China Has Killed More Than the Nazis

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.


Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?

Is that not simple common sense?

Not enough care, especially the Olympic committee. Nike, NBA, etc. making too much money to care about lives in China…
Through COVID, Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens may eventually kill more Nazis than General Patton.

I wonder, are they secretly liberals?

Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2018: 61.8 million.

You've far surpassed Hitler numbers. Even all commie numbers combined.

You should feel proud of yourself.

No, actually you should go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. Like any normal compassionate human being would, if they had that much blood on their hands.

But you're not a normal, compassionate human being. You're a monster.
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Save the dumb lies for your fellow cult imbeciles. All the normal people know you're lying. We've been lied to by experts, so the poor quality of your lies offends us.

Also, you're a shit human being for your misogyny against Harris. Someone should have told you that before. Why is it that it's always up to me to stage these interventions?
99.4% survival rate. Relax, crazy cat lady. Or hide under your bed. Just stop your panic.
That's actually true. Estimates are 50mm to 100mm in the Great Cultural Revolution alone.
The Russians come in second with genocide and the Nazi's third.
Seriously? Its not even close, Mao alone tallied up 50-million, if not 60-million dead men, women, and children.....

You'd have to lop both Stalin & Hitlers total tallies together, to make it competitive, all in all, communist Chinese have murdered nearly 100-million human beings.....
I saw an interview recently of a Chinese American who was explaining how the Cultural Revolution unfolded and the parallels were CHILLING. Everything we're seeing today was done back then, as well. They found a way to use the jealousies and hate for others to create a movement that led to the people turning on each other and feeding them to the machine in their MILLIONS. There will be a Civil War here before it goes that far but they won't stop until we reach that point, IMO.
The Russians come in second with genocide and the Nazi's third.

There is a historical irony for you.


Chinese 1st place
Russians 2nd place
Nazis 3rd place


Chinese - Big trading partner
Russians - our allies in WWII
Nazis - The ones we fought

I saw an interview recently of a Chinese American who was explaining how the Cultural Revolution unfolded and the parallels were CHILLING. Everything we're seeing today was done back then, as well. They found a way to use the jealousies and hate for others to create a movement that led to the people turning on each other and feeding them to the machine in their MILLIONS. There will be a Civil War here before it goes that far but they won't stop until we reach that point, IMO.

We could learn from Mao in one way.
He initially targeted the intellectuals....
You left out Big Tech who loves to censor.

And American liberal abortionists, more than all put together.

Of course, their tally would could be divided up between the other two commies, Russia and China.
On top of Mao's genocide, it is documented that he also had halitosis!!

Eating every animal that's in their Chinese Zodiac tends to give people a case of the sewer mouth. You know, the place mat you get at the Chinese restaurant that shows a different animal for every year you were born in: Rat, dog, monkey, snake, horse, tiger, and such.
The world had a fairly "close call" in getting rid of the Nazis in the 1940s...

Imagine how much more difficult it would have been if Nazi Germany manufactured half-or-more of the goods that America and the Allies depended upon.

Once the shooting started we'd lose half our manufacturing capability with the stroke of a pen. :oops:

Not to mention our self-guilt at buying goods made in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen and Treblinka et al.

Of course, that was back-in-the-day when both parties and America at-large still had a moral compass, and the backbone to act accordingly.

As compared to America's dependence on China's manufacturing using slave labor.

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.


Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?

Is that not simple common sense?

The Chinese have NOT killed more than the Nazis at all.

There are around 13 million Uighurs in China

This claims Hitler killed 11-12 million. Meaning that this person claims China has killed most Uighurs. In reality there's not much evidence that they've been killing uighurs at all.

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.


Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?

Is that not simple common sense?

The problem is they have nukes or ya if we know about such things we would be invading. The Chinese signed their own death warrant when they started drowning their daughters at birth. Likely killed as many as the NAZIS just there. The good news is they are having a population crash. Not enough women and a good percentage of the men are gay because they had no women to love . My son takes Chinese in college in hope of landing a job in the government to monitor them. We are quietly dealing with them. Maybe not in my lifetime they crash and burn but their days are limited
The Chinese have NOT killed more than the Nazis at all.

There are around 13 million Uighurs in China

This claims Hitler killed 11-12 million. Meaning that this person claims China has killed most Uighurs. In reality there's not much evidence that they've been killing uighurs at all.

You're asking China for "evidence"? :laughing0301:
The Chinese have NOT killed more than the Nazis at all.

There are around 13 million Uighurs in China

This claims Hitler killed 11-12 million. Meaning that this person claims China has killed most Uighurs. In reality there's not much evidence that they've been killing uighurs at all.

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