China Training For War With Japan

Of course it can...With TAX MONEY and experiments on HUMANS in Africa.
He's worth over 50 billion and the average research for a medicine costs 360 million.
Think Mr. Gates can afford it?

Do you know why there are so many blacks with cycle cell anemia? I challenge you to look that one up. It is an interesting read. And yes, it is connected to malaria in a strange sort of way.

And I guarantee you that, God willing, more than one pharmaceutical company is going to come out with a medication to manage these diseases.

Bill Gates is NOT righteous.
You still haven't answered my question.

Because your question is a people = good people.
This has NOTHING to do with Bill Gates sucking TAX MONEY and experimenting on HUMANS.
You MUST watch FoxNews.
In spite of planning for over 60 years, China is incapable of invading Taiwan a mere 90 miles away. They lack the Naval strength to traverse the straight without being wiped out by missiles, aircraft and submarines.
An attack on Japan would be impossible

Anytime China decided to attack Taiwan she could. She would also suffer tremendous losses but when you have a billion people that's not a issue. The reason why China hasn't bothered is because they have been quietly converting the people over to their side for a long time. In the next 20 years or so Taiwan will beg to be let back into the fold.

Japan, on the other hand is a different challenge. That's why China has been developing a blue water navy. She has been waiting for a weak POTUS, like the one in office, so that if they decide to act...we won't.

They are weighing the pro's and cons of an attack to take the islands right now. How much western money will they lose if they decide to go. Is it worth the financial hit to do it. When those numbers pencil out, they'll move, and ain't no one going to stop them.

Ever see the landing at Normandy? It took 1000 ships and complete air superiority. China has neither. They might have a million man army, but unless they march them into the sea they will not make it

And you are ignoring the realities of life with a weak POTUS. We could have the strongest naval presence in the area but if they are told to stand down, they will. That's reality.
In spite of planning for over 60 years, China is incapable of invading Taiwan a mere 90 miles away. They lack the Naval strength to traverse the straight without being wiped out by missiles, aircraft and submarines.
An attack on Japan would be impossible

Anytime China decided to attack Taiwan she could. She would also suffer tremendous losses but when you have a billion people that's not a issue. The reason why China hasn't bothered is because they have been quietly converting the people over to their side for a long time. In the next 20 years or so Taiwan will beg to be let back into the fold.

Japan, on the other hand is a different challenge. That's why China has been developing a blue water navy. She has been waiting for a weak POTUS, like the one in office, so that if they decide to act...we won't.

They are weighing the pro's and cons of an attack to take the islands right now. How much western money will they lose if they decide to go. Is it worth the financial hit to do it. When those numbers pencil out, they'll move, and ain't no one going to stop them.

Losses are still an issue even if you have a population of 1.3 billion. Losses are very much an issue when you are still in the process of building up your military strength.

As for Japan, by the time China is strong enough to really consider doing so, obama will be out of office. Hopefully, the American people will vote more carefully next time.

China launched a punitive attack against Vietnam and lost over 200,000 in the process just to show the Vietnamese government they could. Vietnam quit being belligerent.
How exactly do we know China's military capabilities?
Radar? UN Inspections?
We have names for Chinas ships........Targets

Yes, if WE decide to shoot, that is correct. However, if Japan is left to fend for herself, she will lose. That was the point of the OP.


China tried invading Vietnam.

Guess what happened.


No, she didn't. She launched a punitive expedition and lost 200,000 men to make a point. The Vietnamese understood what happened and stopped being dicks. Maybe you should read more history and military theory. The Vietnamese sure understood the message....I am not shocked you didn't.
How exactly do we know China's military capabilities?
Radar? UN Inspections?

There are a whole host of military reporters researching China's military capability and they report in a whole host of magazines such as these.....I have subscriptions to all four and have done so for years.

Aerospace Defense Business & Commercial Aviation News, Blogs, Videos and Photos by Aviation Week


Global Defence News and Defence Headlines - IHS Jane's 360

Combat Aircraft Monthly: The World's Favourite Military Aviation Magazine
Yes, if WE decide to shoot, that is correct. However, if Japan is left to fend for herself, she will lose. That was the point of the OP.


China tried invading Vietnam.

Guess what happened.


There was vastly more to Vietnam than today's small minded liberals can grasp. Yes, China supplied a lot of troops. But that war was lost because we did not understand how they were fighting it. And it was more about LBJ making money off of it than anything else.

One of the best observations I have ever read concerning the Vietnam War came from none other than Moshe Dayan.

Dayan concluded that Viet Cong tactics and strategy were working, but that American strategy was, at best, barely succeeding. The Viet Cong's M.O., he said, "was to attack American units with the aim of destroying them when the prospect of success seemed bright….Ninety out of every one hundred battles in the Vietnam War began on Viet Cong initiative, when they deemed the circumstances favorable."

As for the Americans, Dayan wrote that they did not make the destruction of the enemy "conditional on a favorable tactical situation." American commanders, he said, "were eager to make contact with the Viet Cong at all times, in any situation, and at any price."

Someone in the upper echelons should have listened to him.
China launched a punitive attack against Vietnam and lost over 200,000 in the process just to show the Vietnamese government they could. Vietnam quit being belligerent.

That's not entirely why, and they have a lot more to lose now.
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Anytime China decided to attack Taiwan she could. She would also suffer tremendous losses but when you have a billion people that's not a issue. The reason why China hasn't bothered is because they have been quietly converting the people over to their side for a long time. In the next 20 years or so Taiwan will beg to be let back into the fold.

