seem that it is your religion and your conscience demands that you help others. I don't think your moral conscience rules over anyone but yourself.
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If Christ was a socialist, He would have paid for our sins with someone elses blood.

If that was the case Jesus would have rounded up the most saintly people and nailed them to a cross and those people would be like "WTF Jesus".
It is hard to imagine that Christ would not be pleased with providing healthcare and jobs to million in need or laws that would punish the greedy.

Christians and Capitalist have always made rather strange bedfellows. How the GOP has managed to unite these two groups with such contradictory philosophies is beyond me.
if Jesus was truly who he says he was,and the Kingdom he talks about were HE is King....none of the problems you see here today would dont need healthcare if you are going to live forever....who is going to be sick?.....there would be no murder,no stealing,no lying,no adultry,no religious strife....right?....
If Christ was a socialist, He would have paid for our sins with someone elses blood.

If that was the case Jesus would have rounded up the most saintly people and nailed them to a cross and those people would be like "WTF Jesus".
Naw. He'd have rounded up the poor and minorities and put THEM on the cross and said look, no more poverty or race relations problems!

These attempts to sanctify socialism as anything but monstrous and evil disgust me.
It is hard to imagine that Christ would not be pleased with providing healthcare and jobs to million in need or laws that would punish the greedy.

Christians and Capitalist have always made rather strange bedfellows. How the GOP has managed to unite these two groups with such contradictory philosophies is beyond me.
if Jesus was truly who he says he was,and the Kingdom he talks about were HE is King....none of the problems you see here today would dont need healthcare if you are going to live forever....who is going to be sick?.....there would be no murder,no stealing,no lying,no adultry,no religious strife....right?....
Sigh, and that misses the entire point of Christ's purpose. He was not here for the flesh but for your soul. This world is finite and sin damaged and given over to Satan for a time if you believe scripture. God's purpose for us here is deeper than to make sure everyone has a comfy life.

For us to come and know Him, and love him freely in return. And for that to happen truly, there has to be the choice and ability to reject Him too. At least that's my best understanding of His real purpose and ultimate desire for us.
It would be great if there was enough charity to feed the poor and care for sick but the fact is there just isn't enough and there never will be.

Social problems such poverty, poor education, and lack of healthcare are the most difficult problems to solve. Apparently the Republicans decided long ago, that these problems were not worth addressing. Cut taxes because tax payers vote. Cut social programs because poor people don't vote. And of course reduce the size of government because we know that government is evil.

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