Chris Chripie is getting ripped for his 'insane' comment on vaccinations



Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Now, on the other side of your argument you have a nurse, not just a clerk at a store or anything but a fucking nurse that was exposed to Ebola and refused to voluntary 30 day isolation. She was exposed to disease we knew was spreading yet still wouldn't take the steps all of the medical community deemed frugal in order to prevent the spread. She's an asshole and indeed at that point made a poor decision that needed some force for her to comply with. How you think this parallels with vaccination I don't know.

But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated? Is everyone that has gotten this so far all cases of people that weren't vaccinated at all? And if that's the case then why do you give a shit? Vaccinate your kids and head for Disney since the only people that should be concerned about it are the ones that didn't get the shots.
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
"Moby"....if Christie was a Democrat and Crusader Frank had called him that you would be all over Frank saying how Republicans always resort to name calling.....
Wait a's "insane" to want public policy to strike a balance that respects a parent's right to choose medical procedures for their children? Holy Hell, we really are fucked.
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Now, on the other side of your argument you have a nurse, not just a clerk at a store or anything but a fucking nurse that was exposed to Ebola and refused to voluntary 30 day isolation. She was exposed to disease we knew was spreading yet still wouldn't take the steps all of the medical community deemed frugal in order to prevent the spread. She's an asshole and indeed at that point made a poor decision that needed some force for her to comply with. How you think this parallels with vaccination I don't know.

But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated? Is everyone that has gotten this so far all cases of people that weren't vaccinated at all? And if that's the case then why do you give a shit? Vaccinate your kids and head for Disney since the only people that should be concerned about it are the ones that didn't get the shots.
If she was exposed to Ebola, why didn't she have it? How many Americans who went to Africa caught Ebola? If you are making the claim, know the facts.
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Thanks for waking up a bit Chris. I'll bet the schools were really happy with you on Monday eh?
If you don't want your kids to get measles, get them vaccinated. If they're vaccinated, why should you care if someone else's kid has measles?
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.

Now read this again, and look at the HYPOCRISY that he posts regarding health issues! In one he worries about the possible outcome to the public of not being vaccinated and the other he declares worrying about the public over the individuals rights is so WRONG.... which way you want to go here moron, do you fall on the public health side or the individuals rights over the public?
Q: But why liberals?

S.M.: I think it taps into the organic natural movement in a lot of ways.

I talked to a public health official and asked him what's the best way to anticipate where there might be higher than normal rates of vaccine noncompliance, and he said take a map and put a pin wherever there's a Whole Foods. I sort of laughed, and he said, "No, really, I'm not joking." It's those communities with the Prius driving, composting, organic food-eating people. Why the Prius Driving Composting Set Fears Vaccines Science AAAS News
Christie clarifies comments on measles vaccine after call for 8216 balance 8217 causes stir - The Washington Post

Chris Christie walked back comments he made here Monday morning calling for "balance" on the measles vaccine debate to allow for parental choice, asserting that "there is no question kids should be vaccinated."

Chris Christie is getting ripped for his insane comment on vaccinations - Business Insider

Some parents say measles vaccines are linked to autism and choose not to vaccinate their kids; this idea has been widely debunked by the federal government and medical community, which say the anti-vaccine movement has contributed to a resurgence in measles cases.

The most hilarious part of this is the part where Chrispie "imprisoned" the women he was afraid had Ebola.
Remember, scientists said leave her alone and vaccinate children. Guess Moby knows more than scientists. Just like most Republicans.
Apparently you struggle with the concepts of freedom and public safety.

Are vaccinations a good thing? I, ME, MYSELF believe they are and had my child get them. In a free country someone else may decide that isn't the right decision and not get theirs vaccinated. That's freedom. Forcing people to get a vaccination isn't freedom it's a police state where government gets to decide how you will act.

Now, on the other side of your argument you have a nurse, not just a clerk at a store or anything but a fucking nurse that was exposed to Ebola and refused to voluntary 30 day isolation. She was exposed to disease we knew was spreading yet still wouldn't take the steps all of the medical community deemed frugal in order to prevent the spread. She's an asshole and indeed at that point made a poor decision that needed some force for her to comply with. How you think this parallels with vaccination I don't know.

But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated? Is everyone that has gotten this so far all cases of people that weren't vaccinated at all? And if that's the case then why do you give a shit? Vaccinate your kids and head for Disney since the only people that should be concerned about it are the ones that didn't get the shots.
If she was exposed to Ebola, why didn't she have it? How many Americans who went to Africa caught Ebola? If you are making the claim, know the facts.
Do you know the difference between exposed and actually having caught it? Any clue as to why your argument is stupid?
Wait a's "insane" to want public policy to strike a balance that respects a parent's right to choose medical procedures for their children? Holy Hell, we really are fucked.
What balance is there for the children who are too young to get vaccinated? If they contract measles and die because you're a dumbass who didn't vaccinate their child, then I don't see any balance at all.
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.
Hundreds of millions of children and adults are alive today because of vaccinations. Thank god for science that helped create them.

Anti-SCIENCE REPUBLICANS! You bastards are very lucky I and probably a 1/3rd of your party hate the social agenda of the left as we do...Because, we'd be gone and you'd not win shit.
But here's my question and I honestly don't know the answer. How does an un-vaccinated child get measles and transfer it to children who have been vaccinated?
The vaccine is not 100% effective.

Learn some history and you'll understand that even 50% is better than nothing. I don't see small pox killing most of your children anymore..Don't you?

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