Japan, on the other hand is a different challenge. That's why China has been developing a blue water navy. She has been waiting for a weak POTUS, like the one in office, so that if they decide to act...we won't.

They are weighing the pro's and cons of an attack to take the islands right now. How much western money will they lose if they decide to go. Is it worth the financial hit to do it. When those numbers pencil out, they'll move, and ain't no one going to stop them.

Ever see the landing at Normandy? It took 1000 ships and complete air superiority. China has neither. They might have a million man army, but unless they march them into the sea they will not make it

And you are ignoring the realities of life with a weak POTUS. We could have the strongest naval presence in the area but if they are told to stand down, they will. That's reality.

What is it with Republicans?

They try that "weak on defense" nonsense on every Democratic President. Don't you realize nobody is buying it anymore? President Obama is strong on diplomacy, that does not make him weak on defense
Anytime China decided to attack Taiwan she could. She would also suffer tremendous losses but when you have a billion people that's not a issue. The reason why China hasn't bothered is because they have been quietly converting the people over to their side for a long time. In the next 20 years or so Taiwan will beg to be let back into the fold.

Japan, on the other hand is a different challenge. That's why China has been developing a blue water navy. She has been waiting for a weak POTUS, like the one in office, so that if they decide to act...we won't.

They are weighing the pro's and cons of an attack to take the islands right now. How much western money will they lose if they decide to go. Is it worth the financial hit to do it. When those numbers pencil out, they'll move, and ain't no one going to stop them.

Losses are still an issue even if you have a population of 1.3 billion. Losses are very much an issue when you are still in the process of building up your military strength.

As for Japan, by the time China is strong enough to really consider doing so, obama will be out of office. Hopefully, the American people will vote more carefully next time.

China launched a punitive attack against Vietnam and lost over 200,000 in the process just to show the Vietnamese government they could. Vietnam quit being belligerent.

China invaded Vietnam because Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the Khmer Rouge from slaughtering millions of people. You have your facts wrong. China invaded in a German style Blitz, but the Vietnamese fought back hard and had the Chinese runnng back over the border with their tails between their legs. In one month of fighting, the Chinese lost more soldiers than the US lost in a decade (estimates are the Chinese lost between 63K-200K based on who you talk to). The Chinese accomplished nothing.

Despite its advantage in numbers and strength, China fought to a bloody stalemate and had no effect on Vietnam's foreign policy, he said.

The Chinese government "saw little to boast about and this undoubtedly helps explain the lack of official acknowledgement of this war and those who fought in it," Worthing said.
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Losses are still an issue even if you have a population of 1.3 billion. Losses are very much an issue when you are still in the process of building up your military strength.

As for Japan, by the time China is strong enough to really consider doing so, obama will be out of office. Hopefully, the American people will vote more carefully next time.

China launched a punitive attack against Vietnam and lost over 200,000 in the process just to show the Vietnamese government they could. Vietnam quit being belligerent.

China invaded Vietnam because Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the Khmer Rouge from slaughtering millions of people. You have your facts wrong. China invaded in a German style Blitz, but the Vietnamese fought back hard and had the Chinese runnng back over the border with their tails between their legs. In one month of fighting, the Chinese lost more soldiers than the US lost in a decade (estimates are the Chinese lost between 63K-200K based on who you talk to). The Chinese accomplished nothing.

AFP: In China, war with Vietnam is forgotten history

Despite its advantage in numbers and strength, China fought to a bloody stalemate and had no effect on Vietnam's foreign policy, he said.

The Chinese government "saw little to boast about and this undoubtedly helps explain the lack of official acknowledgement of this war and those who fought in it," Worthing said.

You are mostly correct about why China invaded N. was an attempt to get the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia, to demonstrate to Russia that they could not protect Vietnam and also as a punitive strike against N. Vietnam....all this occurred right after the Sino-Soviet split when there was border fighting between Russia and China.

The Chinese strategy was to draw Vietnam into a major battle necessitating their withdrawal of forces from Cambodia to fight China...this failed because Russian intelligence tipped of Vietnam of China's strategy.

When it became apparant to China that Vietnam would not fall into their trap....they decided to withdraw mainly because they did not want to provoke Russia too much...a Russian invasion of China at that was a real possibility and the Russians had tried to convince America to go in with them on a pre-emptive strike to destroy Chinas nuclear program.

However, it was not a stalemate....anyone who thinks China even at that time when their military was much inferior to what it is now could not have completely occupied Vietnam is living in fantasy land.

The N. Vietnamese to their credit did put up a good fight....but this was not what prompted the Chinese withdrawal....China had very limited goals to begin with...mainly to get the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia...when that failed they decided to withdraw fearing that if they went too far into Vietnam the Soviets would react.
I've heard all the yellow peril talk before. It was most notable before 9/11. The liberals were saying "hey, pay attention to the Taliban", but the conservatives were fixated with laser-like precision on China, telling us all how China was about to overrun the African oil fields and the Panama Canal.

Conservatives need an enemy, and China is often a convenient one. The trouble with that is how it takes eyes off the real troubles.
Conservatives need an enemy, and China is often a convenient one. The trouble with that is how it takes eyes off the real troubles.

Liberals need an enemy, and America is almost always the only one they are comfortable targeting. The trouble with that is how it FUCKS UP THE COUNTRY.

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