China Has Killed More Than the Nazis

So youre saying . . . .

Shut the fuck up and don't put words in my mouth you Marxist piece of shit.

I am saying what I said:

Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?
It's the bitterness that gives them away, and their issues with women.

I love women. You leftwing nasty skanks are not women.

Nice derail though. Back to the topic:

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.


Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?

Is that not simple common sense?

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.


Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?

Is that not simple common sense?

You are trying to appeal to democrats who supported exterminating over 50 million unborn.

Like the Left wing CEO in Silicon Valley said, "Who cares about the genocide in China?"

Democrats don't.
Who Killed More: Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?

In these pages nearly seven years ago, Timothy Snyder asked the provocative question: Who killed more, Hitler or Stalin? As useful as that exercise in moral rigor was, some think the question itself might have been slightly off. Instead, it should have included a third tyrant of the twentieth century, Chairman Mao. And not just that, but that Mao should have been the hands-down winner, with his ledger easily trumping the European dictators’.
Save the dumb lies for your fellow cult imbeciles. All the normal people know you're lying. We've been lied to by experts, so the poor quality of your lies offends us.

Also, you're a shit human being for your misogyny against Harris. Someone should have told you that before. Why is it that it's always up to me to stage these interventions?
All, or most of the MAGAtards are women haters. They would rather hang with the same sex.
The world had a fairly "close call" in getting rid of the Nazis in the 1940s...

Imagine how much more difficult it would have been if Nazi Germany manufactured half-or-more of the goods that America and the Allies depended upon.

Once the shooting started we'd lose half our manufacturing capability with the stroke of a pen. :oops:

Not to mention our self-guilt at buying goods made in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen and Treblinka et al.

The world had a fairly "close call" in getting rid of the Nazis in the 1940s because we allowed them to embark on their wars of conquest.

Imagine if we had done a pre-emptive war in, say, 1936. We would have flicked him off the map like flicking a fly.

Do you know that was W.'s thinking going into Iraq? Don't wait for the horror to reign down and for the madman to swallow the region. Instead, learn from history, and take him out will the picking is easy.

Quite a dilemma eh? W. learned from history and was roundly accused for being the initiator of a war, even though that exactly strategy was the lesson we were supposed to learn from WWII.

You are trying to appeal to democrats who supported exterminating over 50 million unborn.

Like the Left wing CEO in Silicon Valley said, "Who cares about the genocide in China?"

Democrats don't.

I gave up trying to appeal to Democrats. They are lost. They have given themselves over to all manner of evil and perversion.

I am asking the reasonable people here, i.e. conservatives.
Seriously? Its not even close, Mao alone tallied up 50-million, if not 60-million dead men, women, and children.....

You'd have to lop both Stalin & Hitlers total tallies together, to make it competitive, all in all, communist Chinese have murdered nearly 100-million human beings.....

I should add, this was after the civil war, Chang Kai Shek was already decamped to Formosa by the time Mao, and his sociologists really ramped up the killing....
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Seriously? Its not even close, Mao alone tallied up 50-million, if not 60-million dead men, women, and children.....

You'd have to lop both Stalin & Hitlers total tallies together, to make it competitive, all in all, communist Chinese have murdered nearly 100-million human beings.....
Add to that their one child policy that murdered millions upon millions more, both the unborn and those discarded after being born.

China is a killing machine.
Add to that their one child policy that murdered millions upon millions more, both the unborn and those discarded after being born.

China is a killing machine.

So should we adopt a war footing against them as we had with Nazis? Or at least view them with the same disdain?

China Has Killed More Than the Nazis | Morgan Zegers | Open Mic​

"Communist China is responsible for more deaths than Nazi Germany," declares Morgan Zegers.
Americans should care about genocide and human rights abuses regardless of where in the world they occur, she argues.


Since the Chinese have killed more than the Nazis, and have concentration camps like Nazis, and are a one-party dictatorial state like the Nazis, shouldn't we treat them and deal with them the same way we did with the Nazis?

Is that not simple common sense?

A terrible tragedy, no doubt. Then again, so was Rwanda. So was Bosnia, et al. Here in America the government, by way of every hospital in sight sea to shining sea, is also genocidally slaughtering her own citizens. Tis the season for genocide, don't you know?

The world had a fairly "close call" in getting rid of the Nazis in the 1940s because we allowed them to embark on their wars of conquest.

Imagine if we had done a pre-emptive war in, say, 1936. We would have flicked him off the map like flicking a fly.

Do you know that was W.'s thinking going into Iraq? Don't wait for the horror to reign down and for the madman to swallow the region. Instead, learn from history, and take him out will the picking is easy.

Quite a dilemma eh? W. learned from history and was roundly accused for being the initiator of a war, even though that exactly strategy was the lesson we were supposed to learn from WWII.

The way forward is to quickly reestablish a formidable manufacturing base on-shore and to then quickly wean ourselves off of Chinese slave-labor.

After we can once again not only compete with Chinese manufacturing but excel and market properly, their discretionary spending is going to plummet quickly.

It might even pay to default on the US dept paper that the Chinese are holding... honor everything else... just default on Chinese holdings.

Our credit rating will take a hit but it will hurt the Chinese far more than it will hurt us in the long run.

Worth exploring when facing an existential crisis.
Yeah, but they're killing their own...

If the 5,644,397 number is correct, China has also killed that many people worldwide with their virus.

That's approaching Hitler numbers.
Save the dumb lies for your fellow cult imbeciles. All the normal people know you're lying. We've been lied to by experts, so the poor quality of your lies offends us.

Also, you're a shit human being for your misogyny against Harris. Someone should have told you that before. Why is it that it's always up to me to stage these interventions?
its a fact dipshit

I cant help it if you're too brainwashed to know it.

